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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. It seems that chicken AI may be more complex than first thought.
  2. Their under Flavor Objects, Farm, the horse is number 4, and the cow is number 5.
  3. Doubtful for CMRT because the Soviets weren't doing that by Bagration, but maybe for the earlier war modules when they come out.
  4. Brilliant work JuJu! I'm looking forward to blowing it all to smithereens!
  5. I read a review of the CMBO demo in Computer Gaming back in '99. I DLed the demo and was hooked. I've been hanging around here ever since.
  6. When you see a dirty truck on the street and wonder if that's a new mod from Aris.
  7. Really looking good in game! Very nice.
  8. Yes, but only if said chicken has clear LOS and LOF to the road.
  9. Thanks for everything Aris! Enjoy the rest!
  10. Soon the female T 34 will give birth to a litter of t 70s.
  11. Aris, as always, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!
  12. I've been using a Hanns-G HG281D 27" since about the time the CW module for CMBN came out. It's been long enough that I'd almost forgotten how excellent CM looks on this big baby!
  13. I've noticed a tendency on my own part, to try to protect my Soviet pixeltruppen the same way I try to protect my American or CW troops. I then seem to become over aggressive when trying compensate for my overprotectiveness. There's just too much "Over" going on here!
  14. Dismount the crew. They'll take the mortar and ammo with them.
  15. Hey Nik. what do ya think about the white fender stripes? :-D
  16. In 15 minutes or so, I shall be crushing Fascists! Or Bolsheviks, it depends which scenario catches my attention first.
  17. When the Hamstertruppen get too tired to run around the wheel anymore.
  18. Love it! I see we use a lot of the same mods.
  19. Not true Ashez, Saddam's Chemical labs were found not "mobile labs", actual laboratories, along with hundreds of artillery and mortar shells waiting to be loaded with chemicals, His chief scientists were captured, and loads of precursor materials used to make Tabun and Sarin gas too. Saddam had indeed gotten rid of all his stockpile, he was just laying low until the UN went away. Although you will probably dismiss this as anecdotal, I'm both a Desert Storm vet and an Iraqi Freedom vet, and in Desert Storm I was a squad leader with the 1st Armored Division and was in the fight with the Iraqi Republican Guard. After the battle of Medina Ridge was over and the cease fire was called, my unit was clearing the area where the Medina Division had stood and died, in 3 different bunkers we found crates of 120mm mortar rounds containing chemical agents. Sohe definitely still had them in the early 90's.
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