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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. But what about triggering a blue ambush by splitting your red squad and sending the fodder ahead? Who cares if they die because they will reveal the ambush. Now I will agree that this is a true to life tactic but not for these red troops. (Syria). Also, if you split off a 2 man squad to cover an approach then, again, who cares if they die because the very fact that they died told you blue is comming that way. You may have honor and say you would never do gamey things but I can tell you others will.
  2. The 'harm" they could do is act as eyes on a flank or spoil a suprise attack or trigger an ambush because players would send them ahead or scout with them. Like Steve said, the Red side doesnt do this by splitting squads. Not in thier doctrine. They dont have to fight well to be used the wrong way.
  3. Hey Battlefront... I'll give you $10.00 for a Normandy bone. Getting desperate here. P.S. $10.00 bone must have meat on it.
  4. We are lucky. Steve said this is comming, at least for WWII.
  5. Great news Steve. Thanks. Now...do we address the issue of the "instant" pick up of said ammo? What I am saying is: shouldnt it take 10 or 20 seconds to aquire 1000 rounds of 5.56? This rather small gripe is probably not worth the programming time to make right.
  6. Yes you still have to play one side but you can see how the other side (AI) is executing your plans. Very usefull for us just starting to learn the editor!!!
  7. Also... For those who play WEGO it is no big deal to "manage" this. However, I would like to see squads pass around ammo to fellow squads in short supply.
  8. This is what is in the manual (page 133): "A scenario can have a Computer Player for either or both Red and Blue sides" The "both" part suggests to me that we can have an AI vs. AI battle. Am I reading this wrong? Edit: Yeah...the more I read it the more I think there is no AI vs. AI.
  9. Dont know if this has been requested or not... Please give us a Show/Hide covered arc key combo! The optic yellow discs are really hard to look at. Just killing the mood! and while your at it... I really miss the instant 180 degree covered arc key! (Now I know THAT has been requested!!!)
  10. Thanks for the replys. The editor is really an interesting thing that I am only now starting to explore. While we are on the subject... I can see (and love) the benifits of the "scenario editor" level of play. The one where I can see the other side play out the AI plan I made. Is there any way to make the AI play itself yet? I thought I read that in the manual.
  11. Lets say I make a battle with a small section of the map as an occupy area for both sides (human vs AI). King of the hill type battle. Now lets say I paint a part of the map for an AI group to go to and this destination is NOT the occupy area and this is the LAST order I give to this group. Will this group then, on its own, try to take the occupy area because it is the only thing on the map worth any points? Or do I need specific orders telling said group to go for the occupy area? What I am asking is: Does the AI have any sense built in to know that they need to occupy/destroy/touch something?
  12. Flame-throwers have to look just incredible! Have we seen a pic yet of a FT?
  13. Did we ever learn if hand-to-hand combat is in?
  14. You can do all that now with a little creative use of small movements back and forth while your smoke cloud developes (I assume that is why you want to wait?). After 4 or 5 of these little moves then your Stryker will stop and your troops will deploy. So it is: Forward to desired spot. Pop Smoke. Back 5 meters. Forward 5 meters. Back 5 meteres. Forward 5 meters. <<Do this Forwards and Back routine a few more times>> Stop Stryker. All the while troops had a Quick order to deploy so when your stryker stops for good out they go. OR... Just give your troops a 45 second pause while your ride drives them up and pops smoke.
  15. Thanks Slug88 I was fighting T-55's with lots of those blocks on them but none went off with a total of about 6 RPG hits. Just didnt happen. One of those things I guess.
  16. So true. So true. Good point. I look forward to a day when we can see the AI do things like this.
  17. Thanks for the info fellas... I play on "Balanced" for both graphics settings and I just had a big fight (My Red squishies vs. Red tanks) and I hit them with a few RPG's but no blocks were blown off. Bad luck a guess. As my ass was handed to me I will keep trying. BTW. Once your RPG's run out there is almost no way to kill those tanks! Not like WWII where a good assault can kill a tank.
  18. I cant remember... Can those ERA blocks be blown off on the graphics damage model? If so...what graphics level do I need to see this? Thanks
  19. I think someone said it before. The difference IRL between a quick jog and an all out sprint is not dramatic in terms of speed difference. Maybe 1/3 faster but quite a bit more on energy consumtion.
  20. I guess what I am saying is now as I play CMSF I find myself often envisioning WWII troops and weapons. I just cant wait to see the spewing MG42 and the chugging BARS and 30 cals... and all the goodies going at it. The M1 Garand squads plinking away and hearing the constant "Pings" before individuals reload. Zooks, Schrecks, fausts...all of it! I really cant wait!!!
  21. In the readme of the patch it says "Bradley IFVs and CFVs carry some 40mm grenades for their passengers". Now when I first read this I thought that we could resupply the assault teams with more hand grenades. After testing I find this not to be true. Am I to assume now that this is talking about extra grenades for the grenade launchers? If so, thank you for the addition. But PLEASE allow the boys to grab some extra hand grenades for the house to house action out of the Strykers and Bradleys. (Only if this is common practice IRL, of coarse.)
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