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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Mishmish is the Arabic word for apricot/apricot tree. The scenario takes place within the confines of one of the Italian agricultural colonies, Ghassoub, which grows mishmish.
  2. I had (and reported) a number of oddities with the dynamic flags. I'm not sure how many of the scenario had them but I remember Rune asking for more scenario with dynamic flags.
  3. I feel your pain Soddball! I have in the works a campaign (only 8 battles but on a map the same size) of a fictional invasion of Sardinia. At least 40 hours in and I too realize it will never be completely tested prior to release (if I ever finish it). 1 thing I have noticed since CMBO, picky and more demanding customers have come along too. (both an advantage, a help and a pain) I also have a smaller 4 battle Spanish Civil War campaign in the works, however its only a 2 x 4 kilometer map (PUTTING IN THOSE DAMN ROCK WALLS IS GONNA DRIVE ME CRAZY). In the PanzerBlitz conversion the games took over a half a year to build and game test, mainly because they were in the 3-5,000 point range and 40-50 turns. Most were play tested only once.
  4. I believe the next one would be (chronologically speaking) Mishmish. I noticed that the year date for it is showing 1942 but it should be 1941. It is part of the initial campaign that drove the Italians out of Egypt and Eastern Libya.
  5. I believe the next one would be (chronologically speaking) Mishmish. I noticed that the year date for it is showing 1942 but it should be 1941. It is part of the initial campaign that drove the Italians out of Egypt and Eastern Libya.
  6. Well it's a fictional scenario but East of Elba is up at the Proving Grounds and uses a New Zealand landing force.
  7. Thanks for the info Michael, I'm at work and don't have my notes on that scenario. Either a source or myself misread that info somewhere. How annoying!
  8. Egads! Thanks for noticing that error. Yep honored the wrong hero on that one. Here is the correct list for the honors won that day. For their contributions to this action, Major Mahony received the Victoria Cross, Lieutenant-Colonel P.A. Griffin was awarded the Distinguished Service Order, and Lieutenant Perkins was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Perkins' Troop Sergeant, C.N. Macey, was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal while another soldier in his unit, Trooper Jacob Funk, won the Military Medal for his actions at the Melfa River. Hans
  9. spoilers for the Sidi Nsir operation For the Sidi Nsir operation I was challenged by it being a historical battle with (unfortunately for playability) a fairly accurate map and locations of where the units ACTUALLY where. The bare ass terrain, the defenders weapons mix and the habit of players not liking to start under fire requires you to start far out. Enjoy
  10. Reform is a good idea I'd like to be able to search by reviewer, I find that certain reviewers are more believable than others. It might also be a good idea to keep track of how reviewers review, ie a guy who always give a 10-10-10-10-10-10 would reflect that in his rating score. A reviewer who rates low would also be reflected in his score. I'm for multiple catagories (to reduce egos mainly) and a 'cabal' to officially rate scenarios while the riff-raff public can add only general comments. Log in? Yes definitely.
  11. Hehehe, believe me Sergei the thing was a devil - I'm sure the gods of chance pulled some strings on that one! I had saved the game and reran it. The dang thing was done in by the second shot.....
  12. Suggestion I believe there are some sixty scenarios, at a week or so apiece, it might be a year to finish. May I suggest you make the title "Scenarios of the week" and do 2-4 chronologically from the disk. Each with a separate thread of course.
  13. Suggestion I believe there are some sixty scenarios, at a week or so apiece, it might be a year to finish. May I suggest you make the title "Scenarios of the week" and do 2-4 chronologically from the disk. Each with a separate thread of course.
  14. Perhaps if I can get the data. In the first two the Jordanians of the Arab Legion are represented by the British (Their commanders were British and so was the equipment). The Israelis are Italians with Hebrew names.
  15. Perhaps if I can get the data. In the first two the Jordanians of the Arab Legion are represented by the British (Their commanders were British and so was the equipment). The Israelis are Italians with Hebrew names.
  16. Hey I thought this was a great idea. So when is the next SOTW going up?
  17. British Tommy, yes I should and will. Thanks for the reminder Oren-M yes I believe we have spoken before. Its the Arab Legions attack towards the Al Quds on the 20th of May 1948. Notre-Dame de France is the attack on the Hospice on the 23rd of May. Yes I do plan to do many more Blood Feud scenarios. I have severe problems getting any material however. Being in an Arab country I cannot get to any Israel website nor import books on the subject. I am trying to establish contact with the Royal Jordanian Command and Staff College. If you have any material (maps, diagrams or OOB) from the 48-56 period let me know. Lucho and Alex please email me and I'll get you started. I do have one little problem in that my copy of the finished CMAK has stilled not arrived, so references to the manual on things like dynamic flags etc are not completed. Also some names of the soldiers have not been converted (In the Thai vs French scenario for example).
  18. Hi folks As promised I have completed some 'alternative' CMAK scenarios which need your expert help. The deal: You get to play test the scenario and you get, free of charge, a mention in the credits and my undying gratitude. I need help with three Spanish Civil War battles, 1936-37 Small Battles, La Colina de Saltamontes SCW Small Battles, Desaprensivos SCW Small Battles, Passes, SCW Two Arab-Israeli battles, 1948 Blood Feud, Mendalbaum's Gate Blood Feud, Notre-Dame Thailand versus Vichy France in Cambodia, 1940 Small Battles, Yang Dang Khum One Italian versus Greek, 1940 Small Battles, Epirus Two British vs Japanese in Burma, 1943-44 Small Battles, Burma Relief Column Small Battles, Marubouai Thanks for your help in advance Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Please put CMAK in the subject or my spam killer will do your message in.
  19. CMBO I'm Germans with about a company of infantry and 15 tanks* and SPs attacking some Americans. The Americans had a single tracked gun howitzer! Easy meat. That little devil knocked out three tanks, then disappeared as I began to flank it. I thought it must have run off (as the infantry was) and continued my advanced to the last victory flag. Bam! the miserable little devil had circled BEHIND me (this is the AI for ya) it knocked out a STug from the rear at point blank and proceeded to destroy a total of 11 of my tanks. and shred my infantry. Weirder yet I hit it a half dozen times and got, ricohets, penetrations with no damage, etc. That guy deserved the Silver Cross and battlefield promotion. I think the only thing that saved me was we ran out of time - I couldn't kill that thing. *Pz IVs
  20. If you just gotta have a wreck you can do so by placing a unit (using the editor) on a clear tile, then changing it to a non-movement one (rocks, marsh) etc. Give it a conscript crew and no ammo. At the start of the scenario the crew will probably abandon the vehicle. You can also place a vehicle on a mine field to start-that often creates a wreck the old fashioned way.
  21. Perhaps an easier variant of this would be to have a map of the AO which would show all scenarios with dates shown. This would have a mass of scenarios in NA (measle sheeted), Sicily and up to the Po valley. That would be a less massive project that the original concept. Different years etc (especially for NA) could be shown in different colors.
  22. A few notes on Nibeiwa The Allied setup is the historical way the initial attack went in. The set up zones are extened to allow the player to adjust for his own types of attack. The location of the Italian mines and tanks is historical but the ATGs and arty/MGs locations are best guess. The numbers of Italian/Libyan conscript infantry has been drastically cut to make the game more playable.
  23. I used suitably altered Italians...however when they talk it loses effect...Sergio Nishikawa and Gino Shimabukuro don't sound too Japanese. Also did a Thai vs French in 1940
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