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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. No no no, this is the camo ur looking for!! http://www.battlefield.ru/tanks/is2/is2_2.jpg
  2. I disagree, the mantlet covers atleast 40 % of the turret. I agree that any skirts would not add any significant protection, and added tracks cant really be included as it varied from vehicle to vehicle.
  3. The Tiger has "reinforced turret" to simulate the mantlet, why couldnt the PzIV also get this?
  4. Yup, but then it's no longer a "Sound contact". </font>
  5. Well, I seldom play scenarios. And how would the inclusion of lower ammo FOs affect your ability as Scenario desginer to make historically correct scenarios? Or in this case, the inclusion of 4 Guns FO. And, when you are talking about "historically correct". How about, as Redwolf has pointed out, this "correctness" leads to ahistorical arty use? (the allied very limited 1500 pts battle or less, while the axis are not) This is a GAME after all, and while I certainly like, and applaude how BFC strives to make it as historical correct as possible, it cannot shut it eyes to the ahistorical results it generates as a consequence. Or, thats IMO anyway
  6. Sharpshooters very seldom manges to inflict more than one cas, if any, pr "shot". The TacAI refuses to fire on reg inf. Do a test. Set up a Sharpshooter in a heavy 2 story building, have a toon approach it from 600 m away over open terrain. What happens? Does the Sharpshooter deftly supress and and inflict cas on the approching enemy toon? No, nothing happens, nothing at all. The enemy is allowed to walk right up to him before his starts using his pistol. *Sigh* If you force him to pick targets, you will see that he inflicts very few cas on the approaching toon. Perhaps 2-4 cas (for a reg sharpshooter). Sharpshooters are ok for scouting and picking off TC, perhaps supressing MGs. Pretty useless, IMO and I very seldom buy em in QBs.
  7. No. Units cant target sound contacts. There ofcos has to be los to target. The moment there is los to the target, it's no longer a sound contact as that implies no los. The moment there is los, the unit should be partial IDed.
  8. It's not, and it wont happen with this CM series. So, the % of the different parts on different AFVs means nothing. Wait for CMX2
  9. I did a test some time ago on a related issue, approx 25 % of the hits was upper hull hits. This was by no means a scientific test, so the results are guide lines.
  10. I replied before, but it dissapered toghter with a post from Redwolf. The sizes of the turrent doesnt matter in CM. 75 % of the hits when hulldown will hit the turret no matter if the turret is 1/4 or 3/4 of the target. This togheter with the big toon size for PzIV (5)makes the PzIV a seldom sight in QBs.
  11. Want to change something? Dig up some proof. We know JasonC is full of opinions, but has failed everytime to put some proof on the table, except his own conclusions and AARs that doesnt say anything definitive. I suspect not much has changed.
  12. I dont think so, BFC has said they are finished with BB and will not release more patches for it. This was said after CMAK was released.
  13. This holds true for a number of guns, like the 50 mm ATG (german). AFAIK BFC said this was due to ammo quality.
  14. As a decent player will strive for his Hetzers to be in a hull down pos, it will be kinda hard to fire underneath the tank
  15. Hetzers are great bang for the buck. In a typical 1500 pts QB, you can get a platoon of 4 Hetzers. Problem with Hetzers are ofcos their poor anti inf capabilities and slow ROF. As with any tank vs tank engagement, you should avoid going head to head and this is very true for the Hetzer. Use fast AFVs/AC (M18, Grayhound) to outflank turretless TDs. From the rear a .50 can take out a Hetzer
  16. My massive military experience: 3 months basic training and 8 months as medic. Using, AG3, Glock 18, HMG 12.7mm etc in the cold, cold reaches of northeren Norway. And I have to say, it was one mind blowing boring year! PS! Never get shot! After learning about the effects various bullets etc can have, it's nasty, nasty stuff!
  17. How about using the game to see the cost of the units?
  18. No, it's the same for all AFVs. It's one of the CM series small "secrets" and the it's due to the all powerful "abstration" which there are so many of. Approx 25 % of all shots will be upper hull hits.
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