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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. The evolution of the handheld rocket launcher as a MOUT weapon has a large role in the lethality of modern combat as well.
  2. A little dated, but people forget that the Battle of Medina Ridge in Desert Storm was the second largest armor on armor fight in history, surpassed only by Kursk. 73 Easting was the lead up to that fight.
  3. Hi Aquatica! I'd love to read anything you'd care to post. My Dad didn't talk a lot about his own experiences, although my family did go to Chiusi when I was a teenager. His entry into the SA forces was a rather unusual one. He was an Irish student at the University of Witwaterstrand (sp?). He paid for his education by joining the schools Officer Training program as a cadet, and volunteered to go as an enlisted man sometime in 1942, he missed the North African campaign, but was sent to Egypt to train before being sent into Italy as a replacement. I'm not really sure of the timeline after that, but I do know he called fires for the Brits, the US 1st Armored Division and of course his own 6th Armored comrades. He took part in the battles of Monte Cassino, Chuisi, and the liberation of Rome. He was the radio operator in an M4A1 Sherman assigned to an armored squadron as a Forward Observer tank and told me a story of a troop of SA Shermans that charged a group of German 88s on a valley road, because that was the only way through to their objective. All of the Shermans ended up burning directly in front of the guns, but their sacrifice allowed the remainder of their units to finish off the 88s and continue the mission.
  4. Hi Aquatica, I have a strong desire to see SA forces myself. My father was a Forward Observer for 4/22 FR assigned to one of the tank Squadrons. He was involved in the battle for Chiusi and spoke of watching in anger as Mark Clark pushed Commonwealth forces aside so Clark could claim American forces entered Rome first.
  5. This should be a really interesting match. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  6. Just tried the Mobelwagen in CMBN, works fine! Looks great!
  7. Let's not forget that most of the ongoing US defense cut will be completed by 2017, therefore we would need the Marines just to field a decent sized force.
  8. No,no.no.no! No more Gavin talk! None!;-)
  9. Don't forget the other six that were knocked out by Jabos! ;-)
  10. Would it be historically accurate to add a troop of Sherman Crabs to Colossal Crack?
  11. When your are directly setting elevations in the editor, hold control as you change various heights. You will notice that the usual black square around the elevation number changes to blue, this indicates you are in Ditchlock mode. The terrain will lower the elevation on the indicated blue tiles to what ever elevation difference is set.
  12. Try Men With Suspicious Hats, Fallschirmjager against Brit Infantry. Great fun!
  13. This looks like it will be really good, can't wait to try it out!
  14. Keep in mind that the quality and motivation factors of the crew play a big role in spotting ability. I would expect a slower spot/response time from crews who are Regular and below especially if they are nervous or worse for morale.
  15. I've rediscovered CMFI again since the upgrade came out. I decided to tackle Hot Mustard for the first time, and I'm enjoying myself immensely.
  16. Going from a "grunts" perspective, it might be helpful to think of a Soviet commander as a junior officer who has some training and maybe has survived a battle or two. In the squad he commands directly, think of the "leader" as the private who's survived the longest of the enlisted men in the platoon.
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