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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. and figured some of you would like it. You may have to turn off youtubes captions, I had to. Since the English subtitles are part of the video. It's only about 30 mins, enjoy!
  2. Just to add my 2 cents, been using H2HH since first created years ago on the same Win7 install and have nothing in my temp file (total size is 65mb). But thats because I routinely do system maintenance by using Disk Cleanup in System tools. Problem, if there ever was, is solved.
  3. Wow so CMSF is gonna get a 3.0 upgrade, I had no idea. This is great and surprising news to me. I thought CMSF was the cutoff point for the upgrade system. Especially with Black Sea rolling into the modern era on 3.0.
  4. I think the 4.0 features will draw a lot of you non-Eastern Front folks in. There's a good bit of unannounced features coming, very tasty stuff.
  5. There's some great screenshots behind the scenes. So much awesome-ness coming you guys won't know what to talk about.
  6. STFU i pwn u n00b! Says all the trash talking kids from online gaming. But I don't think they use the word "pwn" anymore or maybe I'm just getting too old. BTW thats own deliberately misspelled pwn.
  7. Well as you can see you'll get no argument on this topic. Since pretty much everybody and their grandma wants this fixed/tweaked. If memory serves Steve said something along the lines that it's a limitation of the engine and that we'll most likely just have to live with it. And that to fix it would take serious time consuming effort.
  8. Hehe, nice video, us testers hadn't even seen it yet! Took you guys nearly 3 hrs to spot this cryptic release.
  9. Great news everybody, starting with the Eastern Front game every kill will trigger this clip.
  10. Wow, had no idea I broke that Panthers gun so early in the battle. I was wondering why you weren't aggressive with him hehe. Between that and the Stuarts lucky KO on that one Panzer IV, you were hurting pretty early on in this battle. Working my way through the rest of the battle. Gonna also check out that AAR with Facman, I played him in the Last Man Standing tourney awhile back. Also on the same team in the CM Risk tourney. Good times!
  11. Good job buddy, very kool to see and hear what my opponent was doing and thinking. At the start had I known you had to move to setup your defense I would of raced you. I assumed you were already setup so I took it more slow and cautious. But was still a helluva battle. I look forward to hearing you cuss me when I KOed two tanks in one turn hehe.
  12. Like everybody else around here, Beavis wants fire too!
  13. I'm still waiting for the ultimate... Space Lobsters vs. Space Pirates. The mother of all CMs! :eek:
  14. **WARNING** Harsh language found in that youtube link.
  15. No it doesn't, but I figured out it wasn't the main menu music but the loading music.
  16. Still think those should have a mouse-over pop-up label like the small arms and equipment have.
  17. Am trying to get the gory gory song for my CMBN intro music. But having a hard time getting it to work. I got it in .wav form, not sure about the frequency or something. Any ideas?
  18. Just cycle through the units using + and - keys to highlight the dead units. Then click Tab to take the camera to their location.
  19. I try not to think too much, it hurts ! But don't you think there should be some distinction from a unit CAing from within a building and in the open? IMO they should not be treated the same. Like I mentioned already, they should be capable of it but at reduced effectiveness. But anyways, based on poesels screenie, it is possible. Apparently at reduced effectiveness and certainly at reduced frequency. Since at least I don't ever recall seeing it myself.
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