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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pvt_ryan: I once saw a movie called "Ducth"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No that was Al Bundy in disguise. I have a Dutch-American friend who is a self-proclaimed idiot. Does that count? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  2. Well, maybe you shouldn't move your Shermans out in the open as much. As soon as I locate the 75mm-AT bunker, I try to keep my tanks out of its line of fire, or LOS to be more exact. Then all you have to worry about is the AT-minefields. I also like to lay down a smoke screen with my 81mm mortar spotter in front of the AT-bunker until I can get my tanks out of its LOS. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  3. Well Steve mentioned that if they received the manuals tomorrow, they could get the first ones in the hands of us by late in the week. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  4. Well, I'm not Lurker. Hell, when the board went down over Memorial Day and I had to re-register, I became a member again in just two days. Does being a lurker reflect on the personality? I mean I don't know. Is it that you don't have much to say, or is that you lack the experience or knowledge of the subject?? Not trying to be an asshole, just wondering how you can "lurk" over a BBS for so long and not participate? I've registered on several other BBS's and I've only made a few posts, but I don't hang out at them either. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  5. Well I'm not risking using generic nVidia drivers. I'm gonna wait till Diamond comes out with newer ones. Their latest are still pretty new, 2-03-00. In fact, those were the second DirectX 7 compatible drivers they came out with. I'm using the 368 drivers, the other ones were 353. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  6. Geez, quick to jump on any poor soul aren't we Andreas?? Well, come time to engage in Scenario #13, you will be utterly destroyed by not only my superior German forces, but a wave of atomic smileys. :mushroom cloud: And talk about King of Useless Threads Oh..Fionn me, Fionn me, Fionn me, why don't they get a rope...ahh nevermind!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  7. billcarey is correct. I had to stop and think myself, but it came to me fairly quickly as well.
  8. Well, my friend and I were playing a game of CE and one file was having a hard time transferring and finally it got through. I watched it and it showed one of my Shermans getting knocked out. Well, then he sent it again by mistake and this time that Sherman survived and a different Sherman was hit. I assume he didn't redo the turn. So apparently results can vary from file to file, but when the next file is sent, that fixes the history of events. However, that is a bug, I guess. But I don't know how'd they fix that. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  9. Yes, that would be very, very bad if the units didn't target intelligently.
  10. Oh thank goodness that was cleared up. Didn't want to get into another auto-surrender thread. So it's based on a very low morale (below 15%) and an enemy morale that is quite higher (4x) for the feature to kick in. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  11. What?? You didn't know of the legendary "iggi"? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]
  12. I would have let that Co. HQ die, for I never liked Col. What's His Face anyway. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]
  13. My guess would be chronological order. Earliest to latest.
  14. Yes it does bring up an interesting point doesn't it? My main strategy through that whole game was "charge or rush tactics". I would keep the MGs back and suppress the MG post I was assaulting and then rush the position with a platoon of infantry. As my infantry would close, the defending MG or suppressed infantry squad would stand up and and try to walk/run away, thus being picked off easily. This is the first time I've tried it quite like this, and suprisingly, I took light casualties, hence the number of infantry I had up on the reinforcement hill. Took me a while to take out the damned 150mm Inf Gun. They hide him back in the woods just enough to where I couldn't get sight of it by my Sherman 105. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]
  15. Yes, that's the ticket. Couldn't think of the name.
  16. Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Let's break out the Convotier. (sp?) (The alcoholic beverage of the Ladies Man on SNL) ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]
  17. I was just playing VoT. I had the remnants of 3 platoons of infantry up on the hill where the German reinforcements come in by Turn 15. (Including the engineer platoon.) I was in the process of bringing up all but two of my Shermans for support against the Panther. Well, by Turn 16, I had two Sherman 75s stratling each side of that light house up there with a Sherman 105 over on my right flank east of the pond over there. Well, the reinforcements popped up by Turn 17's orders phase. I targeted all 3 platoons on the 3 squads that popped up. The Sherman had a 86% chance of hit on the Panther from the side with a Good chance of a kill. So I hit GO! and the slaughter began. First thing that happened was 2 or 3 squads threw satchel charges or rifle grenades at the Panther knocking it out instantly with a big BANG! all the while the rest of the squads were mowing down the German squads in a massacre similar to the Buldge Massacre. All the shooting was over within 25 seconds. Needless to say the AI surrendered after that. I have a screen shot of my troops massed up on the hill from Turn 16, right before the Germans showed up. But I have no way of posting it 'cause that juston.com site doesn't freakin' work! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  18. If you don't have any screen-capture software such as Hyper-Snap, then just hit the "Printscreen" key. Then exit/escape out of CM and then go to a picture viewer or photo edit program and then Edit-Paste it to the screen. (The image gets saved into the "clipboard" when you hit "Printscreen") ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  19. Yes, BTS really needs to do something about the "ghost" vehicles, when it comes to LOS through them. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  20. Well, since I received my new SB Live! card a couple weeks ago, it came with sveral games. I'm playing Need for Speed High Stakes to pass the time till next week. Besides I like getting chased by cops. In Hot Pursuit mode that is. But yeah, once CM arrives, I don't think I'll be playing much else for a while. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  21. I think this all goes to show the complexity of BTS's armor penetration algorithms. Or it could be just "That **** happens." Hell, I had a Sherman survive a couple 88 FlaK hits in Reisberg in a Hotseat game many months ago. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-10-2000).]
  22. Diablo II has gone Gold also. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi: Well, there are 50% women in the population so therefore half of us are females. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahhh, I remember that one! Good one. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  24. Honestly, I downloaded it the day it came out and only played it a couple of times. Just got frustrated with its "gamey" play. A couple of weeks ago, I deleted the whole thing. (The 280MB zip file and the 300 some-odd MB game and freed up a half of Gig) It just doesn't hold a candle to CM, even with CM's limited theater and time period. For one thing the LOS calculations are horrendous. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  25. I don't see a difference between a surrender when you know the game is over and the AI calling for a surrender when all you want is anoether one or two truns to brew up some knocked out vehicles or put the final nail in the coffin, so I wouldn't be too hard on people on this issue.
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