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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. I can't wait to try out those lend-lease Shermans against Tigers and Panthers!
  2. I've heard of a German colonel in charge of a stalag during the war. During his command not a single allied soldier escaped, although a lot of the credit must go to his crack sergeant. I wish I could remember their names.
  3. Anyone with a beer at the end of the movie. ------------------ Terminate...with extreme prejudice
  4. Sorry, but I gotta disgaree. I don't think CM models fear of what might happen. Your men will try to accomplish every command you give them, no matter how suicidal those commands are. Remember, these are the same guys that, when told to target the tank, are all too happy to blaze away with rifles.
  5. Can't do it. The only thing you can include that suggests earlier battles is rubble, burning buildings or burning terrain.
  6. I'd buy that if it was a surprise encounter, but I've had squads waiting in ambush for several turns. You would think the faust shooter would be in position by then.
  7. Drunken, burned out, tatooed heavy metal drummer should be able to from any angle.
  8. I first tried to give you the link to the zip file itself, but when I checked it showed up as a geocities web page instead. Hopefully my second attempt got you where you needed to be
  9. Here's a clue: http://www.derkessel.com/ [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 03-21-2001).]
  10. Ok, follow along... Company of conscript russians attack German defenses. 1/3 are killed, 1/3 are pinned and the last 1/3 rout to the rear. NKVD troops gun down the runners. Now your force is down to a 1/3 and your global morale suffers as well. The combination of low global morale and being pinned under German fire causes your remaining men to rout. NKVD troops gun down them as well, leaving you with... [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 03-21-2001).]
  11. Simple question: Whats to prevent the gamey tactic of automatically withdrawing your troops on turn 1, have a few shot by the NKVD, and have the rest become fanatics for the rest of the battle?
  12. I managed a tac vic the first time around, but that outcome shoudn't lead you to believe it's an easy scenario. Far from it. For the first 10-15 turns it was touch and go, especially around roadblocks 1 & 2. I didn't capture roadblock 3 until the very end. My most valuable unit, believe it or not, was the jeep I got with the first reinforcements. I used him to shuttle zook and MG teams to the two forward roadblocks. They arrived in the nick of time, allowing my depleted units to hang on. IMO An excellent scenario.
  13. What we have here is a man who drank too many Hoegaardens.
  14. That's one hell of a big map to have the Vistula on the far eastern border! Just think, on one screen you could be playing scenarios from 3 different theaters at the same time.
  15. Faster response time!?! The response you'll most likely get from a leaderless platoon is broken or routed. Good luck with that tactic.
  16. SMACK! http://www.combatmission.com/aars/aars.asp [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 03-16-2001).]
  17. Joe Shaw has a better 76 rule. If you're ever up for a challenge give it a try.
  18. Pardon me for asking, but why are you getting so worked up over this? You have one person's opinion (maximus) on why certain gamers don't like or understand CM, all based on another person's opinion (a 12 yr old). This hardly qualifies as an "analysis". It's merely one guy's opinion, nothing more.
  19. But for God's sake don't lead off with your 251/1s!
  20. I've been meaning to ask this question: Why is it that a near miss will make a mortar crew abandon their weapon, while a .50 MG team can be "Routed !" and still insist on carrying their weapon across an open field, all the while under 88mm DF?
  21. Ooops, double post. [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 03-15-2001).]
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