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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I'm nearing completion on three scenarios for France 1940. In one of them I've used substitutes for the H-39's and Char B 1bis in the battle. Small Battles, First Blood: its a historical scenario on the 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards first clash in Belgium. Small Operations, May 15, 1940. A small operation of two battles that has Rommel's vanguard running into the 1st French DCR (armoured division - this is the one with French tanks) Small Battles, Sigh Bridge: set during the retreat to Dunkirk on the 27th of May, retreating Brits try to clear a blocked bridge while under pressure of the pursuing Germans.
  2. Yes, I rarely play operation myself, mainly because they seem to long. Matter of taste, some people (distorted, insane and weird people of course) do like them, the longer and more points the better!
  3. Yep he has all the signs, he'll be modding, designing scenarios, guestioning grogs and exchanging insults with the trans-sexuals on the waffle thread soon. I wonder,......wires, do you find you cannot go to sleep at night until you get in one good 500-800 QB? The addiction grows
  4. Funny you should mention that, I'm finishing up on a May 15, 1940 operation with only two battles. Started out as an advance ops but has grown into a static.
  5. Good to know those improvements are coming Admiral. Its probably hasn't been said enough so thanks for putting in all the time to provide that excellent service for the CM community.
  6. ¡gracias Paco por su sabiduría generosa del árbol! Yes a Chirimoya grog! Looks like it'll be a 'scattered tree' orchard of Chirimoya
  7. An agricultural question! I was sent an idea for a Spanish Civil War scenario and the paragraph mentions.. ...the fascists attack us in the Cherimoya fields.... okay I looked up what a Cherimoya IS but what the heck is size of this fruit bearing plant? "Bush size", "scattered tree size" or "vineyard size" Thanks!
  8. It would be good to have those in there - is that really all that is missing? I think some of the heavier arty is missing too? Hey junk2drive Yes we have come a long way, I too cannot even open CMBO anymore. Nor do I touch CMBB for that matter. J2D put up a Burma scenario, Small Battles, Burma Relief (close to your pacific front)scenario at SD.
  9. Poland is better similuated in CMBB. By convention (but not regularly followed!) such scenarios have a POL at the end of the name. You might look at the following scenario to get an idea how different nationalities and equipment can be used to represent the 1939 Poles. Best of luck. Small Battles, Polish Spoiler Small Battles, Corridor POL Small Battles, Noose POL
  10. What was the Israeli experience with HT's they used them longer than anyone else?
  11. Hi flamingKnives I'll have to test more. In this case it was just a few men to test the advance. Guess I'll have to try it at full scale
  12. Thanks Paco you refound the original source of my question! During the 1940 campaign eight vehicles formed an independent squadron of two platoons and fought some fierce and successful combats. Four vehicles fell victim to German 3.7cm PAK 35/36, two were abandoned after being bogged down and two finished the campaign more or less intact. This was the only "true" tank in the Belgian army. "True", meaning that this vehicle mounted a cannon as it's main weapon.
  13. yes, that's what I'm having difficulty with. A trial advance operation ends on the first battle if the the edge of the map is reached althought that window doesn't cover the entire map. Oddddddd
  14. I'm trying to understand how an Advance Operation ends. In a test I find the attacking forces vehicles reach the end of the map, but cannot leave nor does the game end until the present battle is done-is this correct? Also it seems that if in a two battle advance operation, the attacker gets to the end of map (the battlefield map edge not the edge of the actual battle) the operation also ends. Is this correct or am I missing something? Hans
  15. I have created a smaller test of whether using Brit tanks works as a subsitute for the actually French armour. A rough test version of, Small Operations, May 15, 1940 (test) is available. Its a two battle advance operation of Rommel's 7th PD running into the 1st DCR in the vicinity of Flavion-Rosee.
  16. I have created a smaller test of whether using Brit tanks works as a subsitute for the actually French armour. A rough test version of, Small Operations, May 15, 1940 (test) is available. Its a two battle advance operation of Rommel's 7th PD running into the 1st DCR in the vicinity of Flavion-Rosee.
  17. Hi Question on HT vs trucks for the Infantry Schutzen in Rommel's 7th PD on his drive to the channel. Was his infantry in trucks or HT's? Or perhaps a mix? I ask this as the sources I've seen conflict on this matter, some say trucks, some have the pioneets with HTs etc. Hans
  18. Yes I'll have some a small (test) German vs French scenario in a few days. See if it works or is to weird to pursue. Thanks for you help
  19. Thanks Bill, odd that the Germans wrote the symbols upside down the convention for NATO was to write them right side up but show the position in the right orientation. Michael, Stonne....maybe its a bit too BIG, I think I'll try a smaller action, historical or fictional... and see how annoying it is to use US and Brit tanks for the French gentlemen. Also Stonne has been done many times, I tend to avoid the well known and over done themes. In the past I've found that complete substitution works well (using one nationality to completely replace another) using a hodgepodge sometime looks and plays a bit weird. Found (and lost) a nice mention on the web of a platoon of 8 Belgian tanks that fought in the 1940 campaign as a "fire platoon", 4 were "got" by 37mm Paks, 2 by bogs and 2 survived! That would make a good scenario I think - we got any Belgians history Grogs around??
  20. Thanks Bill, odd that the Germans wrote the symbols upside down the convention for NATO was to write them right side up but show the position in the right orientation. Michael, Stonne....maybe its a bit too BIG, I think I'll try a smaller action, historical or fictional... and see how annoying it is to use US and Brit tanks for the French gentlemen. Also Stonne has been done many times, I tend to avoid the well known and over done themes. In the past I've found that complete substitution works well (using one nationality to completely replace another) using a hodgepodge sometime looks and plays a bit weird. Found (and lost) a nice mention on the web of a platoon of 8 Belgian tanks that fought in the 1940 campaign as a "fire platoon", 4 were "got" by 37mm Paks, 2 by bogs and 2 survived! That would make a good scenario I think - we got any Belgians history Grogs around??
  21. The links were useful, thanks. Seems we have symbols for Hvy MGs in position and (6??) light infantry guns also in position. The rectangles may mean transport columns but the litle dangly part didn't show up on any of the sites I've seen. The thermometer with dots I believe is a mortar. I think the French are outnumbered in this one!
  22. The links were useful, thanks. Seems we have symbols for Hvy MGs in position and (6??) light infantry guns also in position. The rectangles may mean transport columns but the litle dangly part didn't show up on any of the sites I've seen. The thermometer with dots I believe is a mortar. I think the French are outnumbered in this one!
  23. Who can translate? I think the red guys are French AT-guns (???) TIA
  24. Who can translate? I think the red guys are French AT-guns (???) TIA
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