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Everything posted by Hans

  1. My awakening to military history occurred with the 1967 Life magazine photographs and article on the Arab-Israeli six day war - that and an extended family stuffed full of WWII, Korean and Vietnam vets.
  2. Michael grog question Where and when would intense urban fighting have occurred in Sicily and Italy? Hans
  3. Michael grog question Where and when would intense urban fighting have occurred in Sicily and Italy? Hans
  4. Sorry forgot one Small Battles, Sino-Japanese One of my first designs was a WWI scenario, in two version one with tanks and one without (tanks in the since of WWI) I used Kangaroos. Triple belts of wire, pillboxes and bunkers - used rubble for trenches (pre trench CMBO) had 130 German defenders against 1,500 Brits-without the tanks the Brits would lose several hundred men, and stall - with the tanks around a hundred brits would be lost and they would knock out most of the German positions.
  5. Hi Michael I should have mentioned their names (and I stand corrected by Jason about the Nam ones!) You will find the Spanish Civil war ones by using the search function for 'SCW'. All Spanish Civil war battles have that at the end of their titles. The Yugoslavian one is called; Small Battles, Yugoslavia The two Korean battles are names, Small Battles, Chosin Few and Task Force Smith (1950) Hey Jason what are the names of those NAM scenarios?
  6. If you check the scenario Depot you will find a few scenario on those areas. No Nam or Arab-Israeli as of yet but the 1948-56 war will be covered by scenario's that are being designed now. There are at least two Korean, one Sino-Japanese and one Yugoslavian scenarios at Depot, plus about 10 for the Spanish Civil war. Enjoy
  7. Here is a designers challenge - build a scenario based on this guys day of battle: Congressional Medal of Honor VAN T. BARFOOT Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Carano, Italy, 23 May 1944. Entered service at: Carthage, Mississippi. Born: Edinburg, Mississippi. G.O. No.: 79, 4 October 1944. With his platoon heavily engaged during an assault against forces well entrenched on commanding ground, 2d Lt. Barfoot (then Tech. Sgt.) moved off alone upon the enemy left flank. He crawled to the proximity of one machinegun nest and made a direct hit on it with a hand grenade, killing two and wounding three Germans. He continued along the German defense line to another machinegun emplacement, and with his tommygun killed two and captured three soldiers. Members of another enemy machinegun crew then abandoned their position and gave themselves up to Sgt. Barfoot. Leaving the prisoners for his support squad to pick up, he proceeded to mop up positions in the immediate area, capturing more prisoners and bringing his total count to 17. Later that day, after he had reorganized his men and consolidated the newly captured ground, the enemy launched a fierce armored counterattack directly at his platoon positions. Securing a bazooka, Sgt. Barfoot took up an exposed position directly in front of three advancing Mark VI tanks. From a distance of 75 yards his first shot destroyed the track of the leading tank, effectively disabling it, while the other two changed direction toward the flank. As the crew of the disabled tank dismounted, Sgt. Barfoot killed three of them with his tommygun. He continued onward into enemy terrain and destroyed a recently abandoned German fieldpiece with a demolition charge placed in the breech. While returning to his platoon position, Sgt. Barfoot, though greatly fatigued by his Herculean efforts, assisted two of his seriously wounded men 1,700 yards to a position of safety. Sgt. Barfoot's extraordinary heroism, demonstration of magnificent valor, and aggressive determination in the face of pointblank fire are a perpetual inspiration to his fellow soldiers.
  8. Small Battles? Yep they will be coming to CMAK. Small battles are scenarios that usually range from 'small' to the lowest range of 'medium' in size. A series of small battles? Yep, 'Sardinian Wars' will be a series of small battles set in a fictional invasion of Sardinia with a common 'historical' strand. 'Italian Advance' will be an operation using a small level of troops (between reinforced platoon to company(-)) over 8 battles. There will also be a large scale Spanish Civil war campaign operation plus a host of SCW small battles. There are also planned some anti-partisan and other RSI (Republic of Salo) battles. A new series of small battles will be set in 1948 and 1956, Blood Clash. Blood clash will be small battles set in the Arab-Israeli wars of that date. Plus a few odd pieces such as, Gran Chaco, Greek Civil War, Korean, Yemen 1961, Algerian Civil war, Cypriote CW, Mau Mau (anywhere WWII equipment was used) etc.
  9. Brutal? Well even 900 days of something fun wouldn't be much fun. Seige of Leningrad and many battles around it and the "corridor".
  10. For its time the first one was superb Number 2 had some excellent game play 3 sucked After that CMBO came out and I haven't taken a look at the series since then. Actually gave the # 2 and # 3 games away.
  11. I disagree the best games are under 8 turns - if you cannot arrange to trash an entire company of infantry or even a battalion of tanks in less than eight minutes - why are you playing CM? If you need long turns CIV III awaits :] The major restrictor to longer battles is AMMO.
  12. One last bump for those SCW lovers (whom tend to be slow readers I've found)
  13. I always thought that mod for a T-26 would be perfect! I think in CMAK the M13/39 will fill that role!
  14. As I understand it The Senussi are now a generic term for the tribes of Libya, they are made up numerous bedouin groups plus the clans that live in the cities. Over time its become a catch all term for Arab tribes living in Libya. Short history (for those who want to bail out) There an Islamic movement called the Senussi (also Sanusi or Sanusiya) brotherhood was established, a movement whose founder, Muhammad bin Ali al-Sanusi, was from Algeria. The Sanussi are descendants of the prophet through Hasan, son of Imam Ali, the fourth Caliph, by his daughter, Fatima. Hasan's grandson, Idris ibn Ali, arrived in North Africa during the 8th century AD, having failed in his revolt against the Abbasid Caliph. He established the Idrisid state at Fez, in Morocco. The family takes its name from a religious Sheikh named Sanussi who lived in Themcen during the 13th century. Their descendant Sayyid Muhammad ibn 'Ali as-Sanussi, established the Senussi Order in 1837 with strict adherence to Muslim principles, eshewing ostentation, tobacco and alchohol, and the music, dancing and gyrations practiced by the existing orders. Unable to cross Algeria because of the French occupation, he established his capital at at Jaghbub, in Cyrenaica. He built a great mosque an a university which came to rival Al-Azhar, but which was shut down on the orders of Khadafy in 1984, the graves and remains of the Sanussi family being desecrated at the same time.
  15. Oh God I just realized I'm now vulnerable for a Grog attack from a 1924 Ford truck expert!
  16. Now Harry That a 1924 Ford truck carrying 800 lbs of boiler plate armour with a (I think a 34 HP motor)!
  17. Romulus Sure will those will be up at Scenario Depot in a week or two. If you like send me an email and I'll send them to you directly once they are finished. Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Also I'll add a bit on the San Miguel Campaign that I explained to a question someone sent me by email. San Miquel San Miquel will be a fictional valley area of Spain south of Madrid. It will be 3. 5 by 4.5 kms in size and finally detailed - by detailed I recommend you look at the SCW scenarios at the Scenario Depot for what I mean. (Albanderos is a good example) This map will be used for 4 x 3 operations One set in 1936, 'clash of columns' South to North One in 1937 with the Republicans attacking with Russian armour East to West. One later in 1937 with Italians attacking NE to SW One in early 1938 with a 'dual attack' between Republican and Nationalist forces intent on holding/taking Madrid. NW towards SE. There will also be a stand alone battle against Republican guerillas. This will involve all your SCW favorites to include the Condor legion (yes those 88mm and 37mm will engage T-26 substitutes) Carlists Falangists POUM Guardia Civil Asaltos Banderas of the Spanish Foriegn Legion Carabineros Dynamiteros & Grenaderos Italians fascists (all flavors) Madrilenos & Miliciano Regulares veterans Requetes Internationist brigades Communists Anarchists (my favorites) UGT UHP CNT etc etc Plus all the miserable, under armoured, under gunned tanks, tankettes and armoured cars you could ever desire. Hans
  18. Let me know if you guys have anymore Arabic Questions. I work with around 2,000 Arabic speakers to include a number of Ph.d from Egypt, Tunisia (sorry no Libyans)Syria, Jordan... and other diverse places with extensive geological/terrain information. Spoke briefly to one about this and he noted that place names are different in different parts of the Arab world due to dialect differences AND Arabization of existing place names from earlier cultures. Many of the names you see on Libyan maps are European guesstimates of what the Arab names really were - also many wells etc had more than one name - the Sayyid tribe might call it X and the Hajizani would call it Y...etc Hans of Arabia
  19. Gentlemen CMAK looks to be an excellent vehicle to continue scenario development for SCW. The San Miguel Valley campaign (Operation) will be delayed until CMAK comes out as the terrain of Spain is closer to Italy and Crete than Russia! In CMAK about two dozen scenarios for SCW are in the planning cycle, I've got the material just need that editor in the CMAK release! CMAK will not have the host of Republican used armour, especially the T-26 but I suspect the Italian M series tanks can take its place (poor armour and 47mm gun) Most of these will be Small Battles but one will be a fictionalized (and much smaller scale) invasion of Ibiza and Majorca - an invasion and counter-invasion operation. [For Pedro - yes yes yes I will do the French Internation Battalion meets the Italo-nationalist CV33 with flamethrowers - somehow.] In CMBB three more scenarios are slowly grinding their way to completion - I've been involved in other work. 1. Small Battles, Collision - is upcoming and in playtesting and is a semi-historical of the typical clashes between columns during the Franco advance towards Madrid in 1936, plenty of miserable armour, armoured trucks and various militias. 2. Small Battles, Malaga - in the finishing phases - looks at a post-Battle of Malaga pursuit of the Republicans by the Italians and Falangists. 3. Small Battles, Sesena - the T-26 romps thru Morroccans, artillery, trucks and Spanish Cavalry. Finally if any of you have resources for SCW battles, information, OOBs and maps in particular - please let me know! My Spanish is limited so materials in that language are particularly sought.
  20. The only mods I might use but have never seen are listed below A T-26 with large bulleyes on all flanks A King tiger modded into Godzilla A CV 33 modded as a cockroach Actually at one point in CMBO I used the gridded grass modd - most useful.
  21. Well heck I'll have one in the UAE - unfortunately there are only two of us! We had three but the guy went to China....
  22. Well heck I'll have one in the UAE - unfortunately there are only two of us! We had three but the guy went to China....
  23. Well thanks for the responses. I modded CMBO but haven't had the need nor desire to do CMBB. I was thinking of a lime green and purple sand mod for Cmak when it comes out for a sixties scenarios.....
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