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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Of course it may always be propaganda but it seems that US troops are increasingly drawn into fighting in Mosul - maybe spec ops on "temporary, short-term assignments". Nov 2016: "The White House has capped the number of U.S. forces in Iraq at about 3,870, but that total doesn't include as many as 1,000 troops who are there but exempt because of the military's personnel accounting system. For example, troops sent to Iraq for temporary, short-term assignments are exempt." http://www.businessinsider.com/us-marines-in-battle-with-isis-in-mosul-iraq-2016-3 Jan 2017: http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/us-troops-wounded-iraq-syria-islamic-state Feb 2017: https://www.stripes.com/news/pentagon-us-troops-under-fire-in-battle-for-mosul-1.455290#.WMHU6WeQxoB It's not credible that the same Iraqi army that ran from ISIS a couple of years ago leaving all their equipment, is now well-trained and disciplined enuff to endure MOUT in a large city. I was shocked at a documentary broadcast in the UK a few weeks ago that showed that the Iraqi Army doesn't have any organized medical support - relying on volunteers to carry WIA guys to regular hospitals.
  2. If there was a way to get these invulnerable armored trees to move and perhaps carry inf, we'd really be onto something.
  3. Any data how the above compare with a Humvee? If good, I wonder if they have a civilian version. Looks cool.
  4. It must be a huge problem for BF to come up with anything people would consider really new and exciting to play over a period of time. All the WW2 CM2 games play almost the same. How many new games does one play just cos there are a half-down new vehicles, or a new uniform for a new nationality? CMSF, CMBS and CMA are still welcome for variety. But am finding myself getting burned out faster and faster with each new WW2 release. It was cool in CM1 to play from the invasion of Poland onwards. But, of course we can't do that now. We'll probably have to wait for a new game system, CM3, to arrive and be a revolutionary step forward as CMSF was after CM1.
  5. Thanks... I managed to get all the way thru some years ago. But, thought it would be useful for new players so they could at least enjoy all the scenarios.
  6. "...bullet proof protection against incoming rounds that fire and hit on center..." Wow. Thanks(?) Can't forget the hint now. But, yeah, to be good at any game one has to know how to fight "the game system".
  7. I notice that a contingent of US Marines are now aiding the battles both in Mosul and Syria. My interpretation is that the locals are in trouble and can't do the job. Highly predictable. Not good news if this leads to US KIA as we all know how deadly MOUT is regardless of experience, skill or training.
  8. The final mission was a great one if you enjoy huge missions. Perhaps there is a way to extract the missions and play em separately. I agree some of the missions required repeated play to succeed/survive. Not fun at all to have to replay repeatedly to find the "trick/key".
  9. Yes, thanks... I presume one can use em in all WW2 CM2 titles.
  10. For the last several years many Brit PO's are now in stores like WH SMITHS, so in effect you can buy a lot of stuff and the PO is stuck in the back.
  11. Agree with SS. Remember when the Bosnians or Serbs shot down a super secret (at the time) F117 stealth aircraft during their troubles". Parts found their way to the Chinese embassy, and we had to accidentally bomb it to dust "due to inaccurate maps provided by the CIA" etc.
  12. Yes, that's how it works. Have done that for other mods. You just need to have the original mods you want to mix up. Highly recommend that you keep a copy of the original mod folders and make new folder(s) for the files you will rename/mix up.
  13. Finally... been waiting for this for a while. Now we can start to talk about what a real future war may look like and how much of what we field today could be obsolete.
  14. I recall how cheap the models like Airfix used to be. So, maybe they are a great investment - like that's a room full of gold!!
  15. When playing modern Blue, have found that point target is very accurate. Only slight less accurate for WW2. Maybe more accurate than in RL - makes Russian arty look really bad. But, perhaps Red arty is depicted more realistically?
  16. This puzzles me since the Russians have always set great store in their artillery - IIRC considering it the predominant force. Perhaps in the CM2 game we are simply not given enuff Russian arty as they would have in RL to compensate for the inaccuracy and the long call times?
  17. Just curious. Can you have a H2H game where it's possible for the AI to do stuff at the same time (like a unit that doesn't get your message and acts independently)?
  18. For turreted AFV's one can waste so much time setting 180 degree arcs in the direction the gun needs to be facing while the AFV may be moving in a different direction. Can't understand why BF got rid of the "one click 180 degree arc" command that was in CM1. Really miss it.
  19. Good video. Thanks. Nice to see a scenario in which good "training" tactics and planning is rewarded with minimal casualties. Too many scenarios try to be "balanced" which (imo) leads to far too many friendly casualties.
  20. "...lost over 100% of their Typhoons..." That sounds terrible. Was that worse than BoB losses??
  21. If the waypoints are too close, the unit will often ignore one of them (the first one IIRC) as if it doesn't exist - ie: the unit goes to the 2nd waypoint immediately and if you issued any orders for the first waypoint they are also ignored.
  22. Can't figure out which download button to use. This site clearly expects people to screw up so that they can install s^%$t on your computer. Why use this site at all? We have CMMODS and FGM which are trustworthy and reliable.
  23. If you have extracted EACH of your downloaded mods to a SPECIFIC MOD FOLDER, you can move each SPECIFIC MOD FOLDER to your Z folder and nothing will be overwritten. To clarify: For example, you download "MOD A.ZIP". You extract all files in that MOD A ZIP to a new folder you create called "MOD A". (This assumes that unzipping the zipped file doesn't already give you a named folder with files in it - some modders do, some do not.) The new MOD A folder can now be copied or moved to the Z folder to become a SUBFOLDER in the main Z folder and no files will be overwritten (assuming you do not have another sub-folder in the Z folder with exactly the same name).
  24. It would be wonderful to have a forum area dedicated to data like this (with NO discussion cluttering it up). Maybe directly ask BF?
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