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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha: It's always fun to remind our American friends that their first president was actually an Englishman...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but he kicked some British arse to become American. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  2. Well probably true, but the system doesn't quite work like this. Even since there isn't always a company commander for all the platoons since the force load-out is varied greatly. Company and Battalion Commanders work as follows... They are considered "back-up" commanders as for when the Platoon Commanders aren't in C&C range. They also make good rallying points for routed or broken squads. Keep them off the fron line and any routed troops that run near the CO or BN Commanders will stop to rally with them. However, the command bonuses between all three levels of HQs AREN'T accumulative. Once a lower level HQ gets control of the unit, the higher level commander's bonuses are neglected.
  3. Not only does this game come with an editor, but a quick random battle generator. Just tell how much of what (hills, trees, buildings, etc.) you want in it and it'll generate a battlefield for you. But for a example of just how powerful the editor is, go visit CMHQ at combathq.thegamers.net and then check out the Special Event "DAM". The dam was created by just tweaking the elevations of the "sidewalk" terrain tile. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-05-2000).]
  4. I'll have to come to JeffRaider's defense here. Doesn't MarketGarden ring a bell to anyone? XXX Corps to be exact? While the American Airborne units were fighting dilligently in Nijmegan and else where, XXX Corps found it kosher to stop off for tea. Only because they felt they were "ahead" of schedule, when they weren't! Let's not even bring up the Caen debacle. While the Amis were slogging it through the hedgerows and taking heavy casualties in the West, Monty was taking his good ol' time taking Caen. Bottom line is that in times of war, the best way to prevent casualties is to attck and attack quickly. Not sit around or attack in a defensive posture. Patton himself would tell you that. "We're gonna run through him like crap through a goose!" Gawd, I could just see how the Gulf War would have gone if England was the leader. Faulklands anybody?? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  5. Well if your Commonwealth forces are under the command of Monty, then you'll spend most of your time sitting around drinking tea and eating crumpettes, while Eisenhower and Patton are out there winning the war. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  6. Mark IV, I've got a screenshot of the German bloodbath I created up on that hill. I'll send it to ya if you give me your address. Yes the grenade throwing in that close quarters woods combat is awesome. Funny thing is that since I was up there before the Germans were the Germans called down their 81mm bombardment there, except most shells hit over their troops. I just played another game of CE and a similar thing happened, but as soon as I spotted their Arty spotter, I tracked him down and shot him up with MG fire from the church. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott Clinton: "...how often is that going to happen..." In clear weather? Never. In rain, snow and mud? All the friggin time! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh yeah, DOH! Sorry, wasn't thinking past CE. You're right. My mistake. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  8. Oh man, it was a total slaughter!!! I played the Amis and by like two turns past the turn where I got my reinforcements, the Germans surrendered. 84 to like 15 or something. I tried a little something different this time and it worked like a charm. I was almost going for a perfect game, but I did take about maybe 20 casualties w/ 2 knocked out Shermans due to a damn tough StuG (ricocheted shots galore). Well anyway, I think the coup de gras was on like Turn 15 or so. Had the Germans retreating their infantry groups off the map 'cause I had my 3 remaining Shermans as mobile MG posts. What was funny though was that a lone Volks squad was running behind by lines and surrendered, with only 1 casualty and 7 in good health, when he realized that he was cut off. For the hell of it, I sent the Co. HQs down to take pop shots at it with their pistolas. Then to finish it off I sent a Sherman into LOS with it and hammered it with HE till he died. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  9. Good point! But that sounds like another one of those countless things we've all discussed before that isn't that big of a deal in the long run, therefore isn't worth fixing. Although I see your point, but how often is that going to happen, really?? Maybe once or twice out of ten sessions??
  10. You know, I don't know. It might be one of those surprises we're in store for. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  11. Eewwwoooo, boy! That is a touchy subject around here. We've discussed that before and the thing is that the majority of those "servers" pirate software. The simple answer to your question though is "No chance in hell." For BTS to allow a high-bandwidth server to carry CM would be in direct violation with the Battlefront.com Manifesto. I suggest you read this and then you'll understand why BTS is only offering CM to be sold directly through the web. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  12. I've got a problem with me right foot going to sleep while on me throne. (Best Australian acsent) Damn thing catches me right under me thigh. But just a quick question....What is going to be in the manual that we veterans don't know about already??? Other than data tables and equipment lists and such? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  13. Well actually that is a good question since the manual is so big. But I would imagine that the game will probably be shipped in one of those sealed padded envelopes, UPS friendly of course. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  14. Or you can try view #2 and get an angle where you can see the unit and the bottom floor of the building. (This assumes you already have the unit within the building.) Then when you plot the move, the system plots it to the bottom floor. Now say you want your MG unit in the top floor's corner--plot the waypoint to the bottom floor's corner and then the "Floor selector" window comes up and then select "Top floor". This will move the in-progress movement line to the top floor corner. It's really an easy concept, but if you haven't figured out in-building movement yet, then it is a bit confusing. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  15. The AFV news site is really cool. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  16. Well Joe Shaw, I'll give credit where credit is due. That was pretty good. BTW, that is how I operate. I'll give credit where it's due, but I will also tell you if you suck, when you do. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  17. Well, an early report has the required HDD space listed as 50 MB, but I doubt that's accurate now, even since the Gold Demo is ~50 MB with just the BMP folder, WAV folder, and .exe file. I'd say the full version is probably gonna be around 200-300 MB. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  18. I'd go with at least a TNT2 Ultra card. Better image quality and full transparency effects. Voodoos have trouble with the transparencies. CM has building and smoke transparencies. I have the card mentioned and have no problem with the transparencies. The Diamond Viper V770 is one such and popular card. Some people will probably suggest a GeForce2, but for the money, a TNT2 is a good start. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-04-2000).]
  19. All of which you said is true, but how are you gonna code up the 2nd two points about the bursting of tires and "busting of paths"? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  20. I'll probably go take a good healthy ****...ohhh, you mean when we get the game. I'll probably look at the editor as well, and just see what all the units we have to choose from.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted: For the people overseas (from the US mainland that is): I'll bet within a day or two of the players here getting the game you'll start to find plenty of home grown scenarios at various sites that should hold you over until the game reaches you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here again, same applies to what I said earlier. Scenarios made with the full version WON'T work with the Demo, otherwise you could just have the demo and keep downloading new scenarios without ever buying the game. The Demo only supports what's in the Demo. Nothing more, nothing less. However, the scenarios in the Demo can be transferred to the full version. CE is already in there, but VoT won't be. So you can just copy the VoT file to the full version and whoopee. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-04-2000).]
  22. Yeah Juju, my friend, we're all just having some fun and a good chuckle. Anybody figure out what "Weater" is yet?? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-04-2000).]
  23. Of course we'll all know when we figure out what "Weater" is.
  24. No, I think they're more of a pink-ish hue. You know with all that white stuff intermixed with the red stuff. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  25. If I'm not mistaken, that Villers-Boccage scenario will be either on the CD or for immediate download.
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