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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. IIRC when a unit enters a building in either CM1 or CM2 the building becomes semi-transparent. The roof-off feature in CM1 didn't really increase visibility. I can't recall ever needing to use the "roof-off" feature in CM1 (and I still play CM1 tournies).
  2. It's rare that a platoon unit would disperse over too wide an area. So, maybe there should be limit on how far a subunit could wander off from its platoon HQ. There could be an override button that allows one to do that (say) for recon. But, the default would keep formations within shouting distance of the HQ.
  3. Did someone say "flamethrowers"? What are they?
  4. Have to show that to my German pixeltruppen for inspiration. It's the uniform that does it, y'know.
  5. I have been very impressed with how many issues BF has now resolved with the CM2 series' latest updates/patches. There is very little left that causes (me at least) any headaches. However... One big item would help speed up the gameplay process especially for the larger scenarios that many of us prefer... *Selectable and movable waypoints/lines (similar to the CM1 system). Being able to select a waypoint or line anywhere and immediately have that unit "activated" would help speed gameplay up significantly. Currently one has to go search for the unit and click on the unit itself before we can change/move its waypoint. It may only save a few seconds each orders phase, but multiply that for (say) 25+ units every single turn in a 90+ minute scenario, it would save hours in a longer, larger game.* In terms of the actual game itself, the only really irritating feature remaining is the LOS system. As I mentioned b4, it is useless to have the third ammo carrier be able to see a target, when the MG, or gun he is crewing cannot be moved a few inches so that the primary weapon can shoot at the target. I understand that sometimes one doesn't want the weapon to shoot at the target, but that can be handled by giving the weapon a restricted covered arc. Ideally, if a crew-member can see a target, one should have the choice to fire at the target, and if needed, the gun/MG should move under AI control to do so.
  6. Will these work with the latest version?? I have LT SMASH's xnt WW2 icons (used them in CMBN and CMFI) but they don't work anymore.
  7. The attention to detail is amazing. Thank you...
  8. Am hoping that we can get something that is much easier to use for an operational level than OAW.
  9. "Actually it's not time consuming to install or uninstall a mod. If you can move a folder then you can install or uninstall a mod." What consumes enormous time, is comparing mods and figuring out which ones still work after an update as some do and some don't. eg: I have 7,587 files in 549 folders in my CMBN Z folder alone.
  10. Any reason why these zips are not the common ones used by everyone else? I know it's not a big deal to load (yet) another software onto my system. However, I like to keep my system lean and mean, and hate loading new unzip software when I already have several.
  11. Any word on the upgrade for this (original CMSF) game that Steve mentioned a while ago?
  12. Would love to examine this as well! What are the differences??
  13. "I have seen barrels glow cherry red when lots of rounds were fired through them..." Ok, another project for modders lol.
  14. Thanks Aris... BTW: I compared the old mod graphics .bmp's with this new one and it was hard to tell any difference. What did you change?
  15. I have family in Finland but am certainly no expert. However, I would think that, just as in modern times, the Finns probably had trainers/observers from Germany who wanted to blend in. So, that could easily explain the uniform. But, I hope some historian more knowledgeable that I am can help you.
  16. awesome. I still hope that we can persuade Steve and BF to upgrade CMSF to current CM2 standards. Need to keep on that.
  17. Thanks for the info. I know these a labeled "Bulge" mods. But, presumably (I hope) they will appear in any winter CMFI scenario??
  18. Thanks. I just put the unzipped hotfix folder in my Z folder. But, I thought only .bmp files go there. What is an .mdr file?
  19. Curious why you replaced it with the CMBN version. I can't tell if it's better...
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