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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Is Ramis a CMAK player? - he'd probably be able to design it faster and better - it also seems like a rather BIG fight-a tad to big for 'small battles' : ]
  2. Ah substitutions! I asked over at AK board for second opinions. The French tanks can be substituted for by Allied. Char B Grant/Lees H39 M-8 HMC etc Stonne is scheduled for development in about 2, 2 1/2 weeks, I have most of the data just have to decided whether to try it as a operation. Ramis? Yes I have a photo copy of the HASL map as part of my research. Do you have any arrival times for the French armoured reinforcements and the original lay out of the 'starting' positions? Thoughts?
  3. Good solutions. I'd thought of the Grant/Lee myself for the Char although I think the 75mm gun is superior-perhaps limit to HE. Very good suggestion on the HMC amd Crusader!
  4. On its way. Still cannot figure out which German unit was opposite of the 4/7th on May 14th near Wavre. The 4/7th doesn't seemed to have made much impression on the war diary recorders of the German army!
  5. Gentlemen in your august opinions For a 1940 scenario what would be the best tanks to use to represent the French armour? H39, Somua and Char Bs?
  6. Howdy Tooz Will do, it was a BIT more incomplete than I thought, but will send within 24 hours (forgot to write up the Axis side of the briefing-trying to figure out who the 4/7th were in contact with). Also have one for Stonne and a half dozen more in various stages of production. Oh and thanks Junk!
  7. A mobile anti-tank wall......I had never heard of it!
  8. Jonny I have several in production. One is near completion, a small historical probe on May 14th by the 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards in Belgium.....care to play test? Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  9. [slap] okay Wisbech-lad [slap] back, back I say, there is the madmatt special rule number 49 ya know. "After two years lurkers are deemed unredeemable" [slap] so back you go to lurkdom. Actually I rather like the Italian tanks, you can win a fight with them and they have good MGs against infantry - plus if you lose you have a valid excuse!
  10. [slap] okay Wisbech-lad [slap] back, back I say, there is the madmatt special rule number 49 ya know. "After two years lurkers are deemed unredeemable" [slap] so back you go to lurkdom. Actually I rather like the Italian tanks, you can win a fight with them and they have good MGs against infantry - plus if you lose you have a valid excuse!
  11. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/france/ft_17.html If you have a specific question on the Ft-17s pass it on and I'll throw it to the Italian wolves at the Italianisti list. Glad to be of help, I put that out as I'm researching for a campaign on Sardinia and came across that little piece of info. May I suggest you plug into the italianisti@yahoogroups.com Lots of info there and experts who enjoy having their brain picked
  12. From the italianisti@yahoogroups.com ....Italian Renaults They were part of the same December 1940 agreement with the Germans (December 1940), and the quantities involved were 76 tanks immediately and 25 monthly from February, fully overhauled by the Germans, and with German radio sets. On January 15th 1941 the extimates were revised, again rather optimisticaly, to 140 tanks immediately plus another 360 in batches of 50 tanks monthly, but it was noow unclear if they would have been provided with radio sets (by mid-february they were all still radio-less). The italian crews started to arrive to the Wunsdorff Panzerschule during March 1941, to train on the R35 and bring hem back to Italy, where the first 20 ones were delivered on April 24th 1941 (April 3rd 1941, according to other sources). The Germans later informed that they were not to delivered all the 500 promised R35, but the quantity was at first reduced to 350 and later to 124 tanks. Originaly it had been planned to form six R35 battalions (1st to 6th Bns/4th Tank Rgt), as follows : 1st to 4th Bns, formed from the 4 coys of the 1st Recruit Training Bn/4th Tank Rgt The 2nd Recruit Training Bn formed the 5th and 6th coys of the 6th Bn, and the 7th and 8th coys of the 5th bn, with the other companies newly formed. The sharp reduction in the quantity of the delivered R35 forced to revise the whole program, and only the 1st and 2nd bn remained (later renamed 101st and 102nd Bns/131st Tank Rgt om August 15th 1941). The former 3rd Bn was transformed in a recruit traing bn, the personel of the 4th and 5th bns was used to fill up the 200th Tank Bn and the 6th bn was transformed in the 8th Light Tanks Bn. Each R35 bn was organized on an HQ coy (2 x M13 tanks plus 2 x M13 Centro Radio tanks) plus three tank companies (16 tanks each). As I've told for the S35, also the R35 were tentatively to be send one platoon in North Africa for tests in mid-1941, but it was decided to cancel this decision, as it was perfectly clear that the R35 were fully obsolete by them. All of the available R35 were sent to Friuli for manouvers instead, then on Sept.14th 1941 the 101st and 102nd Bns were sent to Sicily (January 2nd 1942), as part of the 6th Army. It was again decided to send them to North Africa (July 28th 1942) but again the decision was cancelled (September 14th 1942). Operationaly, the R35 in Sicily were divided among the Mobile Groups, as follows : Mobile Group A (Paceco) : (4th coy/102nd Bn). Mobile Group B (Santa Ninfa) : (6th coy/102nd Bn). Mobile Group C (Paceco) : (5th coy/102nd Bn). Mobile Group D (Misterbianco) : 2 x HQ tanks (from 101st Bn HQ) plus 13 x tanks (3rd coy/101st Bn). It lost 5 tanks fighting in the Palazzolo Acreide area. Mobile Group E (Niscemi) : 15 x tanks (1st coy/101st Bn). It lost all tanks but 5 under naval gunfire barrages, and another 2 were destroyed by the US Rangers, all during the fight in the Gela area. Mobile Group F (Rosolini) : 10 x tanks (2nd coy/101st Bn). Four tanks were lost fighting against the British. Mobile Group A (Paceco) : (4th coy/102nd Bn). Both 101st and 102nd bns were destroyed during the defence of Sicily.
  13. Snow Leopard, se siete interessati nei piani d'azione con gli italiani io abbia quanto segue in su al deposito del piano d'azione Small Battles, Action at Mombo is an Italian Probe against the Brits Small Battles, The Transvaal Scottish Hold is an Italian Attack Small Battles, East of Elba is an RSI defense against a New Zealander force Small Battles, Epirus is an Italian attack against the Greeks Small Battles, Babbot vs Nussolini is a ME with Italians vs Australians Small Battles, At the Sullen Well of Taleh is an Italo-German force in a ME with the Brits Coming in 2-3 days Small Battles, Colina del Lamimatoio an Italian attack against the Rhodesians in Somalia Small Battles, Lolla Alla Morte! is an Italo-German delay/withdrawl from a Canadian encirclement More Italian actions to come to include the famous CTV actions in the Spanish Civil War and working on an Italian SP ambush of US Shermans in Sicily.
  14. I like the Italians especially in early war years. The best bet you have is to concentrate on infantry and artillery and forgo the tanks - such as they are! The suggestion for CAS is a good one - but I tend to go in a 'buy your own' for arty and quality inf. My first battle in CMBB (completely random) turned up Italians vs Soviets - I managed to obtain a draw against a Soviet T-34 led infantry force - liked 'them thar' Italians since. Unfortunately the 100 and 104mm guns are not included, they were known to have some AT ability.
  15. Hi Mark I have tried that, most internet queries about Israel get blocked here. In particular these two sites below I cannot see. Could you be so kind to take a look at them and let me know if they have the type of map/diagram/ sketch a CM guy could use to build a scenario from? Thanks http://www.gemsinisrael.com/geshermap.html http://www.jajz-ed.org.il/noar/sites/degania.htm
  16. Thanks Dune man Ah you wouldn't happen to have access to that book? That volume is not one I will be able to find in this country (UAE)! I have some good descriptions of the fight just need an idea of the layout. Are there any Hebrew language materials about this fight on the web? Thanks for your help
  17. Ran this on the scenario forum for awhile but not bites! Looking for a sketch or map of the layout of this Israeli Kibbutz that was attacked by the Syrian Army on May 20 1948. I have a good 1:50,000 of the area but need some help on the actual layout/organization of the Kibbutz Thanks
  18. Its good if you want a high percentage of first round brew up thou!
  19. Mr.Spkr Per your request the majority are up and the last two, Mishmish and Petraracholi Ridge are going up in a few hours
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