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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Shrecks weren't particularly common, but if your scenario plays well with that ratio, who's to say that unit didn't concentrate their schrecks for that very purpose. That certainly happened.
  2. CMx1 was the greatest wargame series ever. Until CMx2.
  3. Not surprising. McGyver was Chuck Norris before Chuck Norris was Chuck Norris. Just in a more cerebral way.
  4. Well done. You will henceforth be known as McGyver.
  5. I'm aware it would be a separate family, just wondering if NA was on the big white board of planning at BFC. Guess it's not,...yet.
  6. They seem to do everything faster if you let them deploy, then give the facing command, in my experience.
  7. Doh *smacks forehead*. I missed that completely.
  8. Correct. A couple seconds searching shows lots of examples. http://search.usa.gov/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&affiliate=cmh&query=friendly+fire&commit=Search From the very first entry: "The trouble on the highway was apparently the result of another incident in the two-day mix-up between our own infantry and the armor of Combat Command B. When the leading elements of Task Force Y, Company I of the 33d Armored Regiment, finally got to the highway about 1630 after their painful progress across country, they became confused and turned north up the main road, advancing straight toward the 117th's lines and toward the division's supporting guns, both tank destroyers and antiaircraft batteries. With a real and dangerous German armored attack in progress just to the west, there was every reason for the fully-alerted antitank crews to swing into action. A fight instantly developed, the armor coming in with its 75-mm guns and machine guns blazing. The two leading tanks were knocked Out by friendly fire before Company I realized its mistake and turned south on a proper course."
  9. You say that like the vast majority of the pilots would have any idea what "South of the river" means. Identifying anything short of a really large major river is seriously hit or miss for pilots, especially when they're looking out for AA and enemy aircraft. They're flying over a patch of ground they've never seen before in a combat situation. As someone who has done some piloting, I can tell you the pucker factor would make that difficult. As far as friendly ground units hitting other friendlies due to misidentification, no one needs to show you anything, you can easily look up dozens of incidents.
  10. My thoughts are that the Russian player can have a lot, and I mean a lot, more infantry than the US player for the same points. Kinda makes up for the US advantage against armor.
  11. It's been asked for before, but it's still something a lot of us would like to have.
  12. Since a typical 8" naval shell weighs about 152kg, yeah, a 200kg shell would be a little tough to toss in the breech.
  13. 410 kj isn't even remotely a legitimate answer for a 200kg projectile moving at 1200m/s Here's the stats for the WWII 8.8cm KwK 43 L/71: Shell Weight: 10.40 kg Muzzle Velocity: 1000 m/s Kinetic Energy: 5200 kj
  14. Yes. Normal or lower motivation troops are much less likely to sit and slug it out, etc. They back up, bail out, and basically act like they don't want to die.
  15. It's important to use Normal or worse Motivation to get more realistic results. Talking about WWII crews, there were many times that smoke caused crews to bail out assuming they were on fire, even if no serious damage had been seen/felt.
  16. I like McMaster for that, as well. But I really like the idea of the M? Stormin Norman IFV
  17. If we're talking total conversion, then I'd like to see something like this:
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