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Everything posted by Hans

  1. What! I demand tht CMX2 be a computerized Stratego, failing that the only war I would want to see is the 400 conflict between the Norse and Inuit in Greenland. Bone harpoons versus hand axes with shields, yeah baby.
  2. What! I demand tht CMX2 be a computerized Stratego, failing that the only war I would want to see is the 400 conflict between the Norse and Inuit in Greenland. Bone harpoons versus hand axes with shields, yeah baby.
  3. Hi Sergei "Assuming a change of government in Britain and a negotiated peace" Just a question to generate some thought on the matter. Hans
  4. I would have thought that the Armor was well developed, Infantry much less so, Artillery inadequate along with the Engineering war.
  5. Heck lets have a nearly indestructable Godzilla take on a battalion of tanks while stomping a town flat.....might be interesting but I DO believe the purists here would object.
  6. CMx2 needs a system of hidden objective "wayposts" for the AI to react to. This would allow the designer to create more innovative ways to attack the player/foil his attacks. Additionally you need to be able to tell individual units what their "state" is. This would range from fanatical attack or DIP defense to engage and withdrawn or counter-attack after 'x' is taken.
  7. Actually flies would be the sound in the desert. As they fed on the waste left by the war. In Italy, yep dogs and domestic animals, chickens particularly - plus the odd wild boar or two. Perhaps the occasional outburst of opera?
  8. A long long time ago on the CMBO board I remember someone saying, "when we can do a German invasion of Switzerland, the game will be finished" or words to that effect. I was holding out for the Danish-German armour clash in 1940.....
  9. One interesting thing I've noticed in trying to get a good attack out of the AI is to trick it into doing what I want. To me it seems that its movement towards an objective is often more energetic than the actual attack on the objective. I therefore try to lure a human player to move towards an objective knowing the AIs attack path to another objective will cause a collision. Not easy to do but great when it works!
  10. Hi Sokol Interestingly enough modern Saudi military I know refuse to believe they had anyone there in Palestine at that time - they also are split on whether they actually intervened in the 1973 war. Should you come across any details on those 'lost' Saudis I would appreciate the reference or info. Thanks
  11. Assuming a change of government in Britain and a negotiated peace. 1. Would the Japanese and Americans still clash? 2. Would the Germans still go for the Soviets? 3. Other possibilities?
  12. Interesting replies all gentlemen and Michael No NA to practice invasion on, good point. I'd say the Allies instead of hiting France directly would have gone for an easier target. Probably Norway - of course Vichy France would have still been in the picture also...interesting. With no Southern Front would the Russians had moved against the Balkans? Or more horribly would the Soviets and Germans have agreed to split Europe? With the Soviets geting some of the Slavic Balkans versus Germany getting Italy? Best bet for Italy, sit tight and try to join the right side at the right moment - to the guy who could give them the most.
  13. Okay Grogs Its May 1940, Germany has invaded France, Dunkirk is surrounded. What would you do (yes you may use hindsight) if you were Mussolini?
  14. YES please Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Thanks for all the effort
  15. Just a comment on the Pacific war. I think scenarios based on it would be successful. Particularly the New Guinea campaign, Malaysia, Burma, Okinawa and Saipan - where some maneuever took place. The amphib assaults on say Betio, would have limited appeal. Then of course you also have the massive war between the Chinese and Japanese - a forgotten front of rather large proportions! With that all said, I'd be happy fighting CM in virtually any arena - except maybe Cold war with tactical nukes. I can see setting up a 5,000 pointer only to have a 2 kiloton yield FROG come whipping in...air burst - retch
  16. Hmmm interesting, I always thought everyone was overly friendly on this board because most of the poster were rather inept, aging, lazy, malaria loving, somewhat socialistic gay puffs, as signified by their not using capital letters in their onboard names. Either that our people avoid incendiary postings. It would seem I was mistaken. Hans
  17. Sokol Glad to have your expertise around. Do you have information on the Saudi units that were destroyed by the Israelis in your area of interest? I wanted to make that into a Scenario if possible. Unfortunately I'm located in the middle east in an, "information well" and I find it nearly impossible to get reliable western based data on 48-49. Some luck with maps and very general OOBs thru Arabic sources however.
  18. Sokal I'm hard at work on a series of small battles (to be named the 'Blood Clash' series) for 1948-49 and possibily 1956. The first one will be action around Mandelbaum Gate, Jerusalem with the British led Arab Legion equipped with armoured Cars verus Israeli Militia with home made armour and other delights.
  19. BFC will face a quandry with CMx2. If they make it WWII specific and do the Western front then this allows them to do the other fronts later. This means more money for them. If they produce a WWII European threatre game then they reduce their future earning and the hope for more games. I would hope that the new CMx2 would be flexible enough to allowing scenarios to be build into other era, ie Spanish Civil War, Korea, Arab-Israeli, Indian-Pakistani and what if galore with the cold war. The big question is whether they will make the system adapatable enough (ie build your own infantry or modify the data on a vehicle to produce one in line with what you want). I would suspect they won't. European WWII is okay with me but I would like to get into some other areas also.
  20. Oh sorry, I thought you knew we can get the emails here on the board Here ya go Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  21. Thanks Mike, I have that source. Am looking for something off line as that source is about as much as there is on the net that I can find.
  22. Very little if any. However I'm going to base a fictional operation on that island.
  23. Former German members of the Legion were also involved in the war, although now on the German side.
  24. Oren send me that too. Could you do some map/terrain on the battles dealing with 48 and 56?
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