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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. That's a good idea. However, can I simply put .bmp's into a folder and label that and put it in the Z folder - will that work as well?)
  2. No STEAM or anything else that requires me to d/l heaven knows what please. I like having a secure, protected system that doesn't allow 3rd party access to sniff around re how to market to me and send me more spam.
  3. So, we're sure that vehicles do act as cover in CMSF? I didn't know that.
  4. Yeah, there is something wrong there. My ancient (one year old) system doesn't have your power and I have no problems at all.
  5. Thanks Major... your analysis makes sense altho' in our casualty sensitive environment it surprises me that we would resort to Soviet style "mine-clearing" by recon. I mean if you send some poor bastard across in a vehicle, does he go alone as the driver? Do you really order men to "run over there and see if you detonate any mines"?! My assumption would be that given the likelyhood of mines (IED's can be neutralized by smoke, since the CMSF triggerman doesn't make a guess and blow the thing if he has no LOS), in RL there would be specialized equipment like a dozer or that "bungalore-type" explosive device that clears a path several hundred feet blow blowing up linearly and the shock wave detonates all the mines in that long path (you know what device I mean). In the absence of neat toys like that, the CMSF workaround would be to allow another crossing point that could be defended or whatever. (Or only use IED's and no mines!)
  6. I agree with hcrof re any sort of conventional war. However, arguably we have been at war with China (and probably other nations) for a couple decades in terms of economic war, and Cyberwar etc. Our systems are constantly under attack, and we know that most come from servers in Russia or China. All it will take is one day they figure out how to crash our financial system or turn off the power to a major part of the country (maybe already done in the past?), or penetrate our satellite communications... (And of course we are doing the same thing, constantly searching for vulnerabilities.) They don't have to do it, just prove that they can do it and we lose the "war." We are in a world where the civilian pop is really left in the dark about what is really going on. No company or nation will admit they have been penetrated (unless for some reason it is undeniable). Our wonderful conventional forces are really only good vs third-world countries these days, and have been the equivalent of the "Maginot Line" for some time now.
  7. "that game will be a big winner and a huge shot in the arm for BFC... generate ~$60k (1500 copies) in sales. Worth ~200 man hours of Charles' time..." I would love that too, so I hate to point out that these figures are peanuts for a game development company, and how do you calculate it would only take 200 man-hours programming? In my experience, things are nearly always a lot harder than envisaged.
  8. Yes, marsh crossing points, whatever the actual name of the terrain are generally called "fords" in briefings, so am just trying to communicate per CM2 terms... So, Major, in RL if you had a bridge to cross and you KNEW it was heavily mined, and you had no special equipment like a bulldozer etc. you would simply send units across to see who got killed? Let's be specific as I am sincerely interested in your tactical thinking: Would you send some poor guy in a jeep first, or would you go for a tank? Or, would it be at least a team of your most useless inf or guys you just didn't like since you could afford to have all of them killed in the blast, and they were expendable, or... CMSF is just a game, so who cares, lol?
  9. Africa highly unlikely. Closer to home in S. China Sea area, it started years ago with conflict with Japan of tiny rocks in the Ocean. I recall vividly how during the Falklands War, how UK was adamant there was no oil or anything other than the moral issue at stake. I just knew that was BS and today, guess what, oil reserves found all around there. China is in increasingly desperate state re oil due to fast urbanization and increasing cars. (Altho' anyone who's been there knows they don't have the roads.) However, similar-ish position as Argentina, except with huge armed forces and set to rule the world in a decade or two thanks to US/Bush twittery, (unless they can be persuaded to have a war - mostly likely with India).
  10. "I'm going to step in and defend Paper Tiger on his choice here. During my service, in a time-limited simulated scenario, where a crossing needed to be made and it is known that it is under observation and a choke point, possibly mined we used the exact same approach... The only difference was we sent a bulldozer Leo across first." That's one hell of a difference, Zeb. What I was commenting on is that the ONLY way to get across that river was by pushing combat troops and AFV's across and risking significant casualties. In CMSF, we don't have a bulldozer etc. Of course specialized equipment like that would make all the difference. In the circumstances, I hope that a ford could be added as an alternative river crossing. It is otherwise a great scenario/campaign.
  11. I don't know if it's my style of play (very slow and careful like recon at the start) or if I simply have not been confronted by some of the more murderous scenarios... But, I find if I take my time, I can get some sort of ID (usually) on an enemy in a building so I know when to blow the hell out of it. Otherwise, I rarely use "recon by fire" or shoot at things "on spec."
  12. That would be great. It's a huge shame that so much is incompatible between such similar games.
  13. It's ironic you say it's about "gaming" here Argus, as the majority of posters seem convinced that CM2 is a sim more than a game, so go figure. Good luck with your project!
  14. Hi dt... I don't know if others understand your stats, but I am afraid I do not know what any of your data means.
  15. DATA is in CMSF only. As I said above: For CM1 games like CMBO, CMBB and CMAK you can d/l most things from CMMODS (see above). For CM1 mods, unzip the d/l if necessary. That should give you a set of .bmp files. Locate your BMP folder in your main CMBB (or CMAK, CMBO...) directory. Copy the mod .bmp's directly into that BMP folder (to replace the existing old .bmp's.) (Note do NOT put folders in the .bmp folder, ONLY .bmp files. It won't do any harm, but ONLY CM2 reads contents of sub-folders in its Z folder.) Important, it is highly recommended that you copy the same numbered original .bmp's first so if you don't like the look of the mod in the game, you can easily copy back the original .bmp's.
  16. That's waaay to high tech 4 me. Anyhow, there are so few mods relative to CM1, I find I use almost everything at the same time. The problem is what do do with all the .bmp files. Can one put them in a folder of ones own making and name (under Z of course) and they would get used that way?
  17. Hmmm... Sounds like a rather a useful idea.
  18. Impressed you guys came out of Avalon Hill and other game cos. Good to know. For some reason the legend is that "One day Steve and Charles got bored playing tiddlywinks/dominos and decided to sit down, learn to program, and design something you wanted to play." Otherwise , i agree with wot DaveyJJ said...
  19. Anytime b4 I am deceased is fine with me. However, Satan tells me he has a special deal on pre-orders so you can still play the game in the underworld in exchange for your soul. (Heh. I already sold mine for CMBB, and I think he's forgotten!)
  20. Thanks for taking another look at the "gaining experience" feature. Given that it's quite possible to have scenarios in a CM2 campaign take place days, weeks, months apart, I really hope you can make it work. I liked the feature in Silent Service, altho' you are correct they make it too easy and getting it to feel "right/realistic" in CM2 or CMSF2 is the challenge.
  21. I think elsewhere there was a conclusion that ASSAULT is dangerous/unrealistic to use as if one team gets suppressed so is the other immediately similarly affected - the opposite of what you would expect, and rather useless. Question: Just prior to a HUNT entry into a likely enemy occupied building I like to set a waypoint and area fire the building for 10 secs. Which is best/most useful TARGET or LIGHT TARGET? Comments?
  22. It was a super scenario, but I agree with tyrspawn, it was an unbelievable tactical choice that is forced on us. His solution re a ford elsewhere makes sense. (Hope that is an easy fix.)
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