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Everything posted by Hans

  1. yes, I'm working on an anti-partisan scenario involving the 845th German-Arab Battalion vs elements of the 2nd ELAS (Communist) Division in the Helicon mountains of Attica, Greece. Having some difficulty with the Greek language thou!
  2. yes, I'm working on an anti-partisan scenario involving the 845th German-Arab Battalion vs elements of the 2nd ELAS (Communist) Division in the Helicon mountains of Attica, Greece. Having some difficulty with the Greek language thou!
  3. A question for those with knowledge of the Gulf of Corinth. Where are the Zaltsa and Ayii Saranda bays? These are referenced by the commanding general of the 2nd ELAS division as the landing places for German and Battalionists on 7 April 1944. They then advanced on Koukoura, Distomo, Chostia and a place I cannot find 'Kyriaki'. One last Greek specific question, does the word 'Battalionists' refer to pro-Axis Greeks? Hans
  4. Yikes! Mr. Spkr wants to review two of my CD scenarios! Well, I confess I hadn't even thought about it. Were all the CMBB CD scenarios put up? However as there is a request I will get that done ASAP. Right now I'm reconditioning and posting the scenarios that were built for the 1.01 patch plus the scenarios I couldn't resist doing - but were outside the supported area of CMAK. Hey Mr. Spkr if there are any corrections, historical or otherwise send me those comments and I'll update/correct the scenarios before I put them up. [On already know that one date is wrong on Nibeiwa and about a historical inaccuracy on a medal for one of participants of the Melfa Bridgehead] Please send to: Wayne100@emirates.net.ae
  5. Ah IW Would you know of a source for 1:50,000 or 1:100,000 for Attica region of Greece?
  6. Very nice! I was thinking more from the point of view of the fire power - had considered using aircraft for that but..... Hard to model a 9.2 inch gun in the CM system! Hopefully in Cm2 we'll be able to do seige/fortress assaults better.
  7. Looking for a sketch or map of the layout of this Israeli Kibbutz that was attacked by the Syrian Army on May 20 1948. I have a good 1:50,000 of the area but need some help on the actual layout/organization of the Kibbutz Thanks
  8. Hey Doc I too did a little looking at that. I looked at three possible areas for alternative history German attack (with Spanish help) on Gibraltar. The problem there is working in the Brit naval guns. Looked a series of battles based on Spain coming into WWII on the German side, Vichy France going against Britain - but not allied with Germany and Germany attacking Russian in 1942 with Japanese help. Having set that I had a British and Portugese invasion of Spain in 1943 that parallels the Peninsula war. As Michael said above, unless its air tight it comes in a bit strange however. The last idea was a Allied invasion of Sardinia in 1943 - that one is moving forward at a snails pace
  9. Try Petrarcholi Ridge, its a small balanced scenario specifically designed for new PBEM players.
  10. Kevin An excellent answer on the use of Pz Recce Battalion. What would have been the Germans 'organization of choice' for conducting a delaying action or manning a forward contact zone with a company/company(+) element?
  11. If you need those Rangers just design your own scenarios. By advancing the date you can select your troops then change the date back. They will be there, QBs are not bad buts its the scenarios that are best.
  12. Hey this oldie but a goodie has come back Thanks Sergei, I can know die in peace! Sorry Panzerman must have missed it on the depot Trommelfeur, well the datas about 6 months old and missing about 250 scenarios! What no grog out there who has time to update?
  13. Sorry about that Panther but my understanding was that scenarios should remain at PG only for a short time, I was unaware that designers shouldn't withdraw the scenarios when comments had dried up after a week. I also found it fustrating to be unable to update the scenarios, or in some cases to upload the scenario at all. Word was placed on the forum that I had withdrawn the scenarios, but the design of the message board sweeps them away to quickly. My email remained available in the briefings. Any information you have would be appreciated.
  14. Ah Gentlemen and Berlichtingen It is time for my yearly visit to this sad place to taunt the survivors and then spurn you for yet another year. This is an odd post prandial desire which causes me to visit you once again, against my wishes. However I once told an old girlfriend that life without me would be hell for her. To know what the rest of her life must be like I visit here to feel the ultimate in suffering. God she must be weeping now! Carry on and I'll see you next year
  15. The best is the rare IP I do, especially when I can lure my brother into a contest and savage his forces. The well sprung ambush or flank attack is much more tasty against a human opponent. Since nearly when CMBO came out I've had at least one Email game running. For several years I played at least one QB a day - kinda my substitute for an after work drink. Just restarted doing QBs both to see how the game has changed and to try various weird setups for scenario ideas. Giving the computer +1 in experience and +50% in points can lead to some tense moments especially if you have shabby troops - in my last QB my best unit and the one that brought in the victory was a pathetic M13/40! She did well knocking out two cruisers, 3 bunkers and a host of pesky Brit infantry to allow the Green Italian infantry platoon to advance to success.
  16. Gentlemen my apologies The real world interfered with the reality of CMAK. Fortunately I'm now retired (well untill I go out and find another pesky job) with lots of time and I'd like to get back to these scenarios. If you are still interested please reply to this message or send an email to Wayne100@emirates.net.ae - please put CMAK in the subject line or my spam killer will do in your message. Thanks
  17. Gentlemen my apologies The real world interfered with the reality of CMAK. Fortunately I'm now retired (well untill I go out and find another pesky job) with lots of time and I'd like to get back to these scenarios. If you are still interested please reply to this message or send an email to Wayne100@emirates.net.ae - please put CMAK in the subject line or my spam killer will do in your message. Thanks
  18. Perhaps using the damage marker of "jammed turret" might be appropriate? For CM2 of course.
  19. Started reading this book and was wondering what others thought of it. One thing I noticed was the mention of the Brits use of captured Italian tanks and the fact that getting your turret jammed seemed more common than I would have thought. I wonder why this isn't a CM damage possibility? I noticed also several photos (178) of AP rounds thru tank gun barrels. Okay ballistic guys what would be the effect of that on gun when it fired next? Besides the run hitting the bent metal on the way out! Thanks
  20. Secret, nah just not finished. If you've played it send me a playtest message please! Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Then we can get that RSI drenched puppy out there : ]
  21. Note gentlemen That the scenario "East of Elba" hasn't been 'release' or posted at SD yet. It isn't finished. However I have no idea what is happening with those mods!
  22. Well a distinguished crew of veterans 79-82, Baumholder Germany, 1-2 FA, FO/FIST, S-2 & S-4 83-86, Ft Riley Kansas, USA, Battalion Fire Support, Brigade FS, Service Battery Commander 86-89, Senior Advisor RG Stewart (West Point) for NY 90-92, 1142 school instructor, 77th ARCOM Mobilization officer 93-99, Various Admin and Civil Affairs positions Retired Jan 1999
  23. For cm2 this would call for a 'Orge' scenario. WWI AFV vs a rogue modern tank. Hopefully with Cm2/3 at least such a conflict might be constructable. Image a M-1 with two fuel and 1 ammo truck versus 120 M11/39s with zealot crews...... Having constructed and played a number of Stuart vs King Tiger scenarios - yes the little tanks will win, but at a horrible cost.
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