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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. That's good info, Ron. Thanks. I think my perspective is more "what makes for a better game" - hence I liked the CM1 snipers which seemd to have "better and unique qualities." I take the point that in RL it's about taking hours/days to sneak into position. But, in game terms, it would enhance the entertainment factor to have them have superior skillsets like better at scouting/spotting. Same with scouts. For the same reason, I would like to see stats on individual soldier's performance so that in a campaign (which can easily be considered to take place over a period of months) one could enhance experience, even award medals and promote. I am very keen re enhancing immersion.
  2. So for every single Taliban chap it took an average of 1,000 bullets 22 artillery and mortar shells, .5 hand grenades, 7 rifle grenades plus 200 pounds of air munitions. Anyone have an estimate of how much it has taken to cause a single casualty in previous wars? WW2, Vietnam etc?? (Dollar cost?)
  3. "A Helluva Road Opening" is a good example of the one force attacks while a 2nd is besieged. Map seems big enough.
  4. I recall that game, I probably have it stored away someplace. And yes, I think it's a great model. Even as a conventional game with the existing CM2 technology I think it's very entertaining to have one force besieged and defending while another force (the rescuing cavalry usually) is attacking.
  5. Yes, I have to speak a combination of Estonian, Latvian and Polish and is very confusing. But, no problem am reinstalling Win 7 and copying patch 1.30 into the folder now...
  6. Erik: You can make an appeal to other players who for sure have those scenarios and have them send them to you direct.
  7. Some people make it harder for themselves to play on IRON, I like to attempt to obey orders as issued by CO's/Scenario Designers - regardless of points re Victory Calculations. It's a matter of personal preference and what is more fun. Having said that, you CAN hammer buildings with a surprising amount of firepower and NOT have sufficient damage to lose points. So, the idea that one cannot aim a shot at a preserved building with hostiles is not true. It takes trial and error, but for example, I figure I can shoot 20mm and 30mm for about 1 gun minute cumulative (ie, depends on how many guns are firing) at a building without any damage registering. You can also use arty, (81mm and air) using LIGHT and PERSONNEL settings (NOT Armor or General, Medium or Heavy). These are airbursts and will do little if any damage to buildings.
  8. I was going to say that sometimes teams have a falling out... Women, personal grudges etc. It's amazing what CM2 simulates. But, never mind...
  9. Am I correct that in CMSF smoke rounds too close to friendlies can also casuse casualties?
  10. Hehe... you guys... I think this is all a conspiracy just to confuse me... So, now I read you can NOT simply COPY the entire CMSF folder to a new 1.30 folder and reinstall (only) NATO? One actually has to do a complete new installation of CMSF plus NATO?? (No point in installing the Brits or Marines, since one can go back to the 1.31 version for those.) Is this correct?
  11. Hey, thanks for arranging the d/l Mord! Can't wait to try it out as soon as I get back from travels. And thanks to the rest of you guys I have a bunch of bands and music to check out. I love industrial. I think that Lady Gaga is the latest incarnation since a lot of her best music seems based on Euro style industrial club music. Love her stuff too. Thanks again all...
  12. Syrians CMAK? You inspired me to check the number of tanks and other vehicles in CMAK: Approx 60 Tank/Tank Destoyer variants Approx 50 other vehicles (Depends on year.)
  13. IIRC if you split off an Assault team, I think the Support team end up with more ammo (assuming the squad hasn't already acquired 1000+ rounds of course). Are you saying that even when you do a SPLIT SQUAD, that one team has more ammo?
  14. Good question, Euri. I used to do linear smoke, but as you say, it's usually rather spotty, unless it is a rather short line BTW: I believe there is only a certain number of smoke shells and that's that. So, you MAY get 2 short smoke missions. But, usually it's all gone after one if your arty if firing more than 'SHORT."
  15. Thanks... The link has the music from Black Hawk Down which would also work well. But, unless I am missing something the thread doesn't explain how to make the U-Tube music playable in the Z folder. (Hey I am not even sure how to get my wife's iPod to work, so...)
  16. Ok, I think I got it now. Thanks guys. Looking forward to trying this as soon as I get back to HQ mainframe.
  17. Anyone tried this? http://www.filehippo.com/updatechecker/
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=103AYigJSDs&feature=related Anyone know how to convert to a file we can use in our Z folder?
  19. User38: Welcome. Suggest you try the CM1 games that came after CMBO - CM:Beyond Barbarossa and CM:Afrika Korps. These later 2 games are more sophisticated than the very first CMBO - featuring covered arcs and tons more that was not present in CMBO. Very few people still play CMBO for that reason. In addition, whatever you buy, be sure to install ALL the patches. Also, you will find literally thousands of "mods" that you can d/l for free from this site and others that will greatly improve the visuals and sound of the CM1 games. There are also mods for the newer CM2 (CMSF series of games), but far fewer than for CM1.
  20. "I still always play in Iron mode however, because of the more realistic (longer) fire support times." So, this and C2 issues largely with Red troops are the only real extra challenges. I too don't understand the point since of Iron since when you deselect, you see everything. (Am also in the camp that just cos something is more of a headache, doesn't mean it's more realistic.)
  21. I guess I don't understand how CMSF works/installs... So now what I am hearing is that one does NOT have to copy or reinstall the entire CMSF folder. All one needs to do is create a 1.30 folder elsewhere from the current 1.31 CMSF, and ONLY install NATO to that folder. And when I use the executable in that 1.30 folder everything works ok. Am I getting this correct? (This is so like hard work, I think I'll go play CM1 for some relaxation now.)
  22. I have v1.31 (hence the PzFaust problem). Just to clarify, I copy the entire CMSF 1.31 folder to another folder I can call (say) CMSF130. (Does it matter where this new folder is located?) Then I apply the 1.30 patch, or reinstall NATO. Is that correct?
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