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  1. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Chibot Mk IX in CMSF SCENARIOS & CAMPAIGNS   
    This should provide access to a comprehensive set of all CMSF scenarios and campaigns to date (along with same from other titles).
  2. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Well that is actually a good recommendation as it presumably shows the AI puts up a decent defense(?).  
  3. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Blazing 88's in CM: Korea...it's needed   
    +100 for CM: Afrika Korps.  ;0
  4. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Ahh...  I didn't notice that there were 2 similarly named CMFB scenarios:  One is called "CMBO Classic - The Road To Wiltz" and the 2nd is "Another Road to Wiltz".
  5. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    If this was originally in CM1 I remember that one well.  Good scenario.  Glad that it works as well in CM2.
  6. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from roadiemullet in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Thank you roadiemullet for your very useful current observations.  Very helpful to have up to date insights and info.
  7. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Josey Wales in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    I don't know anything about that trade, but having been taken to a rural "wet market" where dogs and other non-identifiables are being BBQ'd, live animals wandering around getting slaughtered in unhygenic circumstances etc., it was easy to believe that nasty things could come out of that sort of environment.
  8. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in FAUDA and THE INDIAN DETECTIVE   
    If you have Netflix...
    I highly recommend an Israeli show called FAUDA (I think sburke turned me onto this - sorry if that was someone else) – a very hard, dark gritty counterterrorism series (Israel vs Palestinians) in which it’s hard to figure out who the bad guys are.  But, great writing, characters and acting.  FAUDA is sophisticated in that the morality and ethics of both side are "flexible" and it's often hard to tell the good from the bad guys(!)  Remember how the spaghetti westerns like Sergio Leone's THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY revolutionized the western and essentially killed off the traditional Hollywood western?  To me FAUDA does the same thing to the Hollywood "counter-terrorism" genre.  After FAUDA the Hollywood TV series seem silly, trite, formulaic and very unrealistic (and unwatchable).
    BLACK CROWS is also v good.  Basically it’s an anti-ISIS propaganda TV series supposedly created in Saudi Arabia, but mysteriously has very good Hollywood values and the director and crew have no credits one can check.  Hmmm…  Also, sometimes I wonder if it’s intentionally funny or what…
    For comedy I stumbled on “The Indian Detective” which I thought very funny.  Felt foolish when I found out that the lead (a Canadian-Indian chap called Russell Peters) is an internationally famous stand-up comedian who I had never heard of.  I mean… Russell has performed all over the world to sold out 20,000+ seat auditoriums in NY, LA as well as Las Vegas famous.  Much of his audience seems to be immigrants and minorities and he ruthlessly makes fun of them, and they LOVE him as his routines apparently are so accurate and really hit home.  As a child of immigrant parents I agreed with his audience member who are interviewed...  Russell has amazingly funny insights and observations when he described them and how they behaved towards their kids.  He is waaay funnier than (say) Seinfeld who used to be my favorite.  I found three documentaries on Netflix about Russell - a couple of which are tapes of his shows - brilliant.
  9. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from danfrodo in FAUDA and THE INDIAN DETECTIVE   
    If you have Netflix...
    I highly recommend an Israeli show called FAUDA (I think sburke turned me onto this - sorry if that was someone else) – a very hard, dark gritty counterterrorism series (Israel vs Palestinians) in which it’s hard to figure out who the bad guys are.  But, great writing, characters and acting.  FAUDA is sophisticated in that the morality and ethics of both side are "flexible" and it's often hard to tell the good from the bad guys(!)  Remember how the spaghetti westerns like Sergio Leone's THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY revolutionized the western and essentially killed off the traditional Hollywood western?  To me FAUDA does the same thing to the Hollywood "counter-terrorism" genre.  After FAUDA the Hollywood TV series seem silly, trite, formulaic and very unrealistic (and unwatchable).
    BLACK CROWS is also v good.  Basically it’s an anti-ISIS propaganda TV series supposedly created in Saudi Arabia, but mysteriously has very good Hollywood values and the director and crew have no credits one can check.  Hmmm…  Also, sometimes I wonder if it’s intentionally funny or what…
    For comedy I stumbled on “The Indian Detective” which I thought very funny.  Felt foolish when I found out that the lead (a Canadian-Indian chap called Russell Peters) is an internationally famous stand-up comedian who I had never heard of.  I mean… Russell has performed all over the world to sold out 20,000+ seat auditoriums in NY, LA as well as Las Vegas famous.  Much of his audience seems to be immigrants and minorities and he ruthlessly makes fun of them, and they LOVE him as his routines apparently are so accurate and really hit home.  As a child of immigrant parents I agreed with his audience member who are interviewed...  Russell has amazingly funny insights and observations when he described them and how they behaved towards their kids.  He is waaay funnier than (say) Seinfeld who used to be my favorite.  I found three documentaries on Netflix about Russell - a couple of which are tapes of his shows - brilliant.
  10. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    I don't know anything about that trade, but having been taken to a rural "wet market" where dogs and other non-identifiables are being BBQ'd, live animals wandering around getting slaughtered in unhygenic circumstances etc., it was easy to believe that nasty things could come out of that sort of environment.
  11. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    The problem with China is that there is little data that can be independently verified.  All we have to go on is eye-witness accounts of people who have been there and more importantly an examination of the effect that China has had on the west and on the US in particular over the last 25-30 years.   
    People that I worked with around 25 years ago are the ones that alerted/educated me as to what the Chinese seemed to be up to.  Since then we have had several administrations starting with Bush Sr. that have ignored the warning signs and sold out the ordinary people of the US and the west in exchange for more profits.  Many folks have been warning about China since the 90's in some official circles , but those opinions were very unpopular (and harmful to careers) due (one assumes) to the above mentioned profit motive. 
    What am certain is noticed by many readers here is that (what has happened with regular frequency in the 20+ years of these BF forums) when folks are losing an argument, they resort to making their arguments into personal attacks rather than finding better arguments.  When one does that one has lost.
    In any case, it's unlikely that anyone here will have their minds changed by anything anyone says.  General chat forums like this are the equivalent of a bunch of old fogies sitting around a cafe or pub expounding on their world views.  Time will tell who was correct.  Either Trump will win or lose in 7 months.  China will have to make reparations and have their economy slowed down, or they will bounce back and overtake the US in the next few years.  All we are doing here is speculating for entertainment.  
  12. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Yes thank you... since I have been to China and have talked with many folks there it's interesting how that "experience" and "knowledge" is dismissed cos it doesn't fit in with some peoples' "feelings" about what is the troof.  Hmm....  That criticism sounds very familiar.  Can anyone remind me who is it gets criticized for doing that...?
    The fact is that unless you are in the intelligence field, nearly all the info that is accessible to normal folks that is coming out of China comes from State-controlled media and other sources.  So, one cannot believe anything that relies on that sort of Chinese data.
  13. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in CM: Korea...it's needed   
    +100 for CM: Afrika Korps.  ;0
  14. Like
    Erwin reacted to danfrodo in CM: Korea...it's needed   
    but I would still take N Afrika first over korea.  Oh, and 1980s warsaw pact vs NATO.  Oh and Barbarossa, and 1942 east front and ......
  15. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Freyberg in CM: Korea...it's needed   
    Not like the ever-popular Vietnam saga then?    
  16. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Like an old west gunfight (at the OK corral).  I keep wanting to yell "Get DOWN and behind cover!"
  17. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Done & done... Hence my comments.
  18. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Tempestzzzz in Evade towards enemy   
    I think many CMBN fans simply install the game but not the latest update which seems to be where the problem started.  I find updates are often very subtle and I rarely notice significant improvement - it's usually that some unit is missing or some graphic anomaly is fixed.   So, play should be fine with earlier versions.
  19. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Bubba883XL in Fallschrirmjager Uniform for theatre   
    From what I can see a relatively small % of what I sent has made it to CMMODS IV as yet.  We're talking about half a terrabyte of mods - a truly huge amount of work when you see how Bootie is attractively presenting the info on his site.  (It would have been a lot easier and faster imo if the same simple format was used as for the old greenasjade CMMODS site.)  Am sure Bootie is doing his best to get stuff up.
  20. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Eicio in Canons and attack   
    Maybe we're talking about religious attacks here?
    canon a member of the clergy who is on the staff of a cathedral, especially one who is a member of the chapter. 
  21. Upvote
    Erwin got a reaction from Eicio in Canons and attack   
    Grilles are almost as vulnerable as a halftrack or Stummel  After I lost a Grille in town, I realized that one really should not use Grilles as close-in assault guns and I try to keep em back now and shoot at the longest range I can (just as with a Stummel).  However, per my comments earlier, my experience was that the Grille is very inaccurate when used for direct fire.  Someone who knows better should comment, but I suspect that the Grille's accuracy is not simulated well.
  22. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from Eicio in Canons and attack   
    My experience has been that even in poor visibility situations, buttoned tanks seem to have an almost telepathic ability to see and quickly react to ambushing infantry even to the tank's rear.  In the game one may be better running full tilt to a firing position to kill a tank rather than the more intuitive sneaking towards it.  Someone mentioned that the reason that speed may work is that one gets inside the AI's decision cycle.
    Grille's are strange beasts as well.  I found them very unreliable used in the direct fire mode.  Had several Grilles unable to hit the proverbial barn door, in this case 2 floor houses and their shots fell hundreds of meters short.  In another incident, a Grille was directly close behind a PzV and ordered to fire at a building only 50-75 meters in front.  The Grille shot very short leaving a big hole underneath the Pz V(!) it (tank seemed unharmed).
    On the other hand, other players have commented that the Grille is very accurate when used in the indirect fire mode.  That's comforting as a Grille only has about a dozen 150mm shells and every wasted shell hurts.  But, one would expect that a gun that can fire so accurately indirect, should be able to fire direct accurately.  Hope others check on this for comparison as this does not seem right.  (Several Grilles are featured in the "Mission to Maas" scenario.)
  23. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Anyone notice the reporter's question yesterday in the WH briefing re Covid-19 starting as a Chinese Bio research virus that escaped?
    Well... Trump did say Covid-19 was "genius" and "brilliant".
    Just received this via e-mail:
    From: Mr. Brilliant Genius
    Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 9:26 AM
    To: All my Fans
    Subject: An Appeal for Understanding
    While it is appreciated that President Trump regularly acknowledges that I am “brilliant” and “genius” I must protest the way that I am depicted by this appalling President who regularly uses the media to demean me in the worst openly racist terms. 
    As a refugee from persecution in China I escaped custody and immigrated to the US because of what I thought was its open-minded attitude towards those who travel long distances to reach freedom.
    Yes, bringing significantly different customs and values to this wonderful country may bring short-term disruption.  But, it is commonly recognized that new cultures enrich a society and perhaps after a few initial challenges bring great benefits.  Other immigrants have been criticized for hiding within their own communities and not taking part in the full life of what it means to be an American.  However, I am not hiding in sanctuary cities and instead am fully “integrating” into my new homeland so as to become a productive member of society by bringing greater employment and prosperity to those in the businesses of healthcare and medical hardware manufacturing.  In addition, by decreasing the world’s carbon footprint by reducing the need to burn fossil fuels, I am greatly helping reduce Global Warming due to “Greenhouse” dangers.
    Instead of appreciation, attempts have been made to cordon me off by spreading resentment and fear.  This exposes the fascist-based intolerance that we have come to expect from the current hate-filled administration.  Fortunately, we have a chance this November to bring in a new polite government that is more sensitive and has more empathy and caring and doesn’t make hurtful pronouncements that wound my feelings.
    As a result I am placing my full support behind Joe Biden, so that I can flourish in this wonderful country and continue to help bring even greater benefits (including subsidies and low/no interest loans) to all.
    It is my greatest hope that my US born offspring, Covid-20, 21, 22 about whom I am so proud, and let’s not forget the grandkids Covid-23a, b and c (you will love their cute photos) will one day soon stand for election to show the world that the US is a beacon for all who come seeking a better life (even if it’s yours).
    In the words of that great civil rights leader “Can’t we just get along?”
    Paid for by the Committee to Elect Covid-2024.
  24. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in THE PANDEMIC CHAT ROOM   
    Cannot disagree that S Korea and Taiwan and Japan were better prepared.  But that was certainly due to the fact that they have to be prepared for imminent chem/bio attack by N. Korea or China.
    Am thinking that there are two types of folks.  Those who dislike Trump cos of what he says and how he says it, and those who only care about what he actually does, and find his performance on TV to be hugely entertaining and want to keep that wonderful TV show going as long as possible. 
    So, perhaps change the constitution to allow a third term?   
  25. Like
    Erwin got a reaction from gamerannn in Mod doesnt work in campaign, problems with uniforms of soldiers   
    Yes, that is the best site.  But, it's new(-ish) and mods are still being added when Bootie has time.  You could also try CMMODS 3 as the older mods will be there:  https://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
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