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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "An AK game would be less infantry-centric..." God, I hope so... And "Sand, sand, nothing but ******* sand! " Have you heard of a game called CMSF?? It's really quite good.
  2. +1 for Afrika Korps. It would be a largely different game experience due to the massively different terrain than all the European titles. which are all rather similar. It's a reason that CMSF is still enjoyed as a different experience to the Eurocentric games.
  3. I appreciate your and ironsturm's advice. So, basically no sound wav named <sound.wav> will play once there are other wav options created such as <sound 0.wav> and <sound 1.wav> and higher numbers. In that situation any wav file named simply <sound.wav> needs to be renamed to <sound X.wav> where X is a number from 0 and higher. Is that correct and definitive? Also: What about the case I have where I have several MG42 wav files downloaded and they are named <gun MG42 x2.wav> and <gun MG42 x3.wav>? Do the "x2" and "x3" suffixes need to be deleted and the files renamed as above? Or, does the x2 and x3 convention mean that each will play in certain circumstances? (The x2 and x3 denote increasingly long MG42 bursts.)
  4. Just checking... TARGET LIGHT for guns (AT or HE) will simply make them use their rifles not reduce rate of main gun fire. Is that correct?
  5. Apologies to keep on this but here's what I don't understand: When there is one wav file for a sound it's named <sound.wav>. So, if one has two possible sounds for the same weapon one would think they would be <sound.wav> and <sound 0.wav> OR <sound 1.wav>. I am confused why when there are more than one wav files for the same sound, suddenly one doesn't use the original format <sound.wav>. Is it correct that when one adds a new wav file for an existing sound, one has to change the original wav file from <sound.wav> to <sound 0.wav>???
  6. Yes, I know it's the only option right now. That's why it would be useful to have the AT team stay in their ambush position until they fire and then skedaddle. It's impossible to time AT teams for firing compared to snipers or even engineers blasting.
  7. Another question re MG sounds. I have wav mods for MG42 that read <GUN MG42 x2.WAV> and <GUN MG42 x3.WAV> Do I need to rename them to hear the options in-game, or is the x2 and x3 recognized by the game. (The numbers refer to double shots and treble shots.) I do not see any wav file for the MG34 - is that a generic MG sound and if so which one?
  8. Thank you... I need to renumber all my optional wav files as most start with the simple SOUND.WAV file and then the 2nd is SOUND 0.WAV etc. just like the graphics option mods. (I use this for MG42 sounds as I found a few MG42 sounds that are really good.) BTW: Does this method of having several sound options appear in-game also work with music and/or background sounds? What about flames sounds and engine noises? ie: Does this numbering system NOT work with certain categories of sounds?
  9. LLF: Very glad you will do another version using your superb map. Looking forward to it. The first half of the video is interesting. Then it gets into how confident the US forces are that the Iraqi troops can take care of themselves and their country. This was 2004 b4 ISIS. So sad...
  10. And a useful technique for creating bunker systems out of regular buildings with all sorts of guns or even tanks inside.
  11. Thanks for the reminder. I wasn't certain if TARGET LIGHT meant only use rifles. I will try with 30 and 45 sec delay...
  12. To confirm... for WAV files one should NEVER label the first file <SOUND.WAV>? The first file needs to be <SOUND 0.WAV>?
  13. When an AT team fires a bazooka it would be good to have an option to have them immediately move away (FAST or SLOW probably) from their ambush position. Many times, their act of firing will alert enemy who can fire and pin or kill them soon after firing. This is an issue in WEGO, as one can never be certain when an AT unit will fire. If the AT team fires in the first few seconds of a turn, it then sits there for the rest of the minute when in RL they may want to get away from that position asap. The same option may also be good for snipers. However, it's easier to predict a sniper shot, so giving a sniper a 10-20 second pause b4 moving works ok. AT teams are less predictable.
  14. Is Heart of Darkness campaign dated 11/28/16 the final version?
  15. My question is whether the first name should be <sound.wav> or <sound 0.wav>? And then is there a <sound 1.wav>? What confuses me is that the graphics .bmp options are named differently. There is no <graphicsname 0.bmp> or <graphicsname 1.bmp>. For a graphics .bmp options to appear in game one has <graphicsname.bmp> and then the next file is <graphicsname 2.bmp> etc. So, for 3 or more .wav files to appear in game, what should the 1st, 2nd and 3rd wav file be named?
  16. Looks great. BTW: Is Heart of Darkness campaign dated 11/28/16 the final version?
  17. Yes. Am sure that this would have been noticed years ago. I wondered if there was a workaround or if it's a bug. I will try giving a 30 or 45 sec pause b4 movement.
  18. Wasn't sure what an Ent was. Thank goodness for Google: http://www.entsoa.com/
  19. I tried to get an on map mortar to fire for 15 secs and then have it pack up and leave. But, apparently if you order a mortar to move at any point during a WEGO turn, the mortar will not fire at al b4 movingl. Is that a bug?
  20. I have a number of mod sound alternatives. To have them all appear randomly in the game how should they be numbered? Eg for MG42 sounds my options are: "gun mg41.wav"; "gun mg42 0.wav"; "gun mg42 1.wav"; "gun mg42 2.wav" etc. Is that correct? Or, does the game not recognize "gun mg41 0.wav" and/or "gun mg42 1.wav"? (ie: How should the above be numbered to have them all appear in-game?) I recall the naming convention is different for graphics.
  21. As long as it runs on paraffin and old alcoholic umbrella drinks and can be repaired by hitting with a hammer I want one. Presumably you pick em up in Russia and drive it home?
  22. Looked at the file with the units. Looked like a nice mix. Rare to see Nyalas in CMSF so that unit is very welcome. Saw you had an engineer vehicle but didn't see any engineers. I have little idea of what units are like over there, but I would think that the US airborne would generally have a higher experience than the Iraqis. However, why not have some Iraqis with other experience levels ranging from Green to even a few Crack? I have never understood why in CM2 nearly always all units have the same experience levels. I liked that in CM1 one would get formations with units that ranged from Green to Crack. Spec Ops guys are Elite, great, but no Spec Ops snipers?? For some reason I couldn't dismount anyone so not sure if any support weapons get dismounted with them like they do with some of the Brits. I remember fighting over your edited section of the Ramadi map very well. Superb map.
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