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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. I just knew I'd be caught out with this list. Still, if it's going to be anybody it might as well be ol' man Emrys. Regards Jim R.
  2. Just to knock this one on the head, I'll list all the twin boom planes for the sake of completeness. AAI RQ-2 Pioneer AAI RQ-7 Shadow Abrams P-1 Explorer AD Scout AD Seaplane Type 1000 Adam A500 Adam A700 ADI Condor Advanced High Performance Reconnaissance Light Aircraft Akaflieg Stuttgart FS-28 Avispa Albatros D.VI Alenia Aeronautica Sky-Y Antonov A-40 Arado E.340 Armstechno NITI BAE Systems Phoenix BAE Systems SkyEye BAT Crow Bell XP-52 Blériot 125 Blohm & Voss BV 138 Burnelli CBY-3 Canaero Toucan Caproni Ca.1 (1914) Caproni Ca.3 Caproni Ca.4 Caproni Ca.5 Cessna O-2 Skymaster Cessna Skymaster Cessna XMC Conroy Stolifter Convair Model 48 Charger Curtiss CT De Havilland Sea Vixen De Havilland Vampire De Havilland Venom DRDO Nishant Fairchild AC-119 Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar Fairchild C-82 Packet Fairchild XC-120 Packplane Fauvel AV.36 Focke-Wulf Flitzer Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Focke-Wulf Project VIII Fokker D.XXIII Fokker F.25 Fokker G.I Friedrichshafen FF.31 Friedrichshafen FF.34 Galileo Mirach 26 General Aircraft GAL.47 Ghods Mohajer Gotha WD.3 Grahame-White Ganymede Heston JC.6 Hughes D-2 Hughes XF-11 Hydra Technologies Ehécatl I.S.T. XL-15 Tagak IAI Arava IAI Eitan IAI Heron IAI RQ-5 Hunter IAI Scout IAI Searcher Ion Aircraft Ion Kalinin K-7 Larkin Skylark Lockheed P-38 Lightning Lockheed XP-49 Lockheed XP-58 Chain Lightning Macchi M.12 Mirsad-1 Nord Noratlas North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco Northrop F-15 Reporter Northrop Grumman Firebird Northrop P-61 Black Widow Piper PA-7 RTAF-5 RUAG Ranger S-TEC Sentry Saab 21 Saab 21R Savoia-Marchetti S.65 Savoia-Marchetti SM.88 Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 Savoia-Marchetti SM.91 Scaled Composites Model 395 Scaled Composites Pond Racer Scaled Composites Proteus Scaled Composites White Knight Schweizer RU-38 Twin Condor SELEX Galileo Falco Shahbal SIAI-Marchetti FN.333 Riviera Sikorsky S-38 Sikorsky S-40 Sikorsky S-41 SIPA S.200 Minijet Spectrum SA-550 Sukhoi Su-80 TAI Baykuş TAI Pelikan Transavia PL-12 Airtruk Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer Vultee XP-54 Vultee XP-68 Tornado Weymann 66 Yakovlev Yak-141 Yakovlev Yak-58 It's probably one of the above. Happy now? Regards Jim R.
  3. Is it too much of a stretch to say the Bleriot 125? Hmmmm? Regards KR
  4. This is what really bugs me about The CMx2 series at the moment. It may not have Borg spotting anymore but instead we have infa-red like spotting from AFV's to replace it! Movement is what attracts attention to your existence on a battlefield and for that JgPzIV to simply saunter up to the ridge and then spot the emplaced AT gun so easily is laughable. In reality, the AT gun would be camouflaged and seeing as it hasn't moved, be virtually impossible to spot yet in this case it was out spotted and out drawn by the AFV. Ridiculous! Regards KR
  5. Probably the major stumbling block is simulating assault boats on fire! Now THAT would be a challenge. Regards KR
  6. Or the allegedly solid sources of information about how Iraq had mobile chemical weapons laboratories which was used as one of the pretexts to invade that country when the 2 individuals on whom the intelligence was based were considered "fabricators" by both French & German intelligence and this was passed on to both British & U.S. intelligence counterparts. Unfortunately, the seed had been sown previously by these sources and MI6 & the CIA ran with it regardless of the major concerns over the credibility of the individuals concerned. I'm sure there are many, many people who still believe that the intelligence gathered to justify the war was all kosher and indisputible despite the evidence at the time & subsequent to the events that was completely to the contrary. Regards KR
  7. I predict a ban from legal action with frowny faces that have an indifferent look about them. Regards KR
  8. On the subject of SMG's firing well outside their effective range, I think it would be a mistake to have a carte blanche restriction on all SMG's to only fire at under 120 metres (say) due to the different levels of effectiveness of various models. The Italian Baretta M38, Russian PPSh-41 & Finnish Suomi SMG's all had effective ranges well over 150 metres due to their higher muzzle velocity, with the Italian & Russian weapons allegedly effective out to 250 metres. This is in contrast to the Thompson and Sten SMG's which had effective ranges of 50 metres & 100 metres respectively. Therefore, any restriction on what range an SMG should open up should definitely be dependant on the model of the weapon rather than some arbitrary figure that lumps all SMG's together. Regards KR
  9. Thankfully London was never invaded in WWII... except by Yanks of course! Regards KR
  10. Yes. As I said in my post, I don't believe it would be appropriate to allow Panzerschreks or Bazookas to fire in anything but the largest type of building structure but as for Panzerfausts, that's another thing entirely. We're talking about a black powder blast that represents approx. 10% of the blast of a typical grenade with it all directed out the rear of a tube, away from the firer. Common sense tells me how that should be modelled, but with the rider that any other infantry unit in the same action spot as a TH team within a small building runs the risk of injury or adverse morale effects or both. Regards KR
  11. I'm with you. I'm guessing that the reason why it's taking so long to model fire is due to the difficulty in determining what the effects fire has on various AFV's, since it doesn't penetrate armour as such. It's more what the effects on morale would be on a tank crew should their AFV be hit and whether it was susceptible to allowing fire into the engine compartment for potentially catastrophic outcomes. Still, I for one will be very disappointed if the likes of Crocodiles, Wasps & German flamethrower halftracks can't be modelled by the time Battlefront are portraying warfare in the West come September 1944 onwards. Regards KR
  12. Can't see that ever happening as the size of a target does matter in CMx2 whereas a tank, armoured car or infantry were simply point targets in CMx1, so it didn't matter if you wanted your AFV's to look like ones from Land of the Giants. Regards KR
  13. I believe the CMBorg was 'de-assimilated'. Apparently the collective weren't happy with some of his recruitment choices (M Dorosh, Old Spike, lewis etc, etc). Regards KR
  14. Couldn't agree more with Georgie's post. In CMx1, AT teams could fire from within buildings but there was always the risk they would panic nad possibly rout due to the backblast or, set the building on fire in whixh case they would have to exit very quickly. I'm not saying it was perfect but it was a reasonable simulation of what could happen. If it were me, I would allow infantry to fire Panzerfaust type weapons from within buildings in CMx2 but have the risk the unit could panic or break as a result (especially for a PF100 where the back blast would be pretty significant). I wouldn't allow the use of Bazookas or Panzerschreks within standard single storey buildings but only in large structures such as churches and factory style buildings, due to their much larger black blast using rocket propelled munitions. Regards KR
  15. Elefants? That could have made a difference! Always read the fine print and if a flaw is found, exploit it! Great AAR by the way from both players and really appreciate you guys taking the time to do this in such detail. Going by the number of responses in the Peanut Gallery thread you can see they were very popular. Regards KR
  16. The guy about to throw what appears to be a hand grenade can look a bit like he's doing a calisthenics routine if you don't look too closely. The cocked grenade could well be his left arm. Sheesh... Do I have to explain everything! Regards Jim R.
  17. Simply hit any of the numeral buttons on the keyboard to change the viewing height. Numbers 1 through to 5 give you the 3D views while 6 through to 9 give you the top down views. Regards Jim R.
  18. The Allied half tracks and scout cars with 3 man crews can actually unbutton themselves once they get over the shock of losing a crew member and are able to fire one of the crew served mg's thereafter unless they take another casualty. It only happens if the vehicle has a 3 man crew AND 2 mg's as their armament. Regards Jim R.
  19. What's with that German soldier doing calisthenics in the background? Regards KR
  20. The screenshot looks very strange to me. The tank is apparently destroyed and burning yet there's no damage to any systems according to the GUI. Regards KR
  21. Very informative Jason. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Regards KR
  22. I reckon it's pretty much all over bar the shouting for GaJ. Bill has far superior intelligence on where his opponents forces are located whereas GaJ is still groping around in the fog, having no idea of where the hammer blow will fall. Regards KR
  23. Couldn't agree more with the original poster. It's yet another case of going backwards before going forwards. Regards KR
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