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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Umm, the snow and mud on the tracks have been in the game for quite some time. It was featured in the very first Intro Movie on the JgdPzIV. But, HEY!! Love the patch fixes. These new explosions are really gonna raise the immersion factor. Ooops, Matt beat me to it again. On a personal note. Matt, love the look of CMHQ with the camoflauged side menu with the captions under each choice and the new AFV graphics on each feature. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-09-2000).]
  2. Great lookin' site Moon! I see you've already got some scenarios/operations set up for download later. Lookin' good there too. Can't wait! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Old Blood & Maximus has repeatedly admitted on this forum that he was an unbeliever and only pre-ordered in January. I think it is a bit cheeky of him to now ask for express delivery. "Get back in the queue!" is what the huddled masses of those of us who preordered earlier shout at him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now, now, Andreas. I ordered the day after I downloaded the Beta Demo. I downloaded it late one night and then installed it and played it the next day. I was instantly hooked, so I ordered then. When I first ran across CM last fall, it was still in Alpha and I'll be honest. I was not impressed. Then one night, early this January I clicked on one of those "Battalion is ready. Are you?" banners and low and behold the Beta Demo was available. I've already stated what I did next. At least I wasn't like some people on here, meaning being veteran members to the board and still had not pre-ordered up until a few weeks ago. I was sold as soon as I played the Beta Demo. All smiles on this PC were executed while trying to sneak on the screen. But anyway, thanks Steve for clearing up the bridge question. I asked that because I have some scenarios in mind that I could create. How tall is the "tall stone bridge"? How many elevation changes is there between the top and bottom? OK, now just a short snippet on Market Garden and Monty. I believe the biggest contributor to the failure of capturing the Arnhem bridge was that XXX Corps slacked-ass around while the US, British, and Polish Airborne units were fighting for their survival in their respective drop zones and fields of operation. I mean how long can armor-less airborne infantry hold out against Panzer units? That really sums it up. The "Garden" contingement of the Operation failed to complete their mission. It seems like there was a lot of waiting between the time the Airborne units completed their assignment and the arrival of XXX Corps. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-09-2000).]
  4. The main problem with the sneak command as I see is that they don't tend to fire while they're sneaking. Seems like one of my first games from the Gold Demo I encountered that. They will fire as they move only in "move" and "run" modes, I think. I think that's right, right? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  5. Would make sense wouldn't it? If a crater graphic can show up, why not paste a penetration hole on an AFV? This of course, would have to wait for a patch. I for one know what you mean. A recent game of CE I played, one of my Shermans got knocked out directly behind the Church and I NEVER saw where the projectile came from. In fact the Sherman should have been out of LOS from anything. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  6. You know, that's a damn great idea!! If they can put a little binocular set in their hands, why not a radio pack on their back?? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  7. Which version of "The Longest Day" did you watch? I have the 50th-Anniversary color version which came out back in 1994. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: the fire graphics and smoke are posterboarded, like smoke and trees. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Posterboarded, as in like, they look the same from any angle?? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  9. Yeah, I knew there had to be some sort of a modifier as far as battle progression went. 'Cause like I said, I received my German reinforcements in Turn 9. I don't think I've ever seen them come in that early. Anyway, by that time I had already slaughtered over half of the American infantry and knocked out all 5 Shermans. There came a time where only the American reinforcement platoon was the only opposing force and by that time I had my infantry running up on their entry point. But thanks Steve, you answered some questions that I wasn't sure about either concerning the reinforcements in the editor.
  10. I'm going on a over-nighter or two trip next Friday and it would be nice if I could take the manual with me and have something to read. And the bridge question... What types of bridges are in CM? OK, so far we've seen the one in LD, and the one in the Jagdpanther POTD from the other day. Are there Arnhem-type or Remagan-type bridges as well? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  11. Why waste time and money on Cable TV when they could easily wire up Satellite TV? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  12. If I'm not mistaken they are quite expensive. Something like $300 or more.
  13. I would like to see a battle where the Allies faced the Axis.
  14. Just out of comparison, the driver version at the Diamond site is The reference driver at the Savage News site is 8.20.18 also, so it IS the same. Glad to help. Hopefully this will give you full visual effects for the final game. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  15. 7-3-99. That might be your problem. Those drivers might not be DirectX 7 compatible. Ahh!! Found what you're looking for! Go here: http://www.diamondmm.com/customer_caretechnical_supportdriversS3_Gra phic_AcceleratorsSavage4_%28395%29.htm Latest driver is 5-4-00!! Or go to here: http://sdn.fgn.com/files.shtml [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  16. What's the brand name of your card? Maybe I can hunt down a driver page for your card.
  17. Well your ground graphics are WAAY blocky and pixelated. Also your smoke is the "fast and compatible" type. Is that really how you see the game as it's played? I use a 32MB Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra and get very good graphics. Full transparency and smooth ground. Have you updated your drivers? Surely with a 32MB card you should get better graphics than that. No offense whatsoever in this post just trying to help you out.
  18. On a technical note, Babra, what video card are you using?
  19. Well, one thing is for sure. Bil Hardenberger is no Monty from the latest AAR. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mad_Merse: Does the CM editor give you the ability to set what I'd call triggered reinforcements, i.e., reinforcements that occur only after some event? An example might be a mechanized force that arrives 20 minutes after the attack of a specific friendly unit or location designated by the scenario designer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As far as I know...No. Reinforcements arrive around a specific turn with a certain percentage based on how the battle is going actually. Kinda like, if the battle is going extremely well, then the reinforcements might arrive on the early-most turn to "push" the attack. If the battle is going poorly, you will get the reinforcements later, if not at all. 'Cause why reinforce a lost cause? However this is still based on a percentage of probability. ex. If the reinforcements are scheduled to arrive by turn 10, but the battle is going poorly, they may not arrive until turn 15 with the probability going up after each turn. It's like a die roll. The higher the percentage, the more likely they will arrive, but I think there is a modifier in there based on how the battle is going. ex. Battle is going bad, -30% modifier. Battle is going good +30% modifier. I received my German reinforcements on Turn 9 in CE the other day, 'cause I was kickin' some serious booty. That's the earliest I've ever seen'em in CE. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does the CM editor allow you to assign an initial default path or movement state to reinforcements. Example: the reinforcement moves at running/move speed until it reaches a specific waypoint that is pre-scripted by the scenario designer. Until the unit is fired upon, spots an enemy unit or reaches the waypoint, it moves along the path without the tactical AI kicking in to alter its movement.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Simple answer no. You can't pre-assign anything that isn't on the board. Although don't quote me on this, but as far as I know, it doesn't allow this sort of scripting. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does the scenario editor allow the designer to assign probabilities of appearance for reinforcements or air strikes?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, answered in depth from the first question. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does the scenario editor allow for random unit selection for reinforcements? Example: 2 German tanks are scheduled to appear on turn 6, .5 probability of PZIV-H with schuertzen, .5 probability of PZIV-H without schuertzen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that I'm not sure of. I don't think so, but it could. Just have to wait and see. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If so, might any of these features make it into CM2? Most of these editor features would really come into their own on the East Front when the Germans depended a lot on trip wire defenses coupled with a mobile "fire brigade" of forces to deal with Soviet penetrations or attacks by partisans on supply lines.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually your questions were pretty good. Although I'm not a Tester, from what I understand, there has been no mention of the initial movement or trip wire defense thing you've mentioned. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  21. Pvt. reporting for duty, sir! Sgt. says, "Get you and your tongue back in line Private!" [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  22. I think most of us play it because it is the best tactical wargame ever created and that it will have infinite replayabiltiy, something that a lot of other games don't have. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  23. What?? He doesn't like the Ultimate Bulletin Board system? I guess, he just needs to go back and fire up his Commodore 64 or something. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  24. Yes jgdpzr is right about the 'fausts. At 30m, wouldn't you be able to see the 'fausts being carried by the infantry? From Hidden & Dangerous experience, the sniper can easily see what kind of weapon a soldier was carrying. Since a 'faust or 'schreck is about 1m long, they should be visible at 30m. Your other suggestions about "blind fire" makes sense though, for I find that the AI Sherman 105s tend to pop smoke alot. And "Disregard Infantry" command would definitely come in handy. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: I would also like to thank them as well and I would suggest that if EVERYONE of us who totally enjoys this game was to order just one MORE copy of the game for ourselves, BTS could theoretically DOUBLE their sales over night... Just a thought from someone who is completely addicted to this game. -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I got a better idea! Why don't we all buy a second computer and then buy another copy of CM, then we could double our wasteful spending. I mean I'm a fan of CM as much as the next Forum member, but let's get real. Why would I buy a second copy unless I really had to? I don't think I'm gonna buy 2 copies of Diablo II or Klingon Academy. If my CD gets damaged later on, then yes, I'll re-order, but until then one copy is plenty. I think we'll do more good if we can get just one more person each, by word-of-mouth, to buy a copy. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
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