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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Doing some more C2 testing for US this time. On Iron mode (the one that seems to work) I notice that when a squad sees a bad guy and they get a chance they send the info up the chain so everyone has the info. The thing that I do not see happening is that the squad doesnt update thier own position on the map for the HQ. What I mean is...the HQ has a "?" on the map where they last saw the squad and they never get any position updates from the same squad. This small gap of info may not be a bug at all. Maybe it was just not important so it was never programmed into the C2 system.
  2. Still wish ever so much that we could insert our names into the mix at random like in Close Combat 2. It was always so interesting to see me or a friend of mine in the mix.
  3. Yeah...maybe a 45 degree angle max with no AI changes? This way it would almost never haandicapp the AI unless he parked his tank next to a tall building. After he took a nade or two the tac AI would back him away if he was still alive? Just a thought.
  4. My email is jameslandsfeld "at" ptd.net I cant remember my login name. Could you please email me my login name or change it to "Lanzfeld"? Thanks
  5. Thanks c3k, I figured that the rockets were just kaput from the tank blast. I just tested some more. I tried "Iron" mode and that seemed to work as it should. Then I tried "Elite" again and same problem as before. It seems that the units are NOT in com because they will not exchange info yet the icon and tree show in com. This MAY just be a bug in "Elite" mode?
  6. I have recently started to play around with the scenariio editor just to get a feel for it and I am having fun making some small "test battles" just to play with the Red and Blue toys. I made a small battle where I have Red vs. Red and one side (AI) has a few tanks running around a big town with no support and I control a 2 man RPG team just to run around and try to kill the tank. Fun stuff. First, a few questions on the C2 I am seeing: I play on Elite. My RPG team is conscript and they show NO radio. In the corner of the map I have the HQ unit and a few squads hidden behind a building because I had to buy them when purchasing my RPG team. No matter where my RPG team goes in the town I show that they are in contact with thier HQ unit via the "long range visual" icon. The one that shows the head and shoulders. Also, I have a green chain up to the top. Even when the RPG team is out of visual contact for 10 minutes plus the C2 is not broken. How do they have "visual contact" across the town? No LOS at all????? Related matter: Although I am showing the RPG guys "in contact", the tank that the RPG guys are looking at NEVER gets reported up the chain even after 30 minutes. The HQ never gets the red question mark where the tank is. This leads me to believe that the RPG team is NOT in contact despite the icon saying that it is. Am I correct here? I dont want to call "bug" if there is something I am missing. Last issue/question: RPG guys sprint across street trying to get flank shot on tank. One guy gets cut down by main tank gun BOOM! I see my rocket ammo get cut in half. No problem. Single RPG guy makes good and continues to fight. Later, after my single guy is out of rockets he goes back to his partner in the street to do buddy aid (but more so I need those rockets!!! ). He does the buddy aid and he picks up no rockets. Am I to assume that the rockets were damaged from the tank blast? Can we EVER get rockets from fallen comrades??? I just cant remember seeing this. Thanks guys
  7. Yankee, I am familiar with fire superiority. I have not heard of fire ascendancy. Could you please give a short explaination? Thanks
  8. I call them a fail because of the short burst length and bullet dispersion. Almost all actual combat footage on liveleak or youtube shows the 240's and saw's ripping quite a bit more then in the game. PS..Dont ask me what game I am playing. You know that this has been a problem forever.
  9. Agree Mg's in CMSF are a little bit of a fail. I hope they are adjusted for Normandy.
  10. Wow Steve... Only took 1 year and 2 months for you to respond! Is this the DMV? LOL... J/K..... can we have a CM:N bone???
  11. What about when you are playing against the AI? They need to be able to kill abandoned vehicles.
  12. Alan is on to something but we cannot have the AI ignore abandoned vehicles as there is still an interest in killing abandoned ones.
  13. Truck was about 90 degrees to shooter. I, too, own a 5.56, a 7.62, and a 7.62x39 for that matter and I have shot quite a few objects but not a vehicle. (Ohh....sounds like fun though!!!) Can someone put 140 rounds through the upper truckbed walls at 20 feet and the truck still run? Sure. But in combat nobody would do that. We are talking about 10 to 14 seconds of "end of Rambo movie fire" here and that would be spread around the whole truck. The shooter???...tired or awake, frail or gungho, wearing body armor or a thong...truck is dead. But I didnt know that the yellow state after the ceasefire meant the truck was dead. I thought it meant the truck was just immobile. If it does mean truck is dead then there is no problem. Although, like a few people here, I question the amount of .50 cal the trucks can take sometimes. EDIT: Thinking about it though...if a truck is immobile then what good is it? What is the difference between immobile and destroyed? (not on fire).
  14. John.....respect you and all but... 140 rounds of 7.62 from 6 meters is a truck kill. No way around it.
  15. Gosh darn it BF! Boneage now! Your CORE group needs somfing!!! PS...been drinkin...
  16. Current state is great. But it needs more tweaks. AT reloads before displace and such....
  17. Also, we dont' even know the name of this new game. If it was close certainly they would confirm the name CM:N or whatever they had in mind. Bummer, as I am really too worked up about WWII to wait that long! I am forced to start buying R/C WWII tanks from Tamiya to fullfill my thirst and that is an expensive habit.
  18. Impressive.... Not the same as 140 rounds going through it but impressive. Granted.....video is not exactly same situation but you get the point. The car is killed.
  19. Just had my 240 gunner unload over 140 rounds into an abandon pickup truck from 6 meters range and the pickup stayed green. I did a ceasefire to look at the pickup and it was yellow (damaged??). Really??? I know of no pickup that can withstand that much 7.62 from that close. This thing should have been kaput after 10 to 20 rounds of 7.62 (probably less). Bug? Anyone ever notice the uncanny ability of these trucks to absorb lead and keep running? I always suspected but this really highlights the fact that SOMETHING is wrong here.
  20. Exactly. Even well trained crews can be seen giving much longer bursts with a SAW or M240 in combat on youtube.
  21. No...your not crazy. I, too, would love some longer bursts. It probably isnt important enough, however, for BFC to devote time to right now.
  22. Or at least if said stryker with Mk-19 starts to reload in the middle of firing on BMP then the Tac AI will back the stryker out of LOS?? or is this already in there?
  23. If it were that easy it would have been done. Thanks for the reply Steve.
  24. Other Means, Did you ever hear anything back from them after you submitted the "problem".
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