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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. I'd like to play the Germans and really show Monty why you can't sit around and drink tea in the middle of a war. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  2. Hey, better late than never. My 51 year old uncle is afraid to use his credit card over the net. Hell, Amazon.com knows me by name. As far as the percentage balance thingy, unfortunately, it can only be used on one side or the other, not both. I too, wish that you could boost both sides by a percentage. Would be a lot bloodier too, Muhahaha!!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: But,If thats the case then why does your armor units have to use the hunt command? They should already know where the enemy is. Why when creasting a hill do they have to "spot" an enemy unit and then transverse the turret to fire at them? He should already be pointing at them when he creast the hill. It was my understanding that if a unit is hidden or out of LOS of your unit, then your unit cannot see them, even if you can. Thats why it is good to make your enemy's armor button up. also the only way to close assault enemy armor and have any chance of success. Thats just my take on things. If anyone else has more info I'd love to hear it. Lorak <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, my understanding on the Armour Hunt Commnand is as follows. The Hunt Command is just another move command where as the initiative is to shoot before moving, or move until it sees a target and then stop and shoot. It's more of how the unit uses the initiative during a move. Move Fast is like "let's haul ass and maybe take a shot if we really have to" Move is like "we're moving out and we'll take a shot or two given the opportunity" Hunt is like "we're on the move and lookin' for targets"
  4. I like'em KwazyDog. I like the "speckled" woods bases. The Jagdpanther texture is awesome as well. I for one have a 32mb TNT2 card and I like those high res textures. It's what my card needs. It's hungry. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  5. Oh Lord, what is an Ironclad?? Well ol' chap, I'll tell ya. An Ironclad was a relatively low profile ship/boat made out of iron during the American Civil War. They typically had wooden under hulls topped of by an iron deck. Sometimes this deck was flat with cylindrical rotating turrets such as the Union's Monitor, others' decks had sloped armor built in kind of like one half of a hotdog bun. Oh well hell, here's a picture. The ironclads are the two boats in the foreground. Or here's some models of the two. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-06-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead: BTW, any chance of breaking the modpack up into individual textures for those of us without cable modems?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Com'on, you downloaded the 30MB Gold Demo didn't ya? What's 20MB?? I'm on a 56K too. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  7. Yes, you really can't go wrong with 32MB VRAM. That's why I love my TNT2 Ultra. I wouldn't waste my money on anything shy of 32MB right now. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  8. Click on the Smiles Legend (to the left) when you post a message and it'll tell ya every smiley option available to the UBB. Mr. Winky Mr. Smiley Mr. Big Grin Mr. Frown Mr. Embarrased Mr. Razz Mr. Mad Mr. Wow or Surprise Mr. Cool Mr. Confused Mr. Whatever To do things like bold and italics text go to this link http://www.combatsim.com/ubb/ubbcode.html It's Combatsim.com's page, but it has a few more things listed than Battlefront's does. ----------------- "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-06-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  9. To me. War is just the greatest form of Population Control. It's also just a contest of who's the baddest guy on the block. NOTE: No smileys were hurt in typing this message. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  10. This following statement stems from the statements regarding Mel Gibson's Patriot and Braveheart movies. When are the British gonna realize that that Colonialism is an out-dated concept? The United States broke away. India broke away. Hell, even Hong Kong went back to the Chinese. The sun never sets on the British Empire, huh, yeah right! people across the globe do not want to be ruled by some small island nation. Apparently the English people don't understand the concept of free will and freedom. Speaking of which, Monarchies are dead! The concept of a ruling King and Queen is totally ludicrous. You have one ruling person until they die?? Gee, talk about being static. I'm with Mel Gibson in his anti-British sentiment. Being from Australia, the so-called "penal colony" of Britian, I don't blame him for his film role choices. If anyone wants to know my ethnicisity, I'm part fascist-Italian (I wish I could say Sicilian, but I can't), and semi-Russian Lithuanian. But I'm first and foremost--American. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: I chose history, but my love of film is still there. So as someone who has interest and some schooling in both, I can tell you that the two articles quoted above make me yawn. Hollywood, and all other film production conglomorants around the free world, exist to do TWO THINGS ONLY: 1. Entertain 2. Make money Anybody who doesn't understand this is litterally out to lunch. Note that there is no third element, like "Educate" in the true balanced sense of the word. It simply is not part of what they do. I would no sooner expect Stephen King to have to write historically correct books than to expect SPR to be on target. As for that SPR review, I read it when it first came out and I think most of it is a load of crap I found it on the same site that ripped into SPR because they used the wrong chin straps... So... in conclusion here... so long as a Film does not promote itself as a Documentary, I don't have a problem with it. It isn't my fault that most people in the world get their "news" from the National Enquiror and the various British tabloids. Film = art, Documentary = fact. That is the way it works. Steve [This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 06-05-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well put Steve. As long as a film doesn't promote itself as a documentary, then there is no use in psycho-analylizing it has historical accuracy. The film was made to entertain based on some historical event. To slam SPR for not having British troops represented is not what the story of SPR was about. It was never intended to represent the British, just like it didn't represent the Canadians either. A film is ART unless otherwise stated. Simple as that!!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha: What do you call an American without a passport? Typical. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, maybe it stems from the fact that we don't have to produce "our papers" to go from state to state. Americans aren't used to driving 2 hours and crossing Country borders, which is what you got in Europe. I swear, if half the countries in Europe would combine together and form one country, then you wouldn't need a passport. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  13. Matt, could you not put each texture set into their own folders within the zip? You know like have a folder named 'JgPanther', one named 'grass' and so forth? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  14. Uhh, the last time I checked, the 7th came after the 6th. They were all off the beaches by the 7th. Hence, "The Longest Day". The Close Combat series, a great series of games?? Gimme a break! There's been many a dissusion on the CC series on here and they have come out laughable. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  15. Well, for the "Will CM be in stores?" question, we should refer them to the Battlefront.com Manifesto. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  16. I think this has been taken care of already by someone else. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  17. Really I think you guys are gonna make a boatload on this game. At ~$50 a pop times probably several thousand, judging by the Gold Demo download counts. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  18. You ain't ****tin' Babra. I have come to that conclusion as well. I mean when a new junior member, new as of the Gold Demo, comes in and starts nit-picking about things which have been discussed time and time again and answered by many of us including BTS, and is so stubburn and hard-headed that they don't submit to the answer then they don't hold much credibility in the community. WOW!! What a run-on sentence that was!
  19. I am sick of all of this complaining and whining. The fact of the matter is that all of this has been discussed before even before the Gold Demo came out! MG, you mentioned a MG42 with the 50-round assualt magazine. Well that is what version a regular squad would have, so therefore it would be able to keep up with the squad. But a HMG crew with 50-lbs of ammo has to move a bit slower for every member of the team to stay together. Without cohesion like that you get a situation like Pvt. Opum got into in SPR. With the ammo carrier lagging behind gets people killed. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-05-2000).]
  20. the "Auto-Surrender" thread of a while back, where SS_PanzeyLeader would simply not get the simple answers that people were telling him. Substitute MG (what's his face) for SS_PanzeyLeader, and there ya go!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  21. Well I'm sure they would in either case even if the "Abandon AFV" order WAS in. Hell I do that now in my scenarios so I can save casualty points. Somewhere I read that crews are worth a lot of victory points, so I high-tail them out of there whenever possible.
  22. Or he may be engaged in a stupid email exchange trying to piss on someone's parade or beliefs. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  23. This sounds like a Rob/1 topic. 'Cause we all know that Rob/1 is Capt. Manieri's brother. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  24. Here we go again with a little platform war. DON'T you guys realize that this is a PC world??? Think about it. How many Mac commercials do you see on TV?? There is just so much variety of hardware on the PC. With the Macs, you just have a small assortment of different processors. And what's with all the Sprockets and stuff??? Geez, talk about a pain in the ass. "Well, lets see, to run this game I need this version of Sound Sprockets, that version of Game Sprockets." Hasn't the Mac Community figured out that its the software and not the hardware that makes things work?? Guess you guys didn't see "Pirates of Silicon Valley" ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  25. Yes, if it wasn't for the "young" nation of the United States, Britian would be speaking German now. Zeig Hail, anyone? Geez, for such an "old" nation, you'd think you'd get a little better in warfare by now. We are really tired of bailing you "Englishmen" out of a jam. Speaking of a jam. French/English/Belgium forces slugged it out in the trenches for years in WWI. The US showed up and the War was over in less than a year. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
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