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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. +1 Fionn has helped gameplay immeasurably with his charts and helpful hints etc.
  2. That is odd as I have had Italian troops buddy aid Germans and acquire ammo that is of no use to them. I thought that was normal, so...??
  3. Is the Springfield for GL, or for CMBN (since it's in this forum)?
  4. I can confirm George's scenario is fun - when I played some of it looked very close to those famous UTube clips of the real fighting with the AFV guns swiveling around shooting at stuff all over the place. Am excited that you are doing a scenario as well Agusto!
  5. One can get a lot of TO&E info from cardboard wargames. Those designers did a huge amount of research over the past several decades. eg: Check out GMT Games. Some of their WW2 games come with that sort of info.
  6. Great pics. Am still experimenting with my nVidia controls to get that drab-looking feel where the uniforms blend in to the terrain. Mine still look like they would stand out.
  7. ****SPOILERS**** One way that works is leave everything including reinforcements safely our of enemy LOS in the rear while you lets small scout units locate the ATG's (destroying or blinding them are key). Also use arty strikes on obvious enemy strong points and observation posts like the objective hill. Using smoke on the hill will blind the enemy FO's so you can move with greater safety (so long as the smoke lasts). This is a great training campaign and scenario for when you think you've become a good player. Despite its frustrations, I really enjoyed the campaign - and the final battle is one of the best CM2 WW2 scenarios so far. The US gets something like a battalion of infantry and a couple companies of AFV's plus a ton of support weapons and vehicles. That was a wonderful reward for struggling thru the campaign. Actually, I am curious: How many of you have completed the C&F campaign?
  8. Thanks. Looking forward to trying this as soon as I get back from travels!
  9. There is still a (smallish) devoted fan base that plays CMA. However, with all the other CM2 games available, it's eay to get "distracted" by the other games. Interest comes in waves. Right now, I think interest in CMSF is picking up again because of the situation in Syria.
  10. First check which version of CM1 you are playing. If it's CMBO, then the CMAK (or CMBB) bmp's probably won't work as desired. Unlike CM2, once you replace CM1 bmps in the BMP folder the old ones are gone forever, unless you backed them up or saved them in another folder.
  11. Yes, while the Germans, US and Brits look pretty good in the stock game, the Italians look a lot better now. Thanks.
  12. It's always polite to ask the designer. But, from what I recall from my IP legal days, it's all in the public domain and free to use unless the "author" has put a copyright symbol on his work.
  13. Let us know how PE (Special Edition?) works these days. I still remember it as a great WW2 armor game. But, very buggy., Spent more time getting patches and mods and fixes to get it to run than in actual playing, and it would still crash regularly.
  14. Wow. A huge amount of wonderful work. Thank you.
  15. Just got back from a trip with no computer... PT: If you reread my original post, I was referring to CMFI/GL's The Corridor campaign, and NOT any problem with your CMBN Scottish Corridor campaign(!).
  16. Wow. I am really aghast/stunned at your attitude PT since I have played just about all your designs and have enjoyed 95%+ of them, and have been one of your biggest fans and vocal in my enthusiasms for your work. So, people have to worship everything you do otherwise you throw a snit fit? Really? Speaking as someone who has been paid to review cardboard and computer wargames and spent 10 years designing "realistic" DoD sims, I learned to appreciate and value very harsh critiques as that made me better at my job. Perhaps I don't have the extensive professional experience at creating wargames and scenarios that you do. However, in my time in the biz, I learned that to take negative comments personally is immature. I am genuinely dismayed.
  17. Hi Aris: It was noted over at CMBN forums that Sexton, Sherman I and Firefly Ic never got your modding attention. Is there any chance you'll eventually do those?
  18. Am curious... how did you avoid the enemy airpower? That chewed up my tanks and a lot of inf even when they seemed hidden in woods.
  19. A near future Korean War would be very interesting (as would Israeli wars) but highly unlikely due to political correctness etc. The historical situation would be great for an operational game (since airpower was such a huge part) but seemed a very unpleasant experience tactically on the ground.
  20. Marco Bergman did a mod for all small arms and vehicles as well.
  21. I think I have all Aris mods and I count 97 Aris vehicle and gun mods for CMBN and I see Priest, but no Sexton.
  22. FWIW: I did tests in CMSF re rates of arty fire and the effects. The results were that LIGHT/HARASS for longer periods caused more casualties than intense bombardment with the same number of shells.
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