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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. My understanding is (and anyone who knows different plz step in) that US scouts and snipers are given much higher training like SpecOps and they are considered elite (just not as elite as SEALS and DELTA).
  2. The follow/assault tank command was very effective - in the right circumstances (dense woods, fog etc) or when the enemy AFV was distracted/overwhelmed by inf attacking from different directions. I am using assault tank right now in a CM1 desert tourney with only 200m vis and lots of obscuring dust. To my dismay, I just had an engineer squad throw a satchel charge into what looked like empty space... But, just as the thing exploded, an enemy tank arrived just at the that spot and was KO'd. I didn't realize that even CM1 inf can predict.
  3. Impressive. And it transports inf. Who needs tanks?
  4. Isn't the theoretical reason to fire at a tank with small-arms is to damage the optics and other such less-armored things, jamming the tracks etc. thus degrading the tank, so hopefully it goes away (one way or another).
  5. Know what... It was Mussolini who buggered Hitler's East Front war. When the posturing twerp invaded the Balkans and got stuck, Hitler postponed Barbarossa to get Musso out of the crapper. (And again later in NA which Hitler had no interest in.) One of history's unknowns... Had Barbarossa started on time, the Nazis may have taken Moscow and would not have needed that winter clothing. Yes, the Soviets would probably not surrendered and kept fighting, but still... Timing is everything.
  6. 3 years! And not being able to play on it? Man, that is amazing dedication. Everyone is very keen to get to roam around those streets.
  7. I understand what you're saying Zeb, but your "keyhole position far, far away with 0,75-1 km LOS) I've had tremendous success with them" - well yes, keyhole is xnt for ANY unit, so you're using the ATGM AFV as if it were like any other vehicle. Also, scouts and snipers receive tremendous training (at least in the US) akin to Green Berets and Pararescue (at least according to mil channel docs). Once I learned and understood where things broke down in the game, it's not a problem. It's not that it spoils a terrific game. But, I was irritated, felt cheated maybe, that it took so long (for me) to learn that these units are basically fudged, when we have so many other threads/arguments here about "how realistic CM2 is." This stuff should have simply been in the manuals. (I suspect that BFC wanted to pretend that the game was more "realistic" than it actually is, in order to cozy up to mil types re contracts etc.) But, you guys are correct. It doesn't spoil a fabulous game once one knows these limitations.
  8. Interesting idea jnt. CMSF does have spies and IED triggermen (just get rid of his IED's) who are basically unarmed (maybe a knife?). Would the above work for civilians?
  9. Gents: I use every mod I can get my hands on with no problems, and I run at higher res than you, so I still think you have some other issue.
  10. I can't getv the first link to work, but the 2nd was very useful. Thanks. Any similar bmp maps or CMAK sound map?
  11. Ooooh... I tried and liked Process Server. Thanks.
  12. Yesh, thanks for reminding me, abneo. Zeb: I have read all the manuals, and while maybe 10% was really important and useful, the rest I call "info candy" or "detail candy" cos it's info of little use in learning how to play the game well, but it looks impressive and gives the illusion that the game is like RL. However, as I delved more into CM2, my ferret-like persistence towards understanding the game has been thwarted by the masses of inconsistancies and vagueness, and common sense or knowledge of RL units often works against one. Just a few examples: One has little idea what the vertical ammo bars are for arty and air; scouts and snipers don't have special training; sniper ammo is all over the place - and some you can resupply IF you have the correct vehicle, but which ones?; ATGM AFV's with telescopic thingies, can't stay as hidden as they should; unitil this thread I didn't know what ATGM's could be fired from inside a building; ditto MG's and so. If we go over the threads from the last 12 months I bet we'll find dozens more. That doesn't mean it's not a great game, and I thoroughly enjoy playing. But, every now and then I get sucked into the dream that it is a "realistic" game and hence my frustration - until humane folks like abneo remind me to "not worry and be happy."
  13. The mod increases the text size so it's easy to read when using hi resolution. I know it was discussed and reposted a week or two (or three?) ago cos that's when I got it.
  14. <Slaps head> Aw jeez, here we go again... I just wish the friggin manual would actually provide info dealing with stuff like this. And this is only one issue. These forums are kept alive/clogged by frustrated players (like moi) trying to play the game knowledgeably, and it seems impossible.
  15. Blucher: Yes, sorry, but I can no longer edit.
  16. Hehe. Nice catch Sergei. Guess, what... I OWN that boardgame!! Picked it up in the UK last visit there. Too big/heavy to fly, so it's still there waiting for my return! I loved the terrorist-model balaclava hood that comes in the game for the terrorist player to wear - labelled "EVIL" over the eye holes.
  17. You guys have great systems similar to mine, and I run 2800x1800 or somesuch. IIRC I have anti-alias ON and everything set to max quality. There has to be something else going on.
  18. What were your and the red side's casualties, how many points etc?
  19. If you can afford a powerful dedicated gaming machine without all the other Windows stuff, XP may be the only way to go for now re nVidia and weather. I was really hoping that by now there would be a fix. But, the absence of fog etc. doesn't bother me at all. I used to turn all that stuff off to see what I am doing. BTW: Another guy on another thread (CPT Mike) is complaining about exactly same thing. You guys may want to get your heads together and contact BFC tech support.
  20. I only have 2.9GHz (altho I have 6 GB RAM and GTX 295) and I can run with no problems. Another guy with new super system has been complaining of same thing. Suggest U need to get your system checked out re whatever other crap is running, wrong settings etc.
  21. It's puzzling as it could be due to smoke, dust, the triggerman being suppressed/KIA etc. Since it's in the game, one would hope that BFC could tell us this stuff - altho' I hear they're distracted these days... My concern is that it may just be "detail candy" - put in cos the RL vehicles have it and to con the "realism school of thought" players that the game is really realistic. But, who knows - wish someone could clarify.
  22. It's cardboard from GMT, an excellent game design house. But, I don't think anyone else has tackled this at this global level: gmtgames.com/p-294-labyrinth.aspx
  23. One can get a lot closer to a target perimeter than RL, but if you're inside the line you are an enemy.
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