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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I personally don't think the issue is closed. For me, there should be a far more obvious way for the unit display to indicate whether a unit is deployed, not deployed or in the process of doing one or the other. It simply isn't clear enough and before someone points out that there's a mod one can get, I find that too time consuming and annoying to have to do and then wait for when the mod can be modified (no certainty it will be) to suit the next version of the game after a patch. Regards KR
  2. Well, that's why there are no birds left in the trees. Sheesh, I would have thought that was obvious! Regards KR
  3. It's lucky it's so cold otherwise those dead friends in the blue body bags would start to stink! BTW, I always thought hot snow was called water. Have I been wrong all this time? Classic! Regards KR
  4. I don't believe there can be much argument that the way the game displays whether or not a crew served weapon is currently deploying or not is, shall we say politely, less than optimal. Others may say impolitely, fooked up! Regards KR
  5. Purchasing a Panther and a Stug is starting to look like a better option for GaJ if he had done so (all in hindsight of course). He would have lost some 81mm mortars in the process but there is often little the Allies can do when confronted with a Panther at stand off range. Regards KR
  6. Used to exist in CMBO when you would order a unit to hide but give it an ambush command where a TRP looking icon would appear and you could place it in an action spot within range. Worked quite well too. Regards KR
  7. Clearly he wasn't trained in the same school that produced Trotsky's assassin was he. Regards KR
  8. So, do we agree that the time it takes for the emplaced Flak 36 to rotate appears to be way off considering it's a Flak gun that's designed to rotate quickly? Regards KR
  9. Wasn't the Flak 36 a pedestal mounted AA gun? If so, surely it's traverse time should be in single digit seconds rather than over a minute! Much like the 2 pounder AT gun with its pedestal mount could quickly traverse and fire on fast moving targets I would have thought the Flak 36 would be in the same category. Regards KR
  10. Is that the MkIII block tank you depicted or the MkIV? It's hard to tell without the roadwheels showing. Regards KR
  11. I think of John much like I would of an eccentric uncle. He has his idiosyncracies but his heart is in the right place when it comes to Combat Mission related topics. I wish him well. Regards KR
  12. With iMolestCat's system specs apparently struggling with the game I'm starting to think that a Cray may also be found wanting! Regards KR
  13. That German grenade thrower has to have the longest neck I've ever seen! Despite what the screenshots are showing, perhaps it represents the grenade being thrown through the gap in the wall and at the angle the thrower is at, the explosion could well be right in amongst the prone U.S. soldiers. i.e. where we see the end of the wall isn't really where it ends, but some distance further back towards the T junction of the 2 walls. Regards KR
  14. From my reading of the Desden bombing, the intent to target the railways seems like a furphy when you take into account that the bulk of the bombing was centered around the old heavily populated suburbs rather than the rail hub. From my understanding, the railways were up and running within 2 days of the firestorm, the populated suburbs... not so much. I agree however that one of the desired outcomes from the firestorm raid was to send a crystal clear message to the Soviet regime... if you're thinking of messing with us once the Nazis are crushed, think again. Regards KR
  15. And a fine looking ship it is too. Its lines are quite reminiscent of the Hood in many respects as well. Regards KR
  16. Wouldn't it be better to await the results of c3k's tests before deciding unilaterally, based on potentially flawed assumptions, that there's... nothing to see here, everybody just move along.? Regards KR
  17. I'm guessing he means that these were how Jagdtigers were used historically (hysterically?). To my way of thinking, if I've coughed up the money to purchase the appropriate module that includes Jagdtigers, I should be able to use them however I damn well like! Stuff hysterical nonsense. Regards KR
  18. Brilliant! I loved this bit... once Vader returns to his Star Destroyer, he gets a message from Palpatine explicitly instructing him to prevent Luke from training as a Jedi. Oops! Regards KR
  19. Loved the comment in the Amazon reviews that JonS linked to where some guy is sooo looking forward to his Waterboarding game... "fun for all the family!. Regards KR
  20. How very true. Why does the recent Iraq conflict come to mind I wonder? Regards KR
  21. I thought I would resurrect this old thread now that Boeing is in the headliners again for all the wrong reasons due to problems with their Dreamliner. Refer to this thread... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-01-25/dreamliner-investigators-seriously-concerned-by--findings/4483934 Regards KR
  22. My take on the "Something Nice" mattter is the ability of the CMx2.0 version to be able to finally handle fire, allowing flamehtrowers etc. That's my enduring hope anyway. Regards KR
  23. If you have a reference to said reading material specifically dealing with the standard of 2 metre thick steel mesh reinforced concrete walls for Axis machinegun only bunkers I'd be interested in reading about it. Regards KR
  24. I managed to pick up a NZ aviation magazine while passing through Auckland airport with this very picture on the cover and a couple of interesting stories inside about the restoration. The centrefold picture is good enough to frame so I reckon that's what I'll be doing. Simply gorgeous! Regards KR
  25. The example you gave in the link was a furphy to say the least. It refers to a bunker built in the late 1930's for the German Westwall defences of their border region and hardly represents the typical concrete bunker encountered by Allied troops in Italy or the western front prior to winter in 1944. The Westwall bunker had 2 metre thick reinforced concrete walls which, I would suggest, is not your typical concrete bunker depicted in the CMx2 games to date. Perhaps when the Bulge game is released a special type of almost inmpervious bunker would be appropriate then, but only then. Regards KR
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