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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: I guess that some of us are still dreaming about Fields Of Glory. It was so bloody. Some scenarios were real slaughterhouses and the animations were good for that time. Loved it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey I loved that game! It *was* a good game for its day. The computer I had at the time couldn't handle it very well. Tended to be slow when cannons went off and musket vollies fired. IIRC, I think it was my old original PC, a 386-33MHz with a whoping 4MB of RAM. Wished someone would do another updated version of it. I didn't think Talonsoft's Battleground series with the Napolean battles did it justice. I'd like someone to keep the original feel to Fields of Glory and then give it at least an isometric view with higher res and detail soldiers with unique uniforms. Then include a Waterloo Campaign like Fields of Glory was. And also a Russian Campaign. And since I'm not a Napoleonic Wars expert, any other campaigns he was involved in. If done right, and the AI was very good. And the same turn/execution phase like in CM were there, I'd buy this game in a heartbeat. BTS, if you're listening, if you can find time inbetween further CM developments, a game of this magnitude would be greatly appreciated and fun. I tried the Dragoon demo a while back and I could not for the life of me, figure out the interface. ------------------ Finally........Maximus...has come back.....to the Forum!!! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-12-2000).]
  2. Well, as for troop strength advantage. The only way I see it needed is maybe +25% in favor of the Germans in VoT. It's too easy to win as the Amis with 50-50 odds. I played the Germans with +50% and totally annihilated the Amis. Defending with the Germans with no advantage, I usually get my ass handed to me. I actually haven't tried with +25% but I feel that would bring the odds a little closer together. ------------------ Finally........Maximus...has come back.....to the Forum!!!
  3. What the??? They didn't pop up the second time??? Oh well, how 'bout this one?? ------------------ "Finally, Maximus has come back to BTS's UBB!" "If you smell...what [bMaximus...is cookin'."
  4. Lets try this again. Dammit, smilies don't work in signature!! ------------------ BEWARE: I run a small army of , so if one goes AWOL, don't blame me. They usually like to wander into stupid threads. One day, my other army of are going to play wargames against each other. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-12-2000).]
  5. **Signature test** ------------------ BEWARE: I run a small army of 's, so if one goes AWOL, don't blame me. They usually like to wander into stupid threads. One day, my other army of 's are going to play wargames against each other.
  6. Whoops, another one of my Pvt. has gone A.W.O.L. BTS received the CDs last week. They are waiting for the manuals which are expected to be in their hands sometime by mid-week. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted: There’s only one part I don’t get, the part after…. “ONCE AND FOR All”<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean the part about "Turn on your thinking caps?"
  8. No matter what the price of a Voodoo 3000 is, I wouldn't waste my money on one. I have a 32MB TNT2 Ultra and love it for its image quality even though it may be a little slower than Voodoo. It's like the difference between 32-bit Sony Playstation graphics and 64-bit N64 graphics. CCJ is correct in that 3Dfx takes shortcuts to produce better framerates but the image quality suffers. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  9. This is exactly why you see one of my troops from my Army of every now and then when people ask the same stupid questions over and over again. But appreciated the clarification on this. I doubt I will ever use it, but good to know if the opportunity arises. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  10. LOL! You saw Shanghai Noon too, huh? Wasn't that bad of a movie. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Surrender is never forced when reinforcements are still on the way. Charles<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can attest to this, as for a game of VoT I played the other day where I had the majority of my troops up on the hill just waiting for the Germans to pop up and I slaughtered them when they did.
  12. There is a Saving Private Ryan parody over at Atom Films called "Saving Ryan's Privates". Beware...it is intended for mature audiences that can handle poddy humor. You can buy it and a whole slew of their humorous short films on DVD for $19.99 or $12.99 on VHS. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  13. No, I'm not leaving like you might think. Can't get rid of me that easy. What I meant was that once I get the game, I won't be checkin' this board very often. Gonna be playin' CM till I'm blue in the face!!! , oh you get the picture!!!!!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  14. No....he said, and I quote...."It means vary little." He did not say, "It varies little." ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  15. One major playing feature that I can just not get over is the complete ineffectiveness of the MG42s. I mean the firing of the K98s were the only weapons that the SP German squads could hit anything with. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  16. Completely incorrect??????? OK, so the original code was not sold. Big deal. But from what I understood from the Matrix Games Forum was that SSI/Habro wouldn't even allow them to make CD copies to distribute. So the only way to distribute the game was a free download. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  17. Ain't that the truth. Why Walter, do you think that the manuals will be further delayed??? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  18. REALLY?? They are really going to ship by the U.S. Postal Service? Great! That means I'll get mine within 2-3 days of when mine ships (whatever day that is). It usually takes UPS 3-5 business days. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  19. It means you made 31 posts. WOO HOO! Great isn't it?? Now you get to buy everyone a second copy of CM. EDIT: Oh figures, Rob/1 chimed in with another misspelling to boot. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  20. Well as the former Ol' Blood & Guts, I must chime in. Yes SP:W@W is a free game. What happened was Matrix games was sold the original SP code and was allowed to alter it as they did to make W@W. However they couldn't charge people for it because the parent company, SSI/Hasbro, would not allow charging due to some legal reason by the SSI/Hasbro executives. Personally, I downloaded it, played it a little (VERY little) and deleted it. CM puts SP:"Anything" to shame. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  21. Ahhh, haven't been following the forum for sometime now have we? BTS has the CDs, they arrived last week. They are waiting for the manuals. Sometime this week of the 12th the manuals will arrive and shipping will begin. So the first deliveries could be as early as late this coming week. Others will be early next week. As for the demo scenario question is a definite NO! That has been discussed many times before with the same answer. I won't go into the reasoning. But with the release coming this week, you won't need another scenario for the demo. Moon's new site Games of War already has several new scenarios and operations ready to be released when CM ships. Also BTS already has a patch v1.01 ready to be released when CM ships. This patch fixes several problems that have been discovered with the Gold demo. It also changes the the explosion graphics to include fire within the transparent shockwave. See CMHQ's New Feature section for this. Madmatt and KwazyDog will also have a tweaked graphics and sound mod ready to download at time of release. These new textures are of a higher resolution than that of what's in the game. They've even changed the tree graphics and tree tile graphics. Go check them out on CMHQ's recent POTDs. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  22. kump, you are absolutely right! CM is the only wargame system that has captured the combined arms tactic as well as this. CM is actually more of a Infantry game than a Armor duel game like it tends to be in SP or Talonsoft's Campaign series. Without CM's infantry, the game would be over in a very short time. This is mainly due to the small scope of battles in CM, ie. Battalion sized-battles and smaller. 'Cause even in a battle the size of VoT, with only a total of 7 tanks total (with no % advantage) the game would only last a few turns until all the tanks got knocked out. The real joy of CM *is* the infantry fights. In fact, usually, if all your infantry gets chewed up, the game is basically over. 'Cause without infantry support the remaining tanks won't last long. I played a PBEM game several months ago, I still had two Shermans left, but very little infantry to do anything with. I surrendered. The enemy had plenty of infantry left so it was only a matter of time. This game teaches you that the tank isn't the "super-weapon" that everyone thinks it is. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-11-2000).]
  23. I agree with Babra and Manta Ray. The turning point/deciding factor was the Mediterranean victory and Naval/Amphibious victories in the Pacific in 1942 along with the shear industrial might of the United States. For the argument concerning the victory at the Battle of Britian, the mainland invasion of Europe could have as easily come from Italy. The offensive could have circled around the Alps up into France or over to the Balkans. They would have taken longer, especially the Balkan way, but it could have been done. The fact that the Russians came on strong certainly did help. I don't deny that. The whole reason, in my opinion, that Germany lost the War is that it started so many "jobs" that they couldn't finish. ie. They didn't shore up the British Isles before invading Russia. They invaded Russia too late in the year. (Had they invaded in early spring, they may have captured Moscow by winter.) The Mediterranean theater is a little more complex. I don't really see a better way they could have done that. They just got their butts defeated in battle. Of course, all this tends to happen when a country goes on a world-wide expansion kick. Finish one job before moving on to the next. And that's all I got to say about that!!! 'Cause Stone Cold said so!!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: And it's not fixed since it aint broke! This was a conscience design consideration due to many factors which have been gone over time and time again...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ohh, OK. A design decision. Good enough for me. Let's carry on.... ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  25. I ask this with also a question about what makes a dead AFV solid?? If the correct physics can be applied to dead AFVs, why not live ones? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
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