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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Just wanted to quote this excellent post! Edit: Oops, double post!
  2. Yep, so far us non-Marines customers have yet to play 1.1. Something seems to have gone wrong. They said a few days on Friday and here it is Wednesday afternoon.
  3. IIRC this can of worms goes way back to the CMBO days. But it never happen for the CMx1 games and I think they said it is on the "to do" list for CMSF. It will probably never happen though. I think they said something like it was way too time consuming and that theres better things to work on. I agree but it would be great to have a full replay option.
  4. Just wanted to quote this excellent post!
  5. Well hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  6. So your asking us old farts to pass the torch onto the young punks? That'll be the day! (for the record, I'm not a old fart but a young old fart) Problem one: They won't listen, I wouldn't either if I was them. Problem two: If something doesn't blow up in the first two minutes then their bored. (hence the CoH and WiC examples)
  7. Actually, besides CMSF, Gamespot has given the CMx1 series great reviews. As did most other mainstream media gaming sites. Gamespot scores CMBO=91% CMBB=91% CMAK=84% CMSF=45% As already mentioned, nobody really cares about the user reviews/scores. Usually just filled with haters with an axe to grind or loving fanboys.
  8. Ok, it's been a few days, where is it?
  9. Ok thanks for clearing this up for me. i wasn't sure what the deal was.
  10. AFAIK the Normandy/Arnhem games are modules, not a full game like CMSF. Same goes for the Eastern front stuff. As far as new full games/sequels goes, the only thing I've heard is CMSF2. Or am I wrong about all this, I don't frequent the CMSF forum as much as I use to. Just not interested in the modern stuff.
  11. Including CMSF into that ratio and it's correct. Which I think is probably what they meant. AFAIK the Britsh module is still coming. 1.)CMSF 2.)CMSF:Marines 3.)CMSF:British 4.)Normandy and 5.)Arnhem Then onto the the mother of all fronts, The Eastern Front. Is this deja-vu or is it just me? Didn't we just have a "Can't wait for WWII modules" thread. Ah well, you can never have too many of them I guess.
  12. IIRC there was a great scenario called "Station-I" of something like that. Possibly Richie did that one too, not sure. But it was good fun H2H. Edit: Did a quick search over at SDII, here it is. Band aids should be included, it's bloody.
  13. That's good to know, thanks for posting it. I haven't dived very deep into CMSF and probably won't be buying the Marines pack either. But I'm gonna give it another try with the new 1.10 patch.
  14. As mentioned in the above thread 1.10 Feature List posted on Friday: I'm guessing sometime tonight and tomorrow.
  15. Ask and you shall receive. German Army. The best Internet source for German WWII symbols are from Dr. Leo Niehorster’s website: World War II Armed Forces, Orders of Battle and Organizations. Wehrmacht 1939 – 1940: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...ymbols_39.html Wehrmacht 1941 – 1942: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...ymbols_41.html Wehrmacht 1943 – 1945: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...ymbols_43.html Wehrmacht Individual Figure Symbols: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...s_figures.html Luftwaffe Organization Symbols: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...luftwaffe.html Luftwaffe 1941 – 1942: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...ols_41-lw.html Luftwaffe 1943 – 1945: http://niehorster.orbat.com/011_germ...ols_43-lw.html
  16. I heard they cancelled the Marine x-pack and are surprising the world and releasing the Normandy one instead.
  17. Relax, kick back and keep doing what 20 year old kids should be doing, partying and getting laid.
  18. They finally announced a release date for T-34 vs. Tiger, its Oct. 17th. Official statement here.
  19. So are we outta beer yet? I'll go on a beer-run if need be, just say the word.
  20. Let it be known for the future, it was me who first used and coined the "Wars R Us" term. Your all welcome. Now for this gigantic CM community contribution, I think a reward is in order. How about a free copy of the WWII module Steve, buddy ole pal?
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