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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Dearest former cleaner of Saddam's hemorhoids My 'error' was intentional. Tomorrow I will start the need for the 'dodgy goat curry' subprogram within CMAK.
  2. Now that's what I call customer service. I'd sell you my soul but my wife has already pronounced that it has been claimed by the CM editor.
  3. Evolution? I dare say not, only a god with a cruel streak would have created this gang. Nature is nicer, like the difference between Garbon66 and a slug.
  4. Evolution? I dare say not, only a god with a cruel streak would have created this gang. Nature is nicer, like the difference between Garbon66 and a slug.
  5. Gentlemen I have noticed that it is difficult to find such scenario due to the Scenario Depot year guage only going to 1940. May I suggest that all 1939 Poland scenarios be ended with POL. We did this with the Spanish Civil War scenarios, which were labelled with SCW and it made them a lot easier to find. Also if you have designed and posted a 1939 Polish scenario could you let me know please. I'd be interested at looking at it. Thanks Hans Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  6. The thread about the lack of horses! Running for the exit as the big gun open up
  7. My traditional start-of-a-new-forum visit to the lower classes. Yetch, what a band of orangutan earwax eaters you all are. Singing songs I see The hymn of the pooler or battle hymn of the repugnant: Sung to the music of "feelings" .............................. wait, wait its to wretchable to write, even wearing gloves I cannot type it out. See your gentlemen and Seanachai at the opening of the Cmx2 forum Shower time.......
  8. My traditional start-of-a-new-forum visit to the lower classes. Yetch, what a band of orangutan earwax eaters you all are. Singing songs I see The hymn of the pooler or battle hymn of the repugnant: Sung to the music of "feelings" .............................. wait, wait its to wretchable to write, even wearing gloves I cannot type it out. See your gentlemen and Seanachai at the opening of the Cmx2 forum Shower time.......
  9. Then how come I always lose! :confused: The CMBB QB gave me 3 L6 Italian tanks and a green platoon against a T-34 with a green platoon - but it was a heck of a good fight. First scenario on the list? Certainly the sign of a mindless sheeple following the dictates of the running class!
  10. Hello Alexoscar I'm sure a grog with a HD memory will come by and let you know when the early war period was discussed. I'm not certain what Cmx2 will cover. I would guess West Front after 1944. Early war? Cmak will cover that in North Africa. Depending on what forces are available in CMAK it might be possible to create an early war French vs German scenario. You can probably do a Brit vs German one also - again depending on what equipment is shown in CMAK. For 1939 Poland several designers created scenarios for that period. Listed below are the ones I did but I believe there are a number of others. These are at the Scenario Depot. Small Battles, Polish Spoiler Coming in a today or tomorrow Small Battles, Noose (Polish cavalry runs for the Hungarian border to avoid capture) Small Battles, Corridor (German recon battalion leads the attack into the Polish Corridor) Which are all 1939 Poland
  11. Been wanting to say that since I first discovered the CMBO board..... And let me be the first to whine, so when is CMx2 coming out? I would also like to recommend The tradition dealing with new CM offerings. When you first open up CMAK go with a default setting QB as the first battle. I can remember both my CMBO and CMBB first QBs with great clarity and delight. (lost both)
  12. A separate forum, no never! I would rather roast in the lowerest floors of hell than....ah....abandon...the cmbb.. oops
  13. Taking a 'normal' infantry company or 150 men what would be the weight (for WWII 1942) for a complete ammo re-issue? Or another way of looking at it. I figure it would easily fit on a truck (2 1/2 ton) but how many men would be needed to carry in that amount of ammo? (this excludes mortar ammo) This question is raised as I consider how many men would constitute the follow on force to follow an assault with the prerequiste ammo. Any 11A,11B,11C or 92Y's out there?
  14. When did the autostrada come into being? Thanks for the info!
  15. Oren_M I presume you are in Israel? I'm collecting material to produce (For the upcoming CMAK) a number of 1948-1956 scenarios on the Arab Israel conflict. My major difficulty is finding maps of battles, especially the '48 ones at the Kibbutzs. Do you have sources that give maps/diagrams of those and the Egyptian drive up from the South? I presume there are online sources but they are in Hebrew???? Thanks in advance.
  16. I've been to Italy a half dozen times but must admit I didn't note the following geographic features. In small villages the Church is normally centered in it or towards the outskirts of the village? The cemetary, near the church or detached and outside the village limits? Autostrada were (in WWII time frame) concrete roads? Railroad stations, on the outskirts or incorporated within older structures and buildings? Thanks Hans
  17. Dig a ditch for Charles? Probably dust his hard drives and polish his bytes would be more appropriate. Hey Seige, yet ANOTHER Hans on this board? Sheesh more Hans's on this board than maggots on a three-day old dead goat. An yes CMAK will be good - I'm looking forward to using Western equipment again. We can also start a debate as the whether the Russian T-26 is worse than the Italian M13/39
  18. Dig a ditch for Charles? Probably dust his hard drives and polish his bytes would be more appropriate. Hey Seige, yet ANOTHER Hans on this board? Sheesh more Hans's on this board than maggots on a three-day old dead goat. An yes CMAK will be good - I'm looking forward to using Western equipment again. We can also start a debate as the whether the Russian T-26 is worse than the Italian M13/39
  19. Haahaa, actually it IS the year 1423 here - based oh the Hegira calender. Hans
  20. Haahaa, actually it IS the year 1423 here - based oh the Hegira calender. Hans
  21. Prehaps what is needed is a selection for each unit that would rate the possibility of new leaders arising and the initiative of small units that lose their existing HQ units. In CM once the HQ unit is gone...its gone, yet a reading of history shows that many times a junior man, "with a marshalls baton in his backpack" arises. I would see that in CMx2 you could control how often this would occur and prehaps the quality of the new leaders.
  22. Cm'ers and future CMAK fanatics There will be a sneak peak in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the 12th of October, 1800. As Sunday is a work day in the Arab world I will move this to the 17th, Friday should anyone be interested. Friday is a day off for most people who work in the region. Now I know of only two active players in the UAE, myself and Alan "Mad Dog" Wilkie. If there is anyone else out there. Let me know and we'll set up a sneak peak for you. Hans Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  23. Cm'ers and future CMAK fanatics There will be a sneak peak in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on the 12th of October, 1800. As Sunday is a work day in the Arab world I will move this to the 17th, Friday should anyone be interested. Friday is a day off for most people who work in the region. Now I know of only two active players in the UAE, myself and Alan "Mad Dog" Wilkie. If there is anyone else out there. Let me know and we'll set up a sneak peak for you. Hans Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  24. Trivia note: Russian tobacco was so strong that the German's often picked up the smell of smokers well before seeing or hearing them.
  25. There is a mixed bag out there in the scenario depot - depends on what you consider a good style. For my own I've taken structural elements from several other briefers that I found useful. Recommend you develop your own style as most use a personal modification from the CM standard. Those who have good briefings? I would look at Andreas, Rune, Wild Bill, Berl......, plus a half dozen others of the old faithfuls.
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