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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I've been using the Australians and substituting Indian names for Punjabis, Sikhs, Gujaratis etc. The Italians can be substituted for the Vichy very well.
  2. Great news, another source to steal ideas .... er be inspired by!
  3. Michael! Two scenarios using Lees have been designed for the Small Battles series, one based on an action in Kabaw Valley and the other at Nunshiglin Ridge. Yes your worst fears realized
  4. Lists? Lists? What is all this concern about a 2nd rate composer?
  5. Willar and die easy, just send me an email and I'll ship it all out to you. Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  6. I find that I move between the two forums a lot. However there is no quick way (that I know of) to do so, could we have a one click way to move between them?
  7. Well before this descends into a discussion about the mating habits of the wild Emrys. Comments on starting up Disc in and refer to the manual as necessary. Since CMBB I've liked to start with a default QB and see how it goes. At some point I read the entire manual, usually a week or so after I've started playing. Underwear? Underwear is for those who cannot creatively re-use their fast food hamburger wrappings - they are great, free, except sometimes the little bits of cheese dry up and get itchy.
  8. Bart, yep its been done. Send me an email and I'll forward them to you too.
  9. GJK, thanks I have some troublesome scenarios that I've had difficulty getting to work properly - I will throw them your way.
  10. Konstantine I must ask which one you are playing. Thanks Markshot For those that requested I've emailed you the entire Small Battles collection. Additionally prior to creating the name 'small battles' I did a number of smaller scenario that were very similar to the small battles concept. Out of the 67 scenario I did for CMBB, minus PanzerBlitz and few larger ones and the odd operation most of them are suitable as 'small battles'. In the emails I got several questions more than once so I'll answer them here How long to create? Anywhere from an 1 1/2 hours to weeks, a few scenario (eight) have never been finished as I cannot get them to function the way I want. My own favorite? The Spanish Civil War ones, many of these are not listed as small battles but are built in its style, these are Albandero, Non Pasaran!, Cerro de los Angeles, La Coruna road (big), Batallion Thaelmann & Viva Cristo Rey! Most difficult scenario: Sons of a hero - if played from the German side this small scenario will have you cursing the CM game, your life, the Soviets and the designer. Most hated scenario: Small battles, near Smolensk. I knew people would hate this one - it was designed to annoy my brother, it did. Spearhead folks spearhead. Worse scenario idea? The never released, Small battles, the opera unsung' Had a small town flooded with fighting between building using fords... horrible.
  11. Flamingknives and Ted send me an email at Wayne100@emirates.net.ae and I'll ship the whole lot to you in one shot. Ted 'a small melee'? Ah, plan for chaos. Theike, thanks and yes it will be back plus two new series. Skirmish? I know I used Crossfire, Spearhead and a few others, if I did I noted it in the briefing. I find using existing material from miniature guys helpful - they usually are overjoyed and give me permission to convert - and they usually take care to make it balanced and small. If you have any skirmish materials (that may be used with permission) for the CMAK let me know.
  12. Thanks got your email, enough in that to get started on one semi-historical scenario concerning the crossing of the Jubba by the Transvaal Scottish.
  13. Whoa, people interested in PanzerBlitz! I had stopped production due to a perceived lack of interest. A number of scenarios were left unfinished when I realized I'd never have time to play test them all(the problem with large scenarios) if any of you would like to volunteer to do the playtesting - there are a number of incomplete PanzerBlitz situation left to be done. 8 are near completion, needing only troop set up and playtesting. 30+ in various stages of completion Hans
  14. I've tried also to create a reasonable scenario using snipers and wasn't able to come up with anything that the AI could do much with. Fairly interesting for an IP/PBEM - but one problem is the severe ammo limitation. 15 rounds a fight does not make. I also tried using a German Crack 7.9 ATR as a sniper but ever that doesn't play out too well in CMBB. But ignore us naysayers and give it try.
  15. The last of the PanzerBlitz board game conversions to CMBB were placed up at the Scenario Depot. The first twelve original classic scenario plus 10 other smaller ones. If you ever played the original board game the maps are worth the look for their nostalgia value alone. Note on one scenario Scenario 41-4 was found to be flawed and Vinny is in the process of play testing a solution, 41-4a will be up ASAP.
  16. CMBB'ers The last CMBB 'Small Battles' scenario went up at the Depot and I'll be shutting down the production line tonight. Twenty-six were produced. Thanks to all the players who sent emails with criticism, threats, belittling jabs, insulting comments on my intelligence, size of my genitals and discussions about whether I was a born a cretin or just Michael Dorosh's twin. Special thanks to that one snail mail message with the large cheque and odd marriage proposal. Thanks for your feed back, really. Special thanks to Idwardo and Quinxi who were occasionally forced to play test when I would black mail them into it. Yes no more CMBB Small Battles for the Russian front except for those pesky Spanish Civil War scenarios (Harry Ink [sLAP] play test faster please). Which can only be made using CMBBs horde of truly crappy armour and odd nationalities. Small Battles will return with small fights for CMAK.
  17. JonS Unfortunately I don't have access to that. I'm stuck at the bottom of what I term, "the information well" I'm living out in the Persian Gulf where good libraries and descent bookstores are only dreams. Shipping in books can be a nightmare with my having to go to the dreaded post office to have my packages ripped apart by a malodorous maladroit who'll treat my shipping a book to myself as an offense against his desire to do as little as possible. Yes I would gladly wait for any material you could send! Thanks
  18. Well....thanks, and make it snappy! Last time I asked for Grog help on getting the serial number of Mussolini's grandmothers rifle it took nearly four hours to get it - and its was for the Paternal Grandmother - like someone would be interested in that!. Chop chop
  19. Looking for a description, diagram or map of the Italian dual line defense used at this site in Somaliland. Does anyone have anything? Nothing on line that I can find. Any scanable/snail mailable sources out there? Some sources have it as Jubba River and a few Juma River. Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Thanks Hans
  20. Good lord another Aussie membership! Yes sent you a pleading email and this as a back up please send me that data.
  21. Those units tend to act (within the limits of the AI) like real NCO's and soldiers, they tend to ignore junior officers! This includes doing stupid things.....repeatedly.
  22. Run a 'small' sized search thru the Scenario Depot. There are about 80 such scenarios.
  23. Wow an old classic from a year ago, when CMAK comes out we'll have to have similar run on those miserable Italian tanks! The T-26, da king of bad tanks - with the M11/39 coming up close behind and looking to take over.
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