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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Problem with JasonCs posts is that its all very theoretical, the guy is not a very good player. </font>
  2. I and Walpurgis Nacht have decided to go ahead with the article. It will be done around early January. Thanks for the responses.
  3. Problem with JasonCs posts is that its all very theoretical, the guy is not a very good player. [ December 20, 2004, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  4. CMx2 will not be modable as R:ToW etc, nor will it be skinable. This is a repeated policy of BFC. However, if it can be modable in the sense of what you can currently do with AK/BB, I do not know.
  5. Depends on the arty response time. If you have to wait 15 min for the arty to fall if you dont use prep fire, it should be obvious...
  6. Hello fellow CMers. I and Walpurgis Nacht are thinking about writing a CM tactics article. Walpurgis Nacht is the recent winner of the ROW tournament. When it comes to details on terrain and meticulous planning, you will be hard pressed to find anyone better. I’m a veteran TCP player who prefers competitive play under time pressure. Together we have around 8 years of CM experience. The reason behind the article would be to compile our combined experience in an effort to give some advice on the most commonly asked questions on this BBS, and perhaps on some not so frequently ones. Some topics that could relevant would be: *Unit selection *Use of terrain *Use of infantry *Use of tanks *Tactics for different tanks models depending on terrain and date *Recon by fire *On the attack *Defence *Meeting Engagements *Less orders is better At the end of the day, it depends if there is enough interest to warrant this investment of time, and what you guys (and gals!) would like to get some advice on. So, what do you think?
  7. There are hundreds of scenarios for CMAK that take you back to NW Europe so what are you waiting for? Good Hunting. </font>
  8. Bought it to support BFC really. Dont like the desert, small battles can be ok. Italy is fine, but feels to confined, which is why I still have CMBB installed, but unistalled CMAK a long time ago.
  9. You dont need any books, you need to play vs good players that dont mind you giving help and hints. Also, there is more info in AARs and the Tactics section than in any book.
  10. You should have seen the MGs in CMBO, THEY were patethic. They have been beefed up since then (and mind you, BFC defended their MGs in CMBO also) but many, including myself find them still underpowered.
  11. While certainly sir, just send me the CD along with 100$, to cover my expenses.
  12. In CMBB HEAT shells are modeled for 150mm calibre also.
  13. There is only the one at combatmission.com, and its usually very quiet. As the game gets older, the gaming populance declines. But you should still be able to get a game if you wait or during peak times on weekends. You might even bump into some celebreties, like me
  14. You can partly blame how the game models the tank turret. There are no different sizes in the game engine. So, the small T34 turret is much easier to hit in CM than in RL. This, of course, affects numerous tanks.
  15. As Im not a Christian, so I cant pray for him, but my thought go out to him and his familiy. I hope it all will end well.
  16. CM was designed for modelling ca 1500 pts battles. Inded, it was a limit of 1500 or so points in CMBO 1.0. However, as you have demonstrated, people enjoy different things, and the point cap was risen several times. But, it was designed for around 1500 pts battles.
  17. I see one fundamental flaw with alot of the suggestions, they really just talking about CMAK with a big patch. This is NOT what we will get. Try not to restricted by the current framwork (CM) while thinking out ideas.
  18. The captured 76mm ATG can take it out, that is, if it is available in Dec 41, cant remember. Other than that, smoke and satchels are your friend
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