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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. I used to be one of those troops and we did NOT commit " many atrocities", that is a gross exaggeration, Fact is, if you compare the few atrocities some coalition troops actually did commit to any military in any war, we were angels.
  2. I use a GTX 760, and usually only get some minor stuttering when I pan across big maps with lots of units.
  3. That's a good question about Sherman .50s. Will German armor start having pintle mounted MG 34s as AA weapons too?
  4. Last I heard Bulge was going to be it's own base game.
  5. I think that sums it up very succinctly Jason.
  6. Done and I'm now in the corner working on my time machine.
  7. Pre ordered before I even read the adverts!
  8. Been wanting this for awhile. I think it will be really helpful in urban combat.
  9. Really looks good in game! I love the Bi-Color.
  10. Certainly Panzer Grenadiers would have access to both the paint and sprayers, being as they had to paint their HT's and AT guns. Most likely the troops who rode in them got some leftover paint from the crews.
  11. I'm thinking he's depressed because except for a Sherman or two, he's missed out on all that killing. He IS a Jagd-Tiger after all.
  12. Aris, I'm speechless. Your work is better every time man! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this.
  13. Freaking beautiful Fuser! I just happen to be playing a battle with a couple of those in it.
  14. There was a mod manager programme, but I haven't heard of it being updated to current CMBN/FI standards. GaJ's is the new CMMODs, last but not least take a look at Aris mods, mega mod madness there.
  15. Wow! That'll never happen again, guarantee that! LOL
  16. Southern Italy is a pretty dry place in the summer, and as an old mechanized infantryman I can tell you tanks and trucks turn out a massive amount of dust at the slightest opportunity.
  17. I think Aris only modded the original KT with the Porsche turret, the MG KT is the Henschel version.
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