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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Try this: http://www.gamesofwar.de/Battles/TwinFarms.cmb
  2. John, You are right, when was the last time anyone ran over a daisy chain? I never had, nor had my opponents. I feel that the mines are not being used to their full potential. Right now they are no more effective than a roadblock, a visible barrier to vehicles that can only be deployed during setup. BTW, I loved the short story. Too bad you couldn't have used German soldiers ambushing French armored cars instead True, but with hidden ones you have the opportunity to kill an AFV, something you don't get with visible ones. Besides, once "discovered" hidden mines block vehicle access just as well. Here's a couple of more questions: 1) How many of you have purchased daisy chains in the past? 2) How many would if: a) you had the option to deploy them during battle You were able to ambush armor in the manner that John and von Schalburg described?
  3. If you want I can e-mail it to you when I get home (6-pm EST). If you're interested send me an e-mail and I'll include it in the reply. My address is in my profile.
  4. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016521.html
  5. How long does it take to disembark and setup a large calibur field gun in CM (for instance a Flak 88)? How many high explosives rounds come with that gun? Is the task of laying a daisy chain harder and more dangerous than a Flak 88? Some scenarios in CM are 60 turns (1 hour) long. Some are 120 turns. How long does it take to string out a daisy chain?
  6. Let me start off by saying that I'm not asking for a patch, new coding or work on CM to be interrupted. I'm just curious as to what your opinions would be to the following question; What are your thoughts on having the ability to place daisy chain mines during a battle, not just during setup? Of all the units listed in the fortifications column they are by far the easiest to deploy. This leads me to believe that they would be held in reserve, and then deployed once the enemy's main axis of advance was identified. Here's how I picture it: During setup you get a daisy chain mine. If you have any prime movers availible then you get the option to deploy then during battle. Otherwise, without transport you can only deploy them during setup. If you choose to deploy them during battle then you embark them on the mover, along with a squad. The squad now is equipped with the daisy chain. When the time comes to deploy them you unload the squad and order them to string out the mines. Once placed they cannot be moved. This works much like the movement / embarking restrictions of the German Flak 88s in the game. Again, I'm not asking for this to be included in the game. Just curious to see what everyone thinks.
  7. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum6/HTML/000226.html ------------------ Terminate...with extreme prejudice
  8. Well, if it isn't the butcher of Carentan, looking for some fresh meat to carve up. I'll be stampeding the herd your way later on tonight, the #%$*! geek here at work has us on Windows NT, so no CM until I get home. Bomb...er, see you then! ------------------ Terminate...with extreme prejudice
  9. Jeff, If I had the time and desire I could dig up at least a dozen threads on the BBS about the SS, war crimes, etc... and each one will have a padlock on the end. This one will be no different. ------------------ Terminate...with extreme prejudice
  10. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to buy stock in the company that sells BBS padlocks. I see myself retiring in a few years ------------------ Terminate...with extreme prejudice
  11. I think it's to allow the troops enough time to get some Christmas shopping done.
  12. Strat, Your two squads just showed up in my game as reinforcements, and not a moment too soon. Do you have any armor you can send over as well? ------------------ "What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"
  13. Gpig, Your wife just sent me a setup for a 1500 pt QB, should I accept?
  14. I could be reading this wrong, but are you trying to rejoin squads during the action phase?
  15. You'll find the latest patch (V 1.12) for both PCs and Macs Here: http://www.battlefront.com/downloads/index.html
  16. You make a good point. However, wouldn't that reaction apply also if the tank was friendly and the collision was an accident? IMO, it would apply. Therefore, we can't have this feature until we have some type of collision avoidance coded into the vehicles.
  17. daveym, How much of a sh*tbox is your computer? I have a P2-233 with a Voodoo 2 and I can play just about any scenario out there. Granted some of the bigger one slow me down, but I can accept it. Do yourself a big favor and buy the game. The majority of scenarios are reinforced company size, well within the capabilities of most computers.
  18. Pascal, Please go back and edit your first post to add the spolier warning. Thanks
  19. Just a friendly bit of advice, you should put a spoiler warning at the top of your post.
  20. Gents, Before we consider adding a ramming / crushing feature to the game I would kindly suggest we ask for a proper follow / convoy command first. Otherwise you might end up losing an entire armor column simply to the pile ups we get trying to move convoys down roads.
  21. Seek out the enemy!?! You're lucky if half your rockets find the board, much less seek out the enemy.
  22. Operators are standing by! http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/cm_order.html
  23. Olle beat me to it, but he's right. Page 125 of the manual states that Bocage never completely enclose an area, so what you see is a map bug.
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