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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. This might be of interest to you, seems BFC changed the penetration algorithm, or somfink: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=000267
  2. Is this gun specific changes or the general penetration algorithm change? It's the underlying model thats changes it's a very significant change and if so, is there any plans to update the CMBB to the new model? I dont think so, but I gotta ask
  3. Ok, I thought it was a bit odd the penetration values for the axis 50 mm ATG and the Sherman gun so I checked with the pen values in CMBB, and it seems the pen in CMAK is higher. Am I seeing double here? If it is indeed higher, why is that? [spoiler warning added - MOON] [ November 19, 2003, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Moon ]
  4. JasonC is at it again I see. Well, for you new people, look do a search and you'll see that this has been discussed to death, and if Im not mistaken, all JasonC had to back up his claims were AARs, which he could not provide reference to, or was refuted. And that the StuG is too cheap, is also not excaclty a new topic. But not much will be done with that now, for various reasons. The horse is dead, stop molesting it.
  5. Hi all modders. Ok, I saw this camo a while back, and I really like it. Its very unusual and I think it would look stunning on the CMBB battlefield. And now, CMAK is closing in and I fear no one will mod this beast, so please, anyone that would like to have a go at it? http://www.battlefield.ru/tanks/is2/is2_2.jpg
  6. The AI can be used for: Learning the game. After you have learnt it, you will hopefully find human opponents and never look back. Thats where the real fun is. (not to mention the challenge) BTW: Did I mention this is the best WWII tactical game ever?
  7. Hard for us who havent played this scen to imagine how it looks like, how about some screenshots?
  8. Yeah JasonC, fight him, that would be fun. We all know that you have a wealth of knowledge, but it would be nice to see you take on a skilled opponent as I know WN is, to see if you can manage to transform your thesis into something actual meaningful on the battlefield, against someone who knows what he is doing (no disrespect to Dorosh or GF ).
  9. Thank you for that piece of wisdom Tank Ace, well argumented as always...
  10. But it begs the question, do the Shermans get a % to hit bonus while shooting on the move, like in CMBO? I remember some veterans even sying they disabled the gyro's, which I takee it meant they werent very effective at all. So, a % to hit bonus would be wrong, as I see it anyways.
  11. Going from memory here, didnt find my book to check it out, so I could ofcource be mistaken.
  12. Jesus Christ, lighten up you Grogs! The surrender command was clearly meant as a joke, and people still goes on about it. Anyways, the "Black Shirt Brigades" in N. Africa fought usually very well, the Germans trusted the, See "Panzer Commander" by Von Luck. Other troops suffered, as others have pointed out, of poor leadership, poor equipment and poor food (pasta was the main meal, not a good choice in a water scarce territory). I can't say how the NCO was, but Ive read that the higher officers in the Italian army often was incompetent. If BFC will, or how, simulate this, I have no idea. In general, Ive read the Italian Arty performed well.
  13. Very nice! But as you said yourself, maybe a bit bright? Other than that, great!
  14. Have people already forgotten the uber SMG sqds in CMBO? They were so exploited to the extent that people started bainning them in QBs. Why? Because they had lotsa ammo and lotsa fire power. As I recall, one thing BTS did to reduce the exploiting of SMG sqds, was to up the ammo expenditure and reduce the ammo load out. If you are so worried about your inf running out of ammo, buy something else than SMG sqds! As it is, SMG sqds are already overused in hitorical terms, and giving it further improvments wont help! As for "unrealistic" ammo expenditure etc, remember Steve's mantra "this is an abstraction"
  15. Never had much problem stopping these AFVs myself. Without going into a lenghty tactical discusiion, how to stop them: 1. Captured 76mm ATG. 2. the 50 mm Long gun with tungsten. 3. 20 or 37 mm Flak. 4. Close assualting inf. 5. Air Craft. Try the Flak vs a KV, you'll be surprised.
  16. Molotovs are useless. They couldnt KO a gas station if they tried.
  17. 1500 pts QB, ME TCP vs human opponent. I rush the VPs and occupy them, opponent moves a scout forward and it gets killed of cos by the waiting inf in amush. This happens on turn 4 or something. So far so good, Im thinking, now I'll just have to wait for him to attack them. And I wait...and wait... and wait some more... and u guessed it, wait even more. So, on turn ca 24 out of 40 I start to ask if he ever gonna do anything. He replies that he's happy at where he's at. I cant belive what Im reading, so I ask for a cease fire, which he gives me. I get ofcos a Total Vic, only cas is the scout and some unlucky dudes that got wasted by a stray 152mm shell. So I ask him why he didnt do anything, and he replies that it would be suicide for him to attack. And why I didnt attack him.... 1. It wouldnt have been suicide. 2. Even if it had been, he should atleast have tried, and not wasted both our time! 3. And if he would try, then say so, at turn 4, and CF.
  18. Patton21, I cant really follow ur thought, first u say that u bought uber armour, and thats a good thing, then u say it's a bad thing?! Anyhow, to add something to the topic on uber armour vs regular armour. As Priest said, uber armour can be good, if the map suits it, the problem is that there as so many variables that does not suit it and so few that does suit it. And, it always comes down to LOCAL FIRE SUPERIORITY. It does not matter that u have a KT sitting on that hill, vs 6 T34/76 when u have no LOS to them, and further more, the T34s are slaughtering ur inf. Another point that Patton brought up and I would say is wrong, is that the armour part in a battle is not that important for a win, = armour caused less than 5 % of cas or somfink. Well, then I must ask, what kinda battles do u play? As a GENERAL note, the one that wins the armour battle, has won the game. Ofcos, this isnt valid 100% of the times, but I would say, about 80%. But it also depends on what kinda armour ur left with after the armour battle, a StugIIIF will quickly run out of ammo and have no turret, so, not a dealbreaker on the rest of the inf battle. If u have a T34/76 on the other hand.. the axis player is in for a lot of pain. And you can ofcos have many AFVs left. To sum up, buying "uber" armour is a risky thing to do, experienced players *tend* to buy a toon of Stugs rather than a Tiger etc. [ June 18, 2003, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  19. There is ur problem, right there. If you trust ur one "uber" tank instaed of getting several medium ones, well.. u deserve what u get. BTW, going for the uber armour is typically a newbie thing.
  20. Yes, those mis IDed gfx glitches can be fun. However, thats rally not the issue here, Rather, should cm play the right gun sound, or the mis IDed one? I susepct that this is a engine limitation, and CM can only play the "right" sound.
  21. Couldnt you just say that a commander would also know how a certain AFV looks like, so you could the just show the correct model but not the name and info about it? I think the trrops on the battlefield is your eyes AND ears, it's what they report that is your intelligence. Most times you do. Its not like the standars CMBB battle has 10 enemy AFVs firing at any one time. [ May 18, 2003, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  22. When you mis ID a AFV in cmbb there are ways to know the real ID anyway. Like, the T34/85 is ALWAYS (as far as Ive seen anyway) misIDed as a T34/76, or even a T70. But, when the "T34/76" shoots, it plays the gun sound of the real AFV, the 85. A player that knows the differances of the sound (not very hard), then instantly knows what AFV it is, even though your troops still think its a /76. This applies for all guns ofcource. Proposition 1. Change the game so it plays the gun sound of the misIDed AFV. The ID is afterall your troops reporting what kind of AFV they think it is. Sometimes, the misIDed AFV seems like a strange choice. I mean, Stugs getting misIDed as PzIII (cant my troops see that it got no turret?!) or IS2s getting misIDed as T70s!? Proposition 2. Make it so the misIDed AFV is similar of the real AFV. Stug IIIG getting misIDed as JgdPzIV,Hetzers and other turretless tanks. Also, that the misIDed tank has similar silouette of that of the real AFV, no more light tanks turning out to be heavy tanks. What do you think? [ May 18, 2003, 05:06 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
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