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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. Mord's American voice mods are excellent, There is some PG rated language though.
  2. So far 1st Armored,3rd Infantry,1st Cav, and the 82nd Airborne. That's going by the breifing texts from the campaign, and various battles. I would also guess 2nd SBCT, just because Strykers are in the game, and the 173rd Airborne IBCT just because Italy isn't that far away.
  3. How about some unit patches for the US?
  4. Bradleys brew up pretty spectacularly as well, with just as few survivors. I spent 75% of my beta time playing as the Americans and the survivors I saw were usually panicking and hauling a$$ out of the area. That includes Abrams crews.
  5. I think CMBS may be a true masterpiece. BFC really reset the bar higher with this one!
  6. I agree with Panzerkrautwerfer on all counts. I really didn't hear much in the way of dogma or propaganda in any of my deployments, we were there to do a job and we did the job as best we were able. On my return to the US I heard far more propaganda coming out of the media than the military.
  7. There were always stories about difficult soldiers being "taken to the woodline" meaning getting beaten up by NCOs,but I never saw or met anyone who actually did or had it done to them. So I'm thinking they were just stories. When I became an NCO, I would never even consider disciplining my troops in such a manner. It was much more effective to have them dig holes or do many dozens of push ups, sit ups etc. to wear off that extra energy young soldiers seem to have in abundance.
  8. As a former Mech Infantry enlisted type, I totally agree, plus I got to go on long walks with lot's of heavy stuff, yay!
  9. 20 years, US Army. Retired in 2009. I did 1 tour as a Bradley crewman in Desert Storm, 2 tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom, 1 tour as a communications operator, 2nd tour as a Military Policeman.
  10. Pnzrldr spent his motor pool time inspecting V packs , not cleaning them! lol
  11. stealthsilent, the kind of scout/snipers you are asking for don't have a place at the tactical level, although they could be very useful. In RL they are division and corps level assets. Remember CMBS is built around real life TO&Es, and elite scout/snipers aren't battalion level operators.
  12. The Ma Deuce is a superb HMG. Any weapon you can keep firing with a quart of motor oil is worth it's weight in gold in a fire fight.
  13. I don't agree with the total shutdown effect, no. My perspective is from having spent most of my last ten years in the US Army as a network tech. It's very hard for potential opponents to jam our stuff without also jamming their own. We can and do train to operate without it, but usually we can find a way to avoid being jammed in the first place.
  14. Certainly individual components of the data system and even entire subsystems can be jammed/hacked/destroyed, but the entire data sharing system? Unlikely. Degraded maybe.
  15. Welcome Vladimir. The T 90AM is an excellent tank, there is no doubt about it. But I think you are under estimating the M1A2 SEP v2 Abrams for one critical reason. It's not that a single Abrams has that great of an advantage over a T90AM in spotting or first round K-kill capability. It's that the Abrams is datalinked to every single friendly spotting asset on the battlefield. So that single Abrams and all his buddies know you are coming and from where you are coming before you get there. The US military as a whole is way ahead in inter-communications capability, and has so much data capacity that it is very hard to significantly degrade by either jamming or destroying a particular asset or assets. They will simply be replaced or remaining units will pick up the slack. That is the US's great secret in combat.
  16. Forging Steel is a great campaign, I got my buttocks handed to me playing it.
  17. I have noticed you sometimes will get a target that will show as intact for a few seconds until the crew visibly abandons it or it starts burning, but that's as close as the game will come to what I said above.
  18. Bradleys in Desert Storm were very definitely firing DU rounds. When my unit got to Saudi Arabia we got them in port when our Brads arrived, we had never seen them before and were very impressed. During the ground war we were getting kills on BMP 2s and MTLBs and not even knowing it. The DU rounds would pass straight through the enemy IFVs, so our gunners learned to paste the enemy vehicles with DU and finish them with HE. The DU would knock them out and the HE would set them on fire so everyone else know they were knocked out.
  19. I'm a former Bradley gunner and BC too, and LT Upham should have said: Gunner, Sabot, PC! But a bit of anxiety in that situation is understandable.
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