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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. I could be wrong on this, but I understood the purpose of the BMP was to allow Warsaw Pact infantry to support armor within an NBC enviroment, not to conduct assaults on prepared positions while fully loaded. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  2. I would like to see the setup zones be influenced by the weather / time of day. I've read numerous accounts of forces that fortified a position in really bad weather (heavy rain, fog or pitch black night) only to find themselves within spitting distance to enemy positions at first light. Nothing like starting your day off with hot lead. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  3. Question: A what period during the war was this tactic considered SOP? Somehow I can't see the practice of cramming 8+ men into a thinly armored, highly flammable, mortar magnet and blitzing them into the crosshairs of zooks and Ma deuces as a sound tactic. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  4. German SMG squad attacking in heavy fog, at night, advances into heavy woods. Guess which threat was responsible for it's demise: 1) Dug in allied rifle squad 2) Dug in allied MG team 3) Sister squads on either side I found out the answer the hard way ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  5. I got the updated Team Desorby Op with the 1.1 patch, along with an updated Carentan. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  6. You're not playing Benny Manieri, are you? ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  7. I traded my copy to some kid down the street for the Panzer leader board game. What the hell are all you laughing at? At least I can whip up a QB and save the same map for future use. Try doing that with your fancy computer game. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  8. I thought it was Clinton who said that during his Grand jury testimony. You sure it was the Queen of Hearts?
  9. I can easily see several variations of this argument, depending on the outcomes. Here's a few off the top of my head: 1) AFV encounters crew, stops to engage, zook pops AFV. Complaint: "Why didn't my AFV ignore the crew, it was no threat, this must be a bug" 2) AFV encounters crew, ignores and continues on, encounters zook, turns to engage. Crew turns up to be a .50 MG team, which pops the AFV from behind. Complaint: "Why did my AFV ignore the crew, it could have been a threat, this must be a bug" 3) AFV encounters crew, turns to engage, zook fires on distracted AFV, misses, AFV turns to engage higher threat zook, enemy tank rolls in and pops AFV. Complaint: "why don't hunting AFV ignore infantry units and concentrate on enemy armor, this must be a bug" The list can go on and on...
  10. A dead conscript ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  11. Unless your opponent made some serious blunders early on, you will find it a hard fight for the U.S. player. The first time I played it was a double blind PBEM and it was edge of your seat all the way thru. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  12. 1) Foxholes are dug only during the setup phase, so you don't need a unit sitting around doing nothing. They are automatically dug by both sides (unless terrain prohibits it) 2)No, see #1 3)Yes, see #1 4)Yes, but I'm not sure of the amount. A test will confirm it. 5)A foxhole will hold one unit, so you can't have 2 zooks or 1 team and one zook inside the same foxhole. However, foxholes are a generic size, so a foxhole dug by a two man zook team and later abandoned can be used by a 12-man rifle squad with no restrictions. 6)Good fortified positions for units normally held behind the FLOT, such as MG and Mortar teams. 7)IMO a foxhole is better. No matter how much you shell it a foxhole won't come crashing down on your men. However, bldgs do have one advantage over foxholes - overhead cover. A unit in a foxhole can be suppressed by a 2" mortar, while inside a bldg they just laugh it off. 8)? 9)Against regular arty - yes. Against VT rounds - no (lack of overhead cover) Hope this helps ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  13. Although I'm not a scenario designer, I am interested to read the answer to #3. IMO, I think that feature needs to be revisited, as I have had enemy vehicles dragged clear while surrounded by friendly troops! ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  14. I have against the computer, and won a minor vic the first time around. However, this was before BTS tweaked the offroad speed for wheeled vehicles, so I can see it being really hard now. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  15. Hmmm, must remember to play Shug's turn when I get home tonight ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  16. Whatever FOW setting you choose will be the same for the AI. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  17. For $50 I'll build you a model of an M16 ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  18. Here's one: "3 scenario demo pack from CM2 now availible for download! To get yours just e-mail Steve directly!!!" ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  19. Wow, a release date of Fall 2001 for CM2. That means that, by my calculations, we will have a demo by next week ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  20. The roadblock would probably just sit and spin, trying to decide which TRP to engage. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  21. Mensch, There is definetly a bug here, and it's not just with assault boats. I just tried 10 minefields against one 75mm AT pillbox and they couldn't knock it out. They just sat there in full LOS and did nothing. You'd think the beta testers would have caught that. Next I'm going to try a flaming wood tile against a large pine forest. Should I e-mail Charles the results? ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  22. Down here we have Gator tail, which is about as gamey as one can get. Something about serving fried portions of a swamp lizard's ass just doesn't sit too well with me. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  23. LOL!!! I have 2 Piats and a 6 pdr that think otherwise ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
  24. Sorry dude, all I got is the Beta copy of CM2. Good luck, though. ------------------ "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"
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