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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. *Shakes his head and goes play strip poker with Scarlett Johansson*
  2. Awesome job Rick, thanks for the DAR. Gonna give Veins Terrain De-saturation mod a try too.
  3. Yes, the mighty King Tiger makes it's debut. I'm looking forward to watching it bog and throw a track. Then, if we're lucky, people will cry about it on these very forums.
  4. Although makes for good conversation, but seems a bit premature for direct comparison. Since, as already pointed out, CMBN is only 7 months old and CMSF has the benefits of being over 4 years old, having all modules and loads of scenarios/mods. But judging by the popularity of WWII and rate of release of user-made scenarios/mods. It's safe to say the CMBN family will easily overtake CMSF in the user-made scenarios/mods category. Also if BFs track record is anything to go by, then the CMBN modules should at the least match the breadth and quality of the CMSF modules. I'd say the number one selling point should simply be what's preferred, modern warfare or WWII. I will say this though, I like CMSF much more then I thought I would.
  5. To hell with the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim, I'll take this state-of-the-art RPG.
  6. This VAAR is a perfect example of why we need kill stats tracking for all off-board assets.
  7. I completely agree with Dark Knight. We all know in videogames and movies machismo is usually over done or over the top. The writer is just trying to be clever or witty by using the new CoD to imply those who like it are possibly gay. He's clearly just trying to garner attention from his article. Since we all know, the CoD series is hugely popular. It's similar to that one saying, "The guy who drives around in a big monster truck is making up for his other inadequacy." Also it's hard to take a writer seriously when, as already pointed out, takes the actions of a videogame character out of context. Simply put, it's ok to be disgusted by the taking of a life, even in a virtual world. But in a combat environment, it's as natural as a leaf blowing in the wind.
  8. It could very well be Charles. You see, rumor has it, he always wanted to be like the MCP (that's Master Control Program) from the 1982 movie Tron. Which would explain his desire to write code. End of line.
  9. I started a Steam group a few years back for CMx1 and CMSF, but it's mostly used for CMBN now. Check it out here, BF Gamers.
  10. This is what the gaps are for, but of course it's designer dependent. But I still think troops should be able to jump/climb over the small hedgerows and not need a gap or to blast it.
  11. I feel your pain togi, I too had this extremely annoying problem. But ever since upgrading my OS from Vista 32-bit to Win7 64-bit this problem has gone away. My memory is 4G, but on my Vista 32-bit only 3G was used and now on W7 64-bit all 4Gs are used. I have not had a single save not work and this upgrade is about 3 months old now with at least a couple hundred save attempts. P.S. Gonna double post this in that tech thread for better visibility. Since I never got around to posting about my "Save Bug" success story.
  12. They're working extremely hard on the ultimate module called.... CMBN: Cowbells From Hell For those that missed the Cowbell boat, check it out here. It's a classic SNL skit written by Will Ferrell which aired April 8th 2000, enjoy.
  13. What I would really like to see is random main menu splashscreens. I'd bet I'm not the only one sick and tired of the two Stuarts driving towards me. This could easily be added to the game since the mechanism is already in place, just use it for the main menu too. I know there's mods for it already or you can just add your own fav pic for the main menu. But it would be kool to randomize it too.
  14. Great to hear this monster is released, it's been cooking in the oven for quite some time now. (and FredRocker is a helluva cook ) I had a blast play-testing some of the scenarios, so thanks again for having me. Gonna have to put my Mountebourg push on hold and fire this one up now! I've been waiting for it.
  15. This can be extremely annoying. I had an attack that relied on my smoke from two on-map 81mm and sadly both tubes only fired a single smoke shell. So both tubes each had four smokes left but the option was now greyed/disabled. I understand the TacAI kicks in to preserve the smokes, but it's way too intrusive in this case. The player should have control of this at all times IMO.
  16. Wow, the buildings look stunning, no surprise with the old fan fav Tanks a Lot. Very much looking forward to this. Certainly brings back memories of the old CMx1 days. Thanks a lot Tanks a Lot! (say that 10 times real fast)
  17. Last Sat and Sun on the NA servers it was about 10 vs 10 for about 1-2 hours both nights. We the Germans crushed the Russians both nights. So certainly not the old IC at peak times, but it's a start. As we know RO2 is brand new, these things take time to pick up speed. But nonetheless, it was still solid fun. We're using Teamspeak for comms, it's far better than playing with a bunch of Rambos or lone wolfs on the public servers. I can't speak for the EU server battles, I didn't participate in it to know. I do recall somebody saying there was a uneven amount of players for those battles.
  18. Give up, huh, never, I'm in the Iron Crescendo beta campaign found here. Good fun for the weekends. But having a sound problem, it's extremely low for some reason. Downloading the new update now...
  19. Ok so Kanonier Reichmann is now on my ignore list, u been pwned. Also if a one Michael Emrys makes a post in here, can somebody pass along to him that I said that he was "completely wrong", k thanks a bunch.
  20. Since fortunately if somebody does indeed have me on ignore then they can't see this. So on that note, it was all your fault, I was right and you were all wrong, because your a nub and I pwned you.
  21. My specs: Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit GTX 570 4G DDR2 800 Q9950 CPU (Quad 2.8GHz) I play on High settings with ok performance, I'd guess I average around 30 FPS, vastly depending on the map. I use to crash often on my Vista 32-bit with just 3G of memory. So my bump in memory to 64-bit is a big improvement.
  22. Actually just gave it a try on my freshly installed Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit and it did work. Though as mentioned, the first try is a image of the main menu, but it did work on the second attempt. Before on my Vista 32-bit install it never worked, was always just a black screen. P.S. Got the GTX 570 on the 280.26 drivers.
  23. Yeah there's always been problems with taking screenshots of CMx2 with Vista/Win7. You need FRAPs which is a breeze to use. You can change the BMP to JPG by just renaming the extension, smaller size for easier upload times at little quality loss. Tip: it doesn't need to be running prior to launching CMBN. So when you get a nice pic lined up, just alt-tab out, start it, alt-tab back in and snap away.
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