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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Between the Thais and Vichy French on 16/1/41 I have a good OOB but need a more detailed map of the area in Cambodia where this action took place. Also could use a more detailed description of this battle. Thanks
  2. A truly groggy question, what was "Wege Command"???
  3. Great stuff Romulus, and thanks for the attempt El Savior. Some strange items in that division, such as: " ..1 (20 ton) Light Flak Column" "3 Companies from Wege Command" "1 Mixed Gebirgsjaeger Company" Not so strange but wondering what Assault gun they had in these units 3 Sturmgeschuetz Batteries
  4. Heck lets burn everyone in this thread. Haven't had a good newbie burning in hours! Welcome to the wild world of CM, kiss your relatives good bye and plunge in.
  5. Thanks Andreas, had part of that from a site I found on the 90th, tank info is invaluable. Vielen Danke JonS Timeline, sometime after Cmak comes up, preparing the scenario on paper at the moment.
  6. Gentlemen much appreciated. If you come across any other details about Sardinia I'd love to get it. Large Grazie
  7. In those we'll really see how the game has evolved. Off course I haven't touched CMBO since CMBB came out!
  8. Fortunately CM is not combat, or most of us wouldn't be here! Its like a Shakespearan play, its shows parts (usually the most interesting) of the players lives - not the whole lives, nor all the details and complexity of the interactions the players discussions and descision cause. Its a compromise between the horrible reality and fun we obtain from it. If I was the CMs designer the Artillery portion of the game would be much much more complex because I have some detailed knowledge about that area - that complexity would drive others wild. Like good art CM is best simply enjoyed rather than analyzed.
  9. If an invasion of Sardinia had occurred what forces were avialable for reinforcment, ie what was in Corsica, Liguria, Tuscany and Southern France?
  10. Ah Potential Italian Player Would you happen to have the IDs on those two coastal divisions?
  11. Hi JonS Yes please Request submitted. I do have a cruder OOB which shows some odd elements to include a Gebirgs company, ex french foreign legion and others.
  12. Just to add to the discussion, don't forget French and Italian manpower, not to mention the rest of Europe and South America - not to mention the millions of Germans. It would have been a devestating war but Russian production capabilities - especially of food were greatly curtailed at that time. The effect of B-29s blasting Soviet cities to include Moscow with nukes cannot be discounted. Especially there concentrated POL industry. I say make a simulation and give it a try.
  13. Gentlemen looking for details on the Axis garrison of Sardinia at the time of the Sicily invasion.
  14. Major error there, CANADIAN report on the war in Italy. Sorry about that my Northern friends.
  15. Major error there, CANADIAN report on the war in Italy. Sorry about that my Northern friends.
  16. web page The first page is just a page of corrections, go in a few and you'll find the document. Interesting official view of the war in Italy.
  17. web page The first page is just a page of corrections, go in a few and you'll find the document. Interesting official view of the war in Italy.
  18. What, I DO NOT DROOL, it's a medical condition connected with my left sinus and that small parasitic worm I picked up in Africa. As to the rest of it, death is always mentioned before famine...just what kinda people do you think we are? We are not your immediate family, we have couth and act in a deeboner way. So take that and reflect on what Rousseau's evil brother wrote about the slack savage - it might, just might, apply to you.
  19. I'm getting the impression that the CMBO world is going to be reborn in CMAK! And yes from my miserable earlier days a few of my first scenarios will be converted into the land were the Machine Gun actually kills.
  20. I like to think the reason I always lose the initial QB with a new CM product is due to the fact that Madmatt, Charles and the rest of the cabal secretly hate me. They arrange to sent me a special disk with a preloaded QB that they know I cannot beat. Devilish are these evil doers, evil to core, worse than a bus load of constipated Mormon Apaches with a need to gather up some hair. (sob)
  21. Mace, Mace A KIWI! Call my mother a Canadian prositute who has a swipe card holder on her forehead...but not a KIWI An Hawaiian actually I must now say good bye to this fine (well kinda) field and seek nirvana elsewhere
  22. Mace, Mace A KIWI! Call my mother a Canadian prositute who has a swipe card holder on her forehead...but not a KIWI An Hawaiian actually I must now say good bye to this fine (well kinda) field and seek nirvana elsewhere
  23. Oren_M Thanks for the info. That site is banned in the UAE as is most info on your country! Dang hard for a guy trying to make a scenario. I will send that link to an American and see if they can mine it for data. Oren_M care to cooperate on a series of Arab-Israeli scenarios for CMAK? If you could provide crude data (OOB and diagram/maps) I can do the actual editor work. Shalom Hans
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