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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, "Blunting the Spear". If you have time, start up mission one again and see if you have same issue. Hope the bug isn't mine alone.
  2. I understand why BF is doing this as they need the revenue stream. But, I can't understand how anyone can play more than a fraction of the scenarios and campaigns before a new release comes out. When I was was laid up due to injury and could play for 8-12 hours a day, even then I could barely keep up.
  3. Thanks. Love the new larger map of the German Campaign mission one. Odd things about the first German Campaign mission: There are 2nd infantry company units but if you click on 2nd company in any unit's box, there does not appear to be any 2nd company HQ. The Bn HQ shows there should also be a 4th company, but that also I could not locate any 4th Co HQ or units. There is also no Co HQ tank for 1st company tanks although there is a Co HQ for 2nd Co tanks. Deliberate or an oversight?
  4. I have to say the German Campaign looks interesting. Fired it up and was very excited to see the unusually large map (compared to previous CM2 games) for the first mission! Over 2500 metres per side. One odd thing about the first German Campaign mission: There are 2nd infantry company units but if you click on 2nd company in any unit's box, there does not appear to be any 2nd company HQ. The Bn HQ shows there should also be a 4th company, but that also I could not locate any 4th Co HQ or units. There is also no Co HQ tank for 1st company tanks although there is a Co HQ for 2nd Co tanks. Anyone know if this is deliberate or an oversight?
  5. Yes. Forcing surrenders seems much easier than actually accomplishing the mission of getting off the map. I suppose it's the same result, but I agree, it would be more satisfying to actually be able to exit the units and feel that "one is getting somewhere". Enjoying the campaign however. Now, CMRT will drag me away.
  6. I don't know if it was the Cold War or any kind of thoughtful analysis that made the Germans the favorite side. IIRC it was simply that the Germans always were depicted as having large variety of interesting units/weapons systems with a wide variety of different strength factors and special abilities, whereas the Soviets in particular were always depicted on the counters of the time as identical hordes of brown counters - all pretty much the same. They were simply "boring". The Germans were "cool". Even their snappy uniforms (thank you Hugo Boss). I have recently wondered if the old emphasis on the Germans being more "fun" was part of official governmental psyops of the time - designed to make us young players identify more with the Nazis than with our former Soviet allies. But, even though I have no bad feelings towards the Russians (even after Crimea), I still much prefer to play the Axis side in all CM games. (And since attacking is more fun, am just a little bit disappointed that CMRT seems to feature Soviets attacking more. And yes, I do know that was historical in these years.)
  7. Actually, can one make the decals into smiley faces or other?
  8. I do wonder if after the novelty wears off anyone will notice the decals. I hope BF didn't sacrifice anything else useful for them.
  9. It's interesting to see how tastes have changed over the last 30+ years. When I were a kid, you practically had to PAY someone to play the Soviets in the cardboard wargames we had at that time. EVERYONE wanted to play the Germans, and particularly with the lovely white on black SS counters. It was also very hard to get anyone to play the Western Allies (or any west front game for that matter, aside from where the Germans were attacking, eg: Battle of the Bulge). Any of you "old timers" remember all that?
  10. Is the one with the game identical to the one on the BF site? (So we can safely delete the earlier one?)
  11. I have 30 MB/sec d/l speed and it says about 45 minutes to go with 14% downloaded already. How big is this thing? Or, is it slow cos everyone is d/l at same time?
  12. There is definitely improvement in the manual in that it gives more help to new players on "how to play" and also on the C2 system. Good job.
  13. Peter: I noticed that most UTube videos of military stuff, games etc. do not have ads, but yours do. How does that work? (Since I don't want to watch the ads. I don't get to see your videos. Any way to avoid em?)
  14. Yes, me 2. However, not sure how well the original sold. CMSF presumably did better hence BF thinking of redoing it.
  15. Note that I like scenarios where you have enuff forces and the challenge is to accomplish missions with minimal losses. Brits: I really liked UK Royal Mud Marines. Lots of diverse units and support and interesting challenging missions all over the map. Maybe my all-time favorite CMSF scenario. Also very good is CIMIC HOUSE. Marines: USMC A Helluva Road Opening. Includes Germans and Afghan Army forces. Again lots of units and support and enuff time to do things "right". You should also try some of the Red vs Red scenarios as xnt trainers to learn Red capabilities.
  16. Yes, thanks for the link. Very helpful.
  17. It strange how players have such different experiences. In all my Brit Nijmegen missions I have used arty to easily kill enemy armor. But, the guns, especially pesky 20mm AA have been very hard to kill. Even if I KO all but one of the crew he is able to recover within seconds and fire back effectively causing lots of minor damage to tanks. Someone suggested pulling back firing units so that the enemy gun crew can run away rather than fight to the death.
  18. I recall that I enjoyed Aalst a lot. I found most of the 88's and enemy tanks were spotted relatively easily by having observers in good positions and just leaving them there for a few minutes. It's also wise to send an infantry patrol around that right flank. As I mentioned in other threads I found it frustrating to take out guns with arty (they withstood a lot), and amazingly easy to take out enemy tanks with HE.
  19. The last scenario in Conrath's counterattack felt impossible unless you figured out the trick which IIRC was to go to the left flank rather than the obvious straight ahead. What I like about Nijmegen campaign is that recon is rewarded. But, as with most CM2 scenarios/missions, I find that I spend 50%-75%+ of the time reconning to locate the enemy primary assets and the last 10-15 minutes killing or smoking em with appropriate weapons plus massacring the enemy troops - and often getting Total Victories because of enemy surrender. I agree that it seems often impossible to actually exit friendly units in the time allotted.
  20. In dusty conditions clearly. Perhaps the dust is much reduced in damp areas like Normandy etc. I wonder if the crews laid any covers on the ground like a sniper would to reduce dust? Very interesting the guy claims it was used in an indirect fire role with a 5 mile range vs the 1 mile direct fire role. If true, that would be interesting to see in CM2 for on board direct fire weapons as has been discussed. (Of course we'd need rather large maps.)
  21. Yup. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
  22. FWIW I have won several of these by simply killing enuff Germans that they surrender and I get a Total Victory rather than actually making any exit victory conditions. I also found that the Brit 105mm and/or larger is more effective at killing German JPzIV's that trying to go tank vs tank. Hope that helps.
  23. It may have something to do with how the bunkers are situated in terrain. I found it easy to take out some bunkers in Nijmegan campaign using massed small arms fire or using 75mm and Firefly tanks.
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