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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. They usually used smaller wind-up cameras that contained maybe 50-100 feet of film tops. That's approx 1.25-2.5 minutes at 24 frames/sec. And that's why we see so much "jerky" footage shot at 18 frames/sec. Coupled with its rarity and expense (exposed film had to be returned to labs for processing and printing etc)
  2. Playing JOKER on it was awesome. Learned all sorts of new things re MOUT tactics in order to succeed.
  3. Ah... now is this is the XNT full max size map that you edited down a bit for JOKER? Will have to get new machines in order to cope with the size.
  4. When I say no scaling "messes"... I mean that I get a smaller image with black frame all around. So far "Aspect Ratio" doesn't appear to have any ill-effects. I was hoping there was a setting that allows CM1 to fill the screen horizontally, but cuts off top and bottom (like many movies on DVD do) to get the widescreen look but with correct proportions of the units.
  5. "The standard 8 mm (also known as regular 8) film format was developed by the Eastman Kodak company during the Great Depression and released on the market in 1932 to create a home movie format that was less expensive than 16 mm. The film spools actually contain a 16 mm film with twice as many perforations along each edge than normal 16 mm film; When the first pass is complete, the camera is opened and the spools are flipped and swapped and the same film is then exposed along its other edge. Common length film spools allowed filming of about 3 minutes to 4.5 minutes at 12, 15, 16 and 18 frames per second." 8mm was primarily for home use. Most newsreel cameras would have had 16mm, and those have very short runs. So cameramen edited in camera and would have shot the least the could since supply was limited.
  6. One option that works for CM1 (nVidia) is "no scaling". I get black bars on the right and left, but the proportions are correct. ( I did not change any resolution.) Unfortunately that messes up my CM2 screens, so have to swap back and forth depending on game. The 3rd choice "Aspect Ratio" seems to make both CM1 and CM2 look correct.
  7. Sorry. I checked and the (CMAK) in-game res offers me max 2048x1536. My monitor is max 2560x1600. I just wondered if there was a way to make the CM1 image in the correct proportions rather than stretched.
  8. I run my CM1 at the highest res offered which is 2200xsomething IIRC. I tried it at 1600x1200 and can't detect any difference other than the UI controls are much smaller. Is there some problem/danger with running at max res offered? Are you saying 1400x1050 makes the game unit proportions "look right"? If so, how did you play with your desktop res to get that?
  9. Just completed a playtest of Umlaut's latest scenario on this amazing map. It's already impressive, and with another round of testing to go, this will be a terrific scenario for those who like MOUT battles - and with the Brits.
  10. If you subscribe to the concept that a major turning point of WW2 was US entry, then it boils down to economics... being able to out-produce your enemy or as Stalin said "Quantity has a quality of its own".
  11. That's a reason to keep a lot of distance between men in a skirmish line, so it's hard to get more than a few b4 the others go to ground. Even when split into teams, our troops of a team stay a bit too close to each other. Maybe if we get formation orders one day, we can have a "SKIRMISH" order that makes them separate more.
  12. The irony is that buttoned tanks seem to have no problem spotting (and shooting) infantry in the dark and with smoke. I hope that capability can be turned down a bit in a future patch.
  13. You better let us know where to d/l. There are so many versions now, it's confusing as to which is the latest. Dates on all mod versions would be useful (many modders do not date their mods).
  14. How old is that mod you just mentioned, baron? I may already have it?
  15. "I placed a way point down at the end of the street and targeted the building from there. Then I pulled the way point back right in front of the Staghound." I am testing a Ciembienne scenario right now and had exactly the same problem. Stroke of genius! Invaluable trick. Thank you.
  16. There are troops about 2 or 3 meters away from the invisible tank. Losing all knowledge that the tank is there is ridiculous. If the LOS or whatever can't be fixed maybe increase the time it takes to lose contact so very temporary smoke doesn't result in this most unrealistic phenomenon.
  17. Exciting video. And an xnt example of the magically disappearing Sherman, now you see it, now it's vanished, now it's back again, now it's vanished etc. even with inf right next to it they completely lose contact with it.
  18. "I don't think there should be German aircraft in CMFI at all." I rather agree especially if you are not going to have AAA. There was a helluva lot more AAA than aircraft.
  19. That is really clever... Amazed at what can be accomplished.
  20. "...recommend in the fine print that you shouldn't kill yourself immediately after starting a therapy with anti-depressants but instead wait until your mood improves."
  21. So the mortar guy is a modded Brit? If so, that is impressive.
  22. I thought this comment was interesting: "You are throwing a medium tank up against a heavy tank and then calling it an engineering disaster? How about comparing it to a German tank of comparable size and capability like the Panzer Mark IV and see how it compares against that." The video mentions that Patton personally selected the Sherman as the one to use. I wonder what were the other choices?
  23. IIRC radios are abstracted for FO's However, I always thought that only the FO (or HQ leader) spotter himself could call for arty. If he's gone, the rest of his team cannot. So, this event is weird.
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