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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Yep, what Steve said! ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  2. A show on the History Channel. Apparently it's a series (or one-time show) of historians asking "What If" in historical events. The 2 hour episode that was on tonight, Friday, detailed the 20th Century Wars. One interesting point was concerning WWI. The historians had an interesting viewpoint on the way Britain joined the War. They said that if Britain hadn't declared War on Germany and left France to fend for itself that Germany could have easily won the war, preventing Germany's "bad taste" after their eventual loss in 1918. So therefore there would have never been WWII!! Germany invaded France for France's territorial gain (Alsace-Lorraine) from the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Then they went on to follow Hitler's regiment and they said that Hitler narrowly escaped death several times. One where only 1200 men from his group survived out of (didn't catch how many) and one was of course Hitler. Actually Hitler could have been a world renowned artist if he was good enough. Then in the Battle of Britain, if the German bomber group didn't accidently drop their bombs on London, the Germans would have probably beaten the British. For Churchill decided to bomb Berlin which infuriated Hitler causing Hitler to change the plan to commence bombing Britain's cities. If Hitler didn't get infuriated, then the plan would have never changed. Those are just some of the examples. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-17-2000).]
  3. . . Damn!!! Would you look at that??? A entire platoon from my Army of are out on R&R again!! One more time, desert fox! There will be NO MORE scenarios for the demo. All these scenarios/operations that you see posted on sites are for the FULL VERSION only! ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-17-2000).]
  4. OK, this may seem second nature by now, but it might be helpful to the newbies. Since CM demonstrates that TANKS aren't the super-weapons on the battlefield, some different thinking has to take place. First of all, tank production practices were different between the Allies and the Axis. The Axis tended to have big, heavily armored tanks that were usually the king of the battlefield when they were first developed or deployed. But since they were so big and heavy, their production was miniscule compared to the Allies' tank production (later in the war). So the Axis had to work with a numerical inferiority, but they usually had better equipment. So what this translates to is that on the battlefield, German armor has to have massive infantry support to scout ahead and for close-in protection. However, Allied armor needs infantry support as well, but not quite the extent of German armor. With the Allies' superiority in tank production led the Allies to have a huge overwhelming number of tanks on the battlefield. With this superier number of tanks, the Allies can afford to lose some, but still take out a pesky Panther. So how does all this translate to CM?? Basically, for the Allies, use tanks enmasse. Especially since the turret traverse speeds of the Sherman series is much faster than about anything the Germans have to offer, a group of Shermans can usually take aim and fire a volley of shots at a opposing German tank or two before the German tank(s) can fire back. Now while commanding the Germans, have infantry probing ahead and finding where the opposing armor is. Also take a fair amount of anti-tank teams such as Panzerschrecks. Any lucky shots of Panzerschrecks or Panzerfausts will save you some trouble later. On the other hand, any lucky shots with bazookas without exposing your tanks will no doubt be to your advantage as the Allies. I could go on, but others will/can add to this. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: I cancelled my order in February when it became apparent BTS weren't going to be able to meet the "Winter 99" deadline I re-ordered again a few weeks ago, so I guess I'm last <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh that makes a lot of sense. But my bets are that Rob/1 will get it first. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: The beta scenarios (not CE though) will be included with the full game, AFAIK. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> IIRC, it was VoT that was not gonna be on the CD. But in any case, you can still just transfer the Gold demo scenarios into the full version. LD and RB will be on the CD. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  7. Exactly Moon. That's what I meant. It's not a matter of "face-value" but of using modifiers such as you suggested. I pull it off like that all the time in VoT. ------------------ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>--Ol' Blood & Maximus
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by grunto: Maximus, Please let me know when you find an opponent who is deploying isolated squads. I would like to meet him. -g- andy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't mean it as that there was a squad all by itself somewhere. What I meant was that if you attack from the flank, you'll face the flank's end squad instead of running straight into the face of all three squads. And given the highly irregular 3D lay of the land in CM, that isn't too difficult to do. Especially around crest lines. ------------------ "I for one, am pretty damn close to Genius"--Ol' Blood & Maximus [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  9. Well, Andreas, if you must know. I wasn't quite done with my analysis. I had to leave shortly after I posted that. I was going to follow it up with "other" things (in posts of their own) that you should do to make sure that the above tactic would work. I'll post my "other" thoughts when I collect them in a nice little package. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  10. Reminds me of the alien castle in the movie Krull ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  11. Hey guys, I'm basically referring to how he went over to the CC Forums and stirred up some ruckess. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  12. Oh I just gotta.... Nati-nail-ities? Jeff? But, if I'm not mistaken the Vehicle lists only said that the "Free French" drew from the American vehicle list. It didn't say anything about if the uniforms were the same. Aren't I correct? ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by der Bob: Hey Max! Thanks for the browser tip. By the way, have you ever considered switching to decaf for your afternoon "tea time"? I think Lewis did, and look at what a wonderful person he turned out to be when not under the influence of artificial stimulants. Give it some thought. der bob<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I was too for a while (a wonderful person), but then when something new comes up, like scenario downloads or patch downloads, everybody seems to forget how to run their computer. So what is a man to do? I mean as a Mac-user, shouldn't you know by now that a CTRL-Click is the same as right-click? As Ripley said in Aliens, "Have IQ's dropped slightly since I've been gone?" ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  14. OK!! For the record people, "Save Target as" and "Save Link as" are the same thing!!! The first one is the MS Internet Explorer command and the second one is the Netscape command. When a file downloads to the browser as garble then you have to right-click on the link and select one of the above commands. You can still designate where you want to save them. On my system, I have a folder set up called "CM Goodies". And within that folder I have sub-folders called "Scenarios", "Operations", "Sounds", "Patches", "Graphics Mods". I bet you can't guess where I saved the 1.01 patch earlier today?? I mean com'on people, do we have to keep explaining basic OS and browser functions over and over again? Geez!! ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  15. As the Leaders said in Desert Storm, "You always want a 4:1 ratio when attacking." That doesn't mean, you have to have a 4:1 overall troop strength to even think about attacking. It means that you want to attack a certain position with 4:1 odds. What I mean by this is that when you attack with infantry, lets say. A good tactic is to use a full platoon against one squad or team. For example, since most German squads are ~8-10 men, a platoon of 36 men can easily wipe out a German squad. Call it gang-raping if you want, but it works. Oh you may take a casualty or two, but you wouuld have wiped out 8-10 men. The way to really do this if you know where the enemy squad/team is, and then have a platoon massed somewhere ready to assault. Run all three squads at the one squad and I guarantee that you wipe it out. A lot of the time the defending squad will route and retreat which makes it easier to shoot a running squad than one laying on the ground. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  16. Look! I come from a family full of teachers, and bad spelling casts a shadow on the education system. To me there's no excuse for it. Especially if you come from an English speaking nation/area. Hell, even non-native English speaking people don't seem to have that much problem. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  17. Damn, that's truely awesome! Didn't know that they could go that high, but I knew that there shouldn't have been a smaller limit like 10 or 12. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  18. I doubt that seriously. His childish behavior is shing through a lot recently.
  19. I thinks he's working to top himself. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kraut: It's just a matter of time before the trolls show up and turn this one into a pile of stinky dung <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you calling me a troll? Well all I know, is that my friend was a huge CC fan, however, I never was 'cause I never could get into the top-down/real-time clickfest that CC was. As soon as I showed him CM, he was like "What's CC?" However, he was still not sold until the Gold Demo. He's just one on those hard-headed dumb-asses that doesn't get it until you slap him up side the head with your "little guy" Trust me, he won't take offense to that. But on the topic of the thread, My answer to the whole distributor/publisher question is Read the Battlefront.com Manifesto and that'll answer your questions. Unless you're some hard-headed prick CEO from a big named software company. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-16-2000).]
  21. Well, Steve, finally did what several of us, (but not me ) have been trying to get you guys to do for a while now. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  22. 4-6 days of time from shipping to Canada, my man.
  23. I know, but your's look so cool. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
  24. Oh PLEASE, Juju. ------------------ Don't mind me. I'm just a little ol' realist.
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