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Everything posted by Chek

  1. I am shocked,nay outraged that you would speak of your better halves in such a derogatory manner.Those who have nursed us through(except mord of course) sickness(and computer game addiction is a sickness,not to mention the abstract usage of the word by the young of today elucidating to the positive reinforcement of actions,thoughts or deeds ie"that was sick dude") and health,richer and in my case most definitely poorer. Those who have made us the men we are today and have been the stalwart foundation,the inspiration upon which we we have woven a rich and varied tapestry from the threads of life's experiences. Those who have... OK she's gone to work now,would love to stay and chat but I have to get some CM in prior to she who knows all returns.
  2. I wonder how the cow patties of Italy will effect movement then,IIRC they are of a different consistency.
  3. It's use is endless,it's going to be turning up in a dictionary any day now.
  4. A wonderful surprise,anything from the Med theatre sounds good to me.Very much looking forward to this.
  5. Oh come on rambler you can do better than that how about accurate shadowing playing a more significant part in camo and concealment. Not it would look prettier...
  6. Nicely put Bigduke.The truth always gets it first.
  7. Here's a charming little song/poem to the bayonet http://angloboerwarmuseum.com/Boer70n_hero15_moody1.html. Scroll right down to the bottom of the page. Where would the infantrymen be without his bayonet
  8. Been playing pretty much from release day and have only got to the point recently where I'm finding the AI fairly easy to defeat.Still learning things though.It models chaos well and I can't think of anything more chaotic than a fire fight. Btw nice find on the TD site Mr Kettler,that's going to absorb many an hour.
  9. My in laws bought my son an iPhone 4. I can see the criteria for confiscation becoming less and less
  10. Hell I can't even play CMx1 anymore.. the interface is cumbersome,lacking in options and just plain limiting.The graphics are off putting and the AI is a joke. As much as I once enjoyed the game it's day has well and truly past. So I guess in conclusion the thing I Like most about CMx2 is it ain't CMx1.
  11. My crystal ball says full length playback in real time mode.
  12. If you've ever wondered how you actually drive a Churchill you may find this interesting http://www.churchilltank.com/Driving_and_controlling_the_Churchill_Tank.html
  13. Been pondering on an iPad,guess that's clinched it.
  14. Welcome aboard. Mentioning AI behaviour round these here parts is akin to playing basketball with a wasps nest.
  15. Juju's interface is a must simply excellent and intergrates work from others,as well as his own of course into a great GUI. For sound AKDs sound mod. Anything by Aris and there's a lot. Veins flames and tracers...very cool oh and he does sounds too. If you want to play Italian theatre SDPs mammoth effort is where it's at,hell get it even if you don't want to go Italian,terracota rooves,different trees and uniform mods,different loading screens to name but a few,it's spectacular and there mods by others to go with it. This is just off the top of my head,there are many others doing great work. OMG I for got to mention Mord's mods,oh and Niessuh oh and...ah hell this could take all day. Just try 'em all.
  16. You generally only do it once. I've also had crews panic and bail out on the odd occasion.It 's great to be able to put them back in once they've calmed down a bit,assuming the vehicle is still functioning of course. I hit a hundred posts and don't feel like a true lurker anymore,but you the real thing.
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