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    MeatEtr reacted to MrSpkr in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    I got a little lucky with artillery.  At about ten minutes left, I dropped a 120mm shell right in the middle of three suspected infantry units (sound contacts) that had been forming up for an assault.  That caused him to delay his final assault on the Syrian right until about the five minute mark, when he advanced infantry and Strykers. I happened to have exactly ONE RPG guy on the lee side in good enough morale  to defend against multiple vehicle contacts.  He hit the first Stryker to emerge from the smoke one (though he did not destroy it) just about the time my adjusted artillery really started pounding the position.  At the two minute mark, the Americans tried to rush the objective 1 reverse slope, but a nicely placed rocket from a team on a rooftop knocked out his lead vehicle on the left, causing the others to fall back.  My adjusted artillery fire began firing for effect, dropping shells on his men (and my own - I'm pretty sure that's how the platoon commander died).  The artillery and the (very light) small arms fire from the remnants of the Syrian infantry on the reverse slope convinced his troops to drop in place just outside the objective as time expired.
    The Syrian left (objective 2 reverse slope) was largely uneventful.  I was able to plink against his vehicles with some very accurate long range RPG shots, and had some fun with my tank ducking in and out of a hull down position to knock out his Strykers (until one of his Javelins nailed it.  He tried to rush the position in the last few minutes, but my infantry was in decent order and, backed by an unconventional truck, I was able to break his attack fairly easily.
    One lesson learned - I need to pay much more attention to the impact of slight terrain elevation changes on LOS.  I had a pair of ATGM units that were largely useless due to undulations in the terrain.  Had I placed them better, my tanks might have lasted longer because I would not have needed to expose them to enemy fire as often.  I also learned that, despite their having a 5200m maximum range, SAM units need to be much closer to the area under attack to be effective.  Mine were on a roof in the town.  They had a great view of the Longbow tearing up my vehicles and strafing my men, but did not fire a single shot.  ☹️
    I think the US had the tougher tactical problem than the Syrians.  The Syrians win or lose the game in the setup phase.  The US forces have to attack.  Had I played it, my plan for the US side was to move somewhat aggressively with my infantry units on the left while keeping the Strykers in hull down positions (as best as possible)to protect against incoming Syrian fire from reverse slope Objective 2, and play for time until teh Longbow arrived.  After that, I intended to try and inflict maximum casualties rather than seize objectives in the hopes of getting his men to surrender.  But, infantry attacking across open ground is risky.  It would have been interesting to play.
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    MeatEtr reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    MeatEtr got a reaction from sburke in New campaign - USMC Gung Ho! available   
    I remember that show, I recall it being better than expected. For anyone interested check it out here! Might have to rewatch this one.
  4. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Yeah getting that same temp scoring glitch as we finished one game. Expecting it to fix itself when we finish the other game shortly.
    Looks like I might be knocking @Lethaface off his scoring pedestal! 😃
    By the way whats up with the leader board, that anodia player should be 3rd place with his 2830 pts. But he's at number 1?

  5. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to BlackMoria in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It looks like, from the dirt with a track pattern on it on the fore deck of the damaged tank, that another tank back into this vehicle, treads gained purchase and it back up onto the front deck of the damaged tank.  The rear deck of the backing up tank got under the barrel and the barrel acted like a massive pry bar, pulling the turret off to it current position.
    In other words, it was two leopards mating and it went horribly wrong.   😜
  6. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Paper Tiger in New campaign - USMC Gung Ho! available   
    The best laid plans of mice and men...
    Work on the German version is already under way. Core units are done and I've started playing around with the opener. Let's just say that it looks, feels and plays very differently from the USMC version. The USMC really is a beast with large platoons and enormous firepower. The Jaegers are much lighter but their artillery... (rubs hands) this is going to be a blast to develop.
    I'm going to have to rename these missions with more German style names. Gung Ho! was inspired by the HBO series, Generation Kill and I recall one episode where they were talking about Betty and Wilma so it all sprang from there. Doing German football players seems more than a bit lame but I know absolutely NOTHING about popular German culture. The missions' and objectives' names in Gung Ho! were a real nostalgia trip for me because we grew up with a lot of US TV on the BBC and ITV in the 70s and 80s. Starsky and Hutch, Kojak and The Rockford Files were the coolest things on Brit TV for a while. Even my dad loved them. Some tips from folks with German upbringing in a similar period might help with the authenticity.  
  7. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in The Steppenwulf's SF2 UI mod   
    Giving this mod a bump due to the new CMSF2 tourney kicking off today! Thanks for your work on this very handy mod @The Steppenwulf
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    MeatEtr got a reaction from laurent 22 in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Hey guys is this your first tourney? If so this problem MIGHT be from having two different accounts conflicting with one another. I had this problem and created a Matrix support ticket. They got me fixed up in a few days.
    If not, maybe your opponent has this issue. But again Im not 100% sure about this, just wanted to share my problem/solution from back when we were testing this stuff. Good luck!
  9. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Probus in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Congratulations to @Free Whisky, @Lethaface, and gfs26.  Also props to @MeatEtr!
    I can thank @Free Whisky, with an absolutely devastating 2nd round, for my 5th place finish. 😬 😉
  10. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from George MC in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Yeah I got very unlucky in the last several turns which allowed gfs26 to slide into my 3rd place. An unbelievable M1 that held out through several side shots from ATGM rockets and RPGs. Oh well, poop happens, they’ll be many more of these tourneys. Not to mention the scoring system getting fixed from here on out. 👍
    Now onto the new CMSF2 tourney firing up April 6th.
  11. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to jackal263 in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    The third place should have been your... Ok, i didn't played this scenario before, and in the first turns I was massacred by Russian Tanks and IFV... Then maybe you took too many risks (but with this broken scoring system what else to have bit of fun ?) and my last Tank survived, immobilized, to multiple shots, evend destroying a Russian tank and some IFVs. Sorry for my slow turn rate about 10 days ago... unfortunately I had some health problems that made me very difficult to send my turns back.
  12. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to A Canadian Cat in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Nice @The_Capt . Congratulations to Kees, @Lethaface, gfs26 who came in the top three. @MeatEtr was close and I finished middle of the pack (to be fair to me I lost a few points when my opponent surrendered, awww well).
  13. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Chibot Mk IX in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Poor M1


  14. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Lethaface in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Wow that guy lived through that. What a beast! Really need this interview with subtitles.
  15. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "Harmata" in Ukrainian means "cannon" common name for all barrel artillery assets.
    In more narrow sense it means exactly "gun", not "howitzer" (ukr. "haubytsia")
    But in this case "harmata!" is a command, which gives after charging of gun before the shoot. After this command a crew have to stand on own positions and to be ready to repeat charging routine after the shoot. In Russian the same command sounds like "orudiye!"
    When after "harmata!" command a crew had been prepared for shoot, a commander gives "vohon' !" ("fire!") command
    Often before salvo shoot, especially on camera, for bigger "immersion effect" ), commander instead "vohon' !", commands "Trysta! Trydtsiat' !! Try!!!" ("300! 30!! 3 !!!"). This is Soviet code command for arty fire, some sort of "ready-steady-fire"
  16. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Yeah I think this is a good amount of time. Current tourney feels a bit short on time but I think this new one will be just right. 👍
  17. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Monty's Mighty Moustache in DAR - Snow For The Hungry AXIS PBEM   
    The One Hundred and Tenth Minute
    KG Leino -  Die Mitte
    Not much to report, the Tigers are gathering along with a SPW to push over the bridge and hit the forces that he has attacking KG Perala in the rear. The SPW will go first to scout the approach.

    KG Koskela - die Links
    Further confirmation that he can hear me, the contact keeps moving and settles on the left edge of the treeline, that way is blocked.

    Meanwhile to the rear of the position Heinz now has the angle he needs to start inflicting pain on the Reds brazenly marching across an open field like they are on the parade ground. His blood like ice in his veins Heinz calms his breath and squeezes the trigger.

    The call goes out on the net for backup and the nearest 251/17 turns to join in the fun.

    It quickly becomes a turkey-shoot, the pictures tell the story.

    KG Perala - das Rechts
    THe infantry pull back until I can deal with that T-34 at the crossroads.

    On the left the last T-34 from that platoon is spotted as it pulls back. We get no hits in.


    In the middle the forces are pushing up to at least perform a holding action, if not hit his remaining T-34 in the rear. On the right I need to wait until Leino's forces are across the bridge and at least have his attention before moving on GRAU to deal with that T-34. Time is ticking down though and my chances of clearing the objective are rapidly getting slimmer.
    On the left my SPWs are moving in for the kill on what looks to be a platoon-sized force caught out in the open. I'm also moving one of the MG teams on SCHWARZ down to the woods in case any of them slip through.
  18. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Monty's Mighty Moustache in DAR - Snow For The Hungry AXIS PBEM   
    The One Hundred and Ninth Minute
    KG Leino -  Die Mitte
    2 Zug continue to move forward. It's gone very quiet.

    Did I say Kein Kontact last time? Well we get contact from the farm area in the form of my scouts blowing up. Looks like he hasn't taken his panzers guarding the road off to attack KG Perala in the rear. This is good. Of course he may well do so now. Who knows.

    KG Koskela - die Links
    The experiment draws some conclusions. I'm moving the mobile Panther and a SPW through the trees, and there's a reaction.

    One of his T34s backs off, I imagine it's moving to over off the open ground on the left. This confirms that he most likely has an infantry screen in the woods and I do not have enough guys to clear it out. Likely he has at least a platoon in there. I may have to give up on advancing on BLAU from this approach and try and take GRAU and then push through instead.

    Something...interesting...happens over near SCHWARZ. I have a SPW overwatching, they're just chillin'. Kinda bored and trying to stay warm.

    Suddenly the gunner, Heinz, notices something out of the corner of his eye. He is a veteran of the Eastern front so not much the Reds do surprise him, but this baffles even this grizzled veteran. "Heiliger Strohsack!" he mutters to himself, followed by "Alarm Rechts!" to his crewmate, who quickly catches on and and starts turning the vehicle toward his quarry.

    KG Perala - das Rechts
    The attack on GRAU begins, infantry supported by SPWs start to push forward. Several things happen in this turn so I've split them up.

    Nummer 1
    The attack starts. The men push forward, only to be met by more firepower than we were expecting. Casualties start to tick up.
    The SPWs push up to support, they are area firing the buildings.

    But I continue to take casualties. Then some big booms.

    The culprit is spotted sitting at the crossroads, this is a problem.

    Then from the treeline on the left a shell rips through the 251//17 supporting the infantry. There are no survivors.

    Nummer 2
    My armour is overwatching where the armour contacts appeared in the treeline.

    The Tiger spots the 251/17's killer seconds after the shot was fired. It's a T34-85 and interestingly the commander's hatch is open, but no commander. I think this is the remains of the platoon that was on ROT as suspected, the commander was obviously taken out when they were in the trees and I was area firing HE into them.

    It only ends one way, one dead T34.


    I've updated the blood board.

    The contact that walked out of the fog over on the left is strange, I'll be moving two SPWs over to deal with that next turn. It may be a team, it may be a company, I'm going to assume it's at least a platoon for now. I can only assume it was the one that was guarding the road that he's moved back to maybe try and take SCHWARZ?
    In the middle now I know that the T34s are not in the way I'm going to push the two Tigers over the bridge with a SPW leading the way to try and hit them in the rear. If I can deal with the remaining T34 then I can attack GRAU from that angle too.
    The right is interesting. GRAU is very heavily defended by the looks of it, I haven't spotted any but I assume there is infantry in the buildings. I have to assume where there is 1 tank there are more but if there's a platoon at the farm, 2 on the left and 1 left in the middle then that T34 at the crossroads could be the only one, perhaps even a company or battalion HQ? I have taken a lot of casualties, I can't really afford to take much more so I will pull them back while I try and take care of the T34.
  19. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to jackal263 in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    @MeatEtr : Sorry for the delay... i had a busy week with my job... Not the best scenario, but i will play to the end... maybe this week still a bit slow.
  20. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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    MeatEtr reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Age old? not so sure.  Don't take the bait, I'm just being cute.
    Just for fun though, what could we argue to be the world's earliest 'precision weapons'? (let's talk actual battlefield weapons, not kamikazes or bomb dogs, or Viking longships or Mongol horsemen bringing 500 warriors out of nowhere to achieve overwhelming tactical odds).  Rifle musket?
    ...But yeah, this old anyway (speaking of being a Doumer 🤪)
    Of course, the confident voice over sounds just like some of the folks on here lol. Pride goeth before a fall.
    ....so how long before we get to here?
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    MeatEtr got a reaction from jackal263 in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Ahh ok there ya are! Wow the overlord cam is from like a decade ago. I remember that one, good times. Good luck! 
  24. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from George MC in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Ive nearly wiped out the US forces with the Soviets. Only one M1 and one Bradley survived, everything else destroyed. Though it helped that my opponent didn’t move much allowing me to position and attack spots with high numbers. But I did take heavy losses too. So it’s possible just not easy.
    Will toss up some pics soon…
  25. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Lethaface in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    Round one I was doing great with USSR :). Round 2 you put a stop to that, although my USSR troops are doing quite some work. But indeed RED is more challenging in the 2nd battle. Still it's not impossible as  @MeatEtr got a win, job well done  and looking forward to pics!.
    I have a video of our game when you moved a platoon of T-80B forward against my Abrams Tentcamps with their bbq smokers ;-), while artillery was falling everywhere. I'll upload it on YT in a bit. While I picked a different area to stage my main effort I don't think yours was necessarily bad, but you spread out your attack in waves and didn't continue moving. That helped me arranging my forces against your attacks.
    Video done (HD will probably take some time). Full spectrum engagement!:
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