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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. I am having trouble understanding how the search function organizes it's findings, specifically when no date is given. Example: I type in my username and specify a time frame of within 30 days. Apart from the first entry the results I get are organized in sequential order according to dates. So far so good. I then specify any date and I get dates of 07/12, 10/24 and then back to 6/19 before the sequence settles down to a logical pattern. Also, there is a huge gap between my earliest post in the 30-day time frame (1/23/01) and the latest in the any date search (10/24/00). What happened to all of Nov, Dec & most of Jan? Can anyone shed some light on this? BTW, I tried both exact and partial name match with the same results.
  2. **********SPOILER******** * * * * * * If you guys want to play with British funnies (at least the ones modeled in CM) then I highly recommend Wild Bill's "To the last man".
  3. Why not have them cleared in between Op battles? I agree that it would be an abstraction, but then again so is ammo resupply, damaged vehicle removal or frontline adjustments, and they happen between Op battles. IMO, if you are in control of the area around the block (inside your setup zone) then they should be cleared. After all, in some Ops the time between battles could span an entire day. Should the Enginners simply ignore the obstacles during that time?
  4. Jeff, Picture 40 guys blazing away with rifles, SMGs, and LMGs (in addition to grenades)on a lone HT for 60 seconds. Now picture that HT rolling away after that. Some guys had the HTs not only survive but kill most of the platoon in the process. That's what everyone is talking about.
  5. WRONG!!!! Not only do you still have to take the damn hill, but you must also take the damn ridge, assault the damn pillbox, capture the damn bridge, ambush the damn armor column, defend the damn village, infiltrate the damn forest, cross the damn river, ride out the damn arty barrage, level the damn city, survive the damn jabos and finally capture all the damn objectives. And when you accomplished all that, then you fire up another scenario and do it again. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  6. To Wyatt's (WWB_99) neighbors, the sight of him laying prone in front of a dumpster, tossing in a grenade and then climbing in to retrieve it is a graphical representation of a man who has too much time on his hands BTW, is that a Jagdtiger I hear sinking into the mud?
  7. Pardon me if this has been brought up earlier, but has anyone tested other open topped vehicles as well? There could be a possibility that it's not a halftrack issue but rather a close assault issue. I'd do the test myself but I'm stuck at work. Can someone run the test again, but this time use Marders, White scout cars, Priests, etc...
  8. VT shells have a radar fuse mounted in the nose of the shell. When the shell is a pre-determined distance from the ground it explodes, showering the blast area with shrapnel. it is very deadly against troops in the open, gun emplacements, etc... ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  9. Forget about titles, I'm waiting for this post: CM2: Ready to ship, place your order now!
  10. I assume you have a PC. ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/cm112.exe This is the 1.12 patch, Enjoy. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  11. Uh, pardon me if I miss the obvious here, but can someone quote where in Phantom Rocker's post where he "Demands" anything? I have read it a couple of times over and I don't see it. If you can see past the weird sig and the statement about cracking the code (stupid thing to say, IMO) all I then see is a new guy asking for the same vehicles we all asked for ourselves.
  12. AT teams can set their own ambushes. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  13. Sorry Sarge, but CM3 is slated for the Med / Italian theater, while CM4 will deal with the early years (Poland, France, etc..) ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  14. http://www.derkessel.com/ Excellent scenarios, excellent maps, easy to access and the members have a lot of playtesting experience.
  15. OK Jeff, you stumped me. What the hell is a "Bastidges"?
  16. Weather here in Florida is a sunny 82 degrees. Lots of 'shine, with a moderate breeze off the ocean. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  17. London, Berlin, Rotterdam, Tokyo, Warsaw, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Coventry, Hamburg...
  18. Although the M18 Hellcat is fast, I doubt it can reach speeds capable of launching off a flight deck, so my vote goes to the F6F. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  19. You said the squad "sneaked" past the HT. Did you give them a sneak command? If so then they won't fire unless fired upon first.
  20. I don't think anyone here would consider it gamey or unsportsmanlike if you had changed your setup the second time around. IMO, there is no advantage the second time around because he can't be sure you would deploy the same way again, in other words FOW is established again with the new setup. He took a gamble and it paid off. It could have easily resulted with him wasting scarce mortar rounds on a bunch of pine trees. Also, keep in mind that, for all the advantages that hill offers to the Americans, it is a very obvious location to place a spotter. That was my first thought the moment I first saw the scenario. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey" [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 02-09-2001).]
  21. You're not the first to notice. Check out their BBS, half our memebers are there. They even started a Peng thread ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  22. Michael, I suggest you try the "Mortain" scenario (not the "drive to Mortain" Op). It is laid out exactly like as you described, with recon / armd. inf / AFVs in one wave and Mot. inf and support following behind. And the map is huge, with lots of room to try out Blitz tactics. It does involve setting waypoints for numerous vehicles, but if you can live with that then definetly try it. I can't remember where I d/l it from. Perhaps try Madmatt's site, or e-mail me and I can zip it to you later on tonight. My address is in my profile. ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  23. How about a 6-man team? Are they from a full strength squad that split, or a full strength squad that took 50% casualties? How would you know? What about German squads? Is that 7-man unit a full strength escort squad or a rifle squad that took two casualties? Again, how would you know?
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