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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. (Whisper)Pssst,hey new guy...it's CM, as in Combat mission...Right, CM... BTW, welcome aboard.
  2. Were they '45 rifle squads? They are equipped with two BARs as part of their normal loadout.
  3. Question: Has anyone ever recieved a Gebirgsjager unit in a computer selected QB? I don't think I ever had, and I have played my fair share of QBs.
  4. My favorite all time is the never ending stream of crews bailing out of that Puma on the bridge. If someone has the pic please post it, I need a good laugh.
  5. Status of what? Casualties? Ammo levels?
  6. Ok, maybe the "south of the Cuyahoga river" part was incorrect, but it's definetly east of Garfield http://maps.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscr=mmvw&msds=49977342$E4$FE$36w$F1$FC$36w940010001!O0!4$FF000!8$FF$330Cleveland.Tyre$2C.Hartlepool$2C.England$2C.United.Kingdom00$0B0unavail able$D9$EE$FD$91$12VK$40$14$F1$10$A5AZ$F3$BF$960001000o400$8Dk$3C$80!50$14000!4$FF!I010
  7. Just east of Garfield heights, south of the Cuyahoga river.
  8. I've only played against the AI as the Americans, and it gave me one hell of a fight. Definetly try PBEM, it may be too big for TCP/IP unless you play without the timer.
  9. Do a search under 'CM Chapters' or somesuch. Back when the game came out their was a run of people starting these chapters all over the country. For a time I was part of the Southeast chapter. I know the Seattle area got a lot of responses, as did the L.A. / San diego chapter.
  10. Jeff, I have a scenario in my HD called "7 roads to Hell". It is exactly like you described, except that it's the Americans trying to escape down the corridor. I can't remember where I got it from, perhaps CMHQ. If you can't find it e-mail me and I'll send it to you later on tonight. Edit, here it is: http://unix.thegamers.net/depot/depot.cgi?g=31&a=scenario&scenario.scenarioID=2007 I highly recommend it. [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 02-22-2001).]
  11. Jasper, The abstracted ammo count was corrected a good while back, the number you see availible is exactly the number of rounds you are going to get. Otherwise, I should be getting another 75 300mm rockets in my QB with John Kettler, and he might not like that ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  12. Ok, so the enemy infantry unit is hidden within the church, and you've ordered the Mark IV to blast him out with area fire. I think what you are seeing is the AI, because it's shooting at a two story building as opposed to an individual unit within, is aiming for the theoretical center of the target, i.e. the second floor. The tracers of the bow MG might seem to hit the lower floor, but again it's also area fire so it could really be hitting anywhere along the front of the building. At least that's my take on it. Question: you said there's an allied SP shooting at the church as well. Was it doing it while the enemy unit was hiding inside?
  13. Are you sure you guys didn't plot a waypoint across impassable terrain, like perhaps cutting too close to a bocage or a tree lined road? I know the AI will replot your moves if anywhere along that run it encounters impassable terrain.
  14. Bruno, Just so I understand this, both sides are targetting the same building. You have the tanks main gun firing area fire into the building while it's MG is targetting a specific unit inside. Did I read that right?
  15. For the same reason that Mickymouse2k will be, foul language.
  16. Kingfish's PBEM black list: 1) Maximus2k 2)
  17. Aha! That explains why I recieved a second copy yesterday in the mail.
  18. Hey Agua, do you want to trade CDs? ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  19. Ooops, wrong post. Please ignore. [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 02-20-2001).]
  20. Edited to remove inappropriate language. [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 02-20-2001).]
  21. I'm at your Girlfriends house. She says hi, BTW.
  22. The AI picked a Panther G and three Tigers! Wow, first time I heard that.
  23. Chambois, which I think is French for "look at all those burning tanks!" ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
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