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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Are the Muj figures borrowed from CMA available for d/l for use in CMSF and what does it change? (Just the Syrian uncons?)
  2. oh wow... thanks for getting that out so quickly!
  3. Just to let folks know, this is v1.01 of the scenario posted in December.
  4. I agree with dt on this. Also, unless you have already run tournaments/campaigns and know what to expect, I fear you make be taking on more than you can chew. Players are notoriously fickle and RL issues has stalled/killed many great tournies/campaigns at BoB. Maybe cut your teeth on something smaller/easier first?
  5. On BoB site, it was regularly noted that a tank like a Tiger could be forced to abandon if enough (say) 20mm AA shells hit it. I think it's a morale issue.
  6. Yes, seemed like a good guy in his BOB interviews.
  7. So my caption would be: "Hurry up and take the dam photo, already!" or "Ok, Leni Riefenstahl, you shot enough pictures, start shooting your gaddamn gun!" (For you younger viewers who don't "geddit": http://pleasepassthepopcorn.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/both-wonderful-horrible/)
  8. "you old'uns know what I mean! Following the rocket to find the source, etc..." Heh. In modern warfare I would think the pixeltruppen have more eyes than just the player's and would probably see the smoke of a launch easier. Also, I saw a documentary that was a couple years old showing technology that can determine within a second or so exactly which direction and how far away a show was taken, so it could bring down accurate fire on that spot within seconds. So, I assume my guys have that capability!
  9. I thought he was taking an action photo of his mate with the SMG! Now, THAT is realism!
  10. There's also a good mod for the Brit light vehicles. Overall CMSF has a fraction of the mods we had/have for CM1 so it's easy to have em all in CMSF.
  11. Sounds like another great feature where the CIA has conned them into thinking they were buying the best equipment, but it's actually defective! Outstanding! PS: Noticed that it has a tripod mount, so hopefully we'll see that for the Bren etc in CM:BN.
  12. A set-up area for the A/B is all it would take to make this good scenario appreciably better. It doesn't seen right that they would be sitting around in the open waiting to be bombarded when there was xnt cover available and they knew they were in a trap. It actually doesn't matter what may have happened historically. This is not a simulation. Make it a better game scenario.
  13. "...we know what we can be and what we can't be." Quite correct and sensible and a major reason you guys have made it while so many others have packed up. My continued astonishment and admiration that you have the time to personally answer so many of the posts here. Oh wait... maybe it's a post-answering program... that would explain the singlemindedness.
  14. For what it's worth finalcut, my father was Polish, lost his entire family, and he hated Germans for as long as I knew him. Oddly, my mother is Estonian and considered the Germans as liberators from the Soviets. When they came back she was in the last boat to Germany and was in Berlin when it fell. An odd couple for sure. Sounds like a great story/book. But, after decades of asking I could never get more than some superficial details from either of them regarding their experiences. Maybe that speaks for itself re the horrors they endured.
  15. Curious: Does it fire the missiles? Does it behave like a Gill or like what it's supposed to be?
  16. Yes, it's the short time scale of the scenarios issue (they tell me). None the less, it would make the game so much better if engineers had this specialized task. And we have seen that there are many new RL ways to clear mines fast - like a special charge that detonates everything for several hundreds of feet to clear a safe path. Just add it to the list, I guess...
  17. At last You r a gennelman an a scolar, sir. Been waiting days for a simple response from an intelligent player. (But, you will do...) Sorry, I couldn't resist. Really... Thank you.
  18. Another trick I like is when one unit can see and fire at at enemy, but other units can see the location but not see the enemy, and you want them all to fire at that enemy: Plot a movement order for the unit that can see the enemy unit to the enemy unit. Then select the other friendlies and TARGET the end of the movement plot and you'll be right on target. Pop quiz: Why must you be sure to delete the movement plot before hitting GO?
  19. Yeah, if that was in a game, it would be SO "unrealistic." But, RL is crazier than a game lol.
  20. "return them from the dead..." NOW you're talking. I have been lobbying for a CM:Zombie module. "Blue forces attempting to clear urban areas of brain-eating living dead" is the game that would put CM on the map (or someplace)!
  21. From the link the solution to IED's on a choke point (other than locating and killing the triggerman) is to smoke the crossing area. If the triggerman can't see it he won't detonate. Mines are impossible to detect b4 they go boom. I think I know which scenario you are talking about and it's frustrated a lot of us. If we were warned in general about mines, then that's one thing. But, to say that there are mines on the bridge and there is no way to get rid of them so we have to send sacrificial units across is just possibly unrealistic and plain daft. (Spoils an otherwise great scenario.)
  22. Wow, if that is a statistical thing, like once in a blue moon a WIA recovers, that is a super feature that really makes taking care of the WIA mean something.
  23. "Well, we're stuck in this niche unless we start putting in power ups..." Oh yes... thanks for reminding me, I was going to ask about power ups and spawning next LOL... Steve, is that how you see me? I feel... hurt... power seeping away from my circuits... You know what, I do see what you mean and what you are trying to accomplish. And I know how bloody hard it must have been to have gotten this far. And the CM series is the best wargame series ever, so... (And congrats re the Aussies. You are the only US outfit I know of to have gotten $ out of them. I was thinking of the 3/4 mil min one (I) would need to develop anything back in the day, never mind these days...)
  24. Yes guys, we all know that it's completely Steve and BFC's decision what to put in and leave out and most of us know it's usually a LOT of work to program the "simplest" things. So, these forums are a steam-letting process by folks who clearly love the game and honestly believe that their suggestions would improve it. As the "loyal opposition" re a few features, we're merely illuminating issues, based on extensive experiences with other successful games, that in our opinion would make the CM series better. There is a conflict between the "realism" school and the "design for effect" school. However, BFC does seem to be in the "realism" school for better or worse. That's fine. However, that limits the CM series to a very small niche market of military types and super hardcore wargamers. Again, totally BFC's decision. But, even in the "realism" camp, while each scenario of a CM game is tactical in nature, in a campaign that could easily be thought of as covering weeks or months of time (between battles) - see what I mean? Hence, I don't see any distraction from "reality" for units to be able to be promoted or gain skills between battles. One thing is sure, this is the sort of feature that has worked very successfully in other games and that would broaden the audience base and help bring in fresh blood into this niche market. Too late for CM2, but maybe for CMSF2.
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