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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Womble: Your own objection to recrewing was that gamey people would replace conscripts with elites. So, I came up with a solution. Just cos you don't like the idea doesn't absolve you from coming up with reasonable reasons.
  2. "If my elite Sherman crew survives their first steed relatively intact, they can eject the conscript crew that are driving their backup mount and reenter the battle. First, that makes the points in QB buying somewhat more difficult to determine." What abut if recrewing was possible but only for crews of equivalent experience (and similar tank of course)?
  3. I dunno what kind of test one could do other than repeating the same turn maybe a hundred times and seeing if one gets the same result? I think when a lot of people report the same issue, that's a test of a sort On the other extreme, I find it most "efficacious" to bombard enemy armor with 105mm and up. In several recent Brit. Nijmegan missions I killed several JPzIV's very easily (less than a minute of bombardment) which seemed TOO easy.
  4. ...and sometimes, having one door next to a wall with no door doesn't allow traverse. It's frustrating as one really can't know fer sure until on issues orders and see the results. When my guys unexpectedly go outside and get gunned down, I see this as a reasonable excuse to replay the turn.
  5. After seeing other threads about this I have been watching the "deploy" time required as indicated in the little weapon icon box, and it does regularly change in buildings to several minutes.
  6. "sometimes" yes, miracles happen... I see it happen quite regularly hence my (and others') posts about it.
  7. "...the best addition at this point would be to allow troops in an adjacent action spot to acquire ammo from a vehicle..." Yes, this would be an xnt feature that would reduce game frustration (and speed up gameplay) esp in WEGO. There should be realistic limits on how much ammo can be exchanged/acquired in this way, and a time penalty (similar to the lost time when a unit is boarding or disembarking for example) to simulate the opening of crates etc per Luke's point.
  8. That's the strange thing... I also find mortars/arty are very effective vs inf hiding behind hedgerows or in fields . However it can't be realistic when you use heavy arty and /or 75mm+ tanks to bombard a foxhole position for several minutes, and the enemy pops up within a minute of cessation of bombardment and is suddenly very combat effective.
  9. Yes, I agree... the problem is that if you move the unit with the gunner to the action spot where the 2nd unit does have LOS, it often happens that the unit with the gunner STILL can't get LOS to actually shoot at the target. I thought that is what you meant. NOT being able to shoot isn't quite the same as not having LOS. If you select the target unit and the unit with the gunner illuminates, then someone in that unit has LOS to the target. But, in the example you give above, the gunner often isn't the one seeing the target and so he can't shoot. It's a PITA.
  10. Well, the morning starts by 1am. I am sure that's what he meant.
  11. Thank you Vinnart. I feel a lot better now.
  12. If you have LOS from the gunner, you should be able to shoot at the target. Many times, one has LOS to a target from the "unit" but the gunner can't shoot at the target, because (apparently) HE can't see the target.... and he's dam well not going to move the MG a couple inches so he can shoot at it either! Or, are we talking about different things?
  13. Yes, indeed... forgot about that trick. Again a PITA in WEGO. Let's hope for the adjacent unit ammo swap feature.
  14. Man, I wish I had the local franchise on Balaclava (how appropriate) masks.
  15. Thanks for the info, Altaris. I read that WitE is more complex -one has to move hundreds or even over a thousand units individually. However, it has an economic game in that you can choose more specifically what new weapons/tanks/aircraft etc. to build or not, and you can adjust the weapons/units that each corps possesses. What concerns me about what I see of the Strategic Command series (as with Matrix' Panzer Corps) is that you can only have one Divisional or Corps unit in a "hex" and it seems more abstracted - one cannot adjust its component units - only bring it up to full strength or generally "upgrade" it. But, one doesn't have a choice on what to upgrade it with as one does with WitE. Do I have that analysis correct?
  16. If the vehicle is too small for the team trying to get in, it won't, and you can't. Hoping that future CM versions will allow for ammo swapping by adjacent units (within reason and with some time penalty).
  17. Having a yen for operational-strategic WW2 play. Anyone played the Assault games and "Panzer Corps" series or "Germany at War - Barbarossa" or Grigsby's "War in the East" for a review/comparison?
  18. FWIW, I noticed that MATRIX games is about to come out with "Piercing Fortress Europa" - "...game from veteran game designer Frank Hunter, which covers the campaigns of the Western Allies from July, 1943 through the end of April, 1945 in Sicily and Italy." Maybe useful as a scenario generator for CMFI?
  19. Exciting... However, there is a bit of a problem playing CMSF and any WW2 CM2 game in dense urban settings as it's hard to get a good visual of the action. Walls get in the way very easily and block LOS to what you want to see.
  20. If you still the pointy end out of a window far enough, why not?
  21. It's a great map. I also had great difficulty with it - took too many casualties even when being very careful. Would enjoy replaying it some day.
  22. Now that's a Polish nuke-tipped warhead if I ever saw one. (Disclaimer.. haven't actually seen one in person even though my dad was Polish.)
  23. "the suppressive effects may be too light and too fleeting..." Well. that is something we can all agree on then.
  24. I noticed the same facing "confusion" that Baneman is talking about. Anyone know if a facing command followed by a few seconds PAUSE helps re throwing a smoke grenade in the desired direction?
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