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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. More testing with US engineers. Very hard to get them to throw those charges. Some findings when they do throw (May or may not be fact): 1. Seems you must be only one action spot away. No further. Scary close to tank. 2. I cannot get them to throw over a wall. REAL SHAME as one of they only ways to get close to tank when you are out of smoke is to sneak up on target tank behind wall and hide where tank cannot see me. Then pop up and throw over wall to kill tank. Like I said, cant get them to do this. 3. Likewise I cannot get them to throw out of a buildings even when right next to tank.Again this is unfortunate because this is the other way to sneak up on them. Please others....add to the knowledge if you can!
  2. I just took the El Hawl map and put in my own units and red orders. Red has 2 T-62's and a platoon of green troops and a BMP-1. They start at one end of the map with orders to go to a a large area on their side of the city including the park. The end result is that everytime I play they go to a random different spot. Cool....I never know where I will find them. Good for AT practice in the city but also good for MOUT. Sometimes I catch them on the move, sometimes they ambush me. Also demostrates how easy tanks are to ambush in the city WITHOUT javelins. The T-62, however, is a hard bugger to kill! I have seen 5 SMAW shots hit from sides and rear and still no kill. Anyway....I just add whatever unit on the blue side a I want to test. Engineers, scouts, whatever..... If you really want it I will send it to you. It is a little unrefined because I just test with it. BTW...you should really learn to use the editor. I put this off forever but I am so glad I did as it is very rewarding now.
  3. This is without target orders. I am into testing right now so I come across things like this.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to post this mini review. I was thinking of getting this to fill a void until CM:N comes out but I will pass.
  5. In testing I had success with American engineers but I have not had MOUT troops do this yet. Also....the conditions required for the engineers to use the demo on a tank is not very straightforward. Not sure if it is required that they use ALL of their grenades first or not. Maybe this is to simulate the incredible bravery required to use the charges. Fun as hell testing this stuff!
  6. I was using the normal MOUT troops with the demo charges and in these pictures we have engineers. Maybe that is the difference? Testing on the way!
  7. Hmmmm....again British. Have we seen US troops do this at all?
  8. Steve could put an end to this question and I cant understand why he has not chimed in yet. Either its in there or it isnt.
  9. I am wishing that the AT guys shot like the MG guys and the MG guys shot like the AT guys!
  10. Well...I thought this would be very logical but I will explain anyway. If I have 5 AT assets I think it would be wise to shoot maybe 2 of them and see results. If tanks dead then you still have 3 more AT assets for, OMG, another tank!! If tank not dead, shoot again. At least wait 3 seconds before shooting ALL your AT. Same as shooting the whole clip out of your M4 at each target. Better to do a burst and see results. BTW: Tank died everytime. The point is squad shot all AT before first one even hit! or quick enough that you couldnt tell result from first hit.
  11. More testing here. Setup Marine squad with 75 meter ambush and rolled tank by them. Marines have 2 laws (M-72's) and 3 AT-4's. Marines fire 5(!!!) AT assets in less then 1 second at single tank. Repeat test 6 times. Same results. Dont you think they should hold on to some of these for later??? Now I know I can split my Marine squad but still. A little control fellas!!! Tweak needed? EDIT: I see this has been talked about a little here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=89596
  12. Digging up this question as I was wondering this myself. More to the point: Does the Abrams spot better when buttoned (high tech gadgets w/ zoom & IR & Therm...ect) or unbuttoned (eyeball...no zoom?)???
  13. This is correct. It is the same when you ditch a light aircraft. The last thing we would do is pop open a door and wedge a shoe in it. Impact is going to deform the hull and you may not be able to open a door after. Same concept with tanks....kinda.
  14. Which brings up another thing.... They seem to do buddy aid before they pick up the weapon. There are going to be times when I want that gun NOW and do the first aid later. Whats the point in trying to save a buddy if you all get shot in the process?!?!
  15. +1 Been here from the start. Test more then I actually play! LOL! Just what I like to do! BF...call me. I want to test beta CM:N
  16. Also CM1 seemed to neglect that, IRL, the poor bastard running up and tossing the bag-O-charges had a very good chance of getting caught up in the blast.
  17. I just realized that the demo charges these guys carry are not the same as, say, a satchel charge from WWII.
  18. Yeah... Just played with it for awhile and I could NOT get them to do it.
  19. I thought I read about this in another thread but I cannot find it. I had my Demo squad chasing a T-62 all around the park on the El Hawk map and they would use grenades on the tank and grenade launchers but never the Demo charges. Do I have to use the Blast command for them to close assault with the charges?
  20. Nevermind. I just figured out my login IS my email. Thanks Moon
  21. No....this is a UI bug. Nothing to do with misinformation. I will test some more.
  22. Steve... Did you see this thread? Can you comment on the "Elite" problem or has this been addressed already?
  23. Ahhhh...never used Rezexplode before. Do you know which .BRZ file it is in? Nevermind....I did them all. Thanks!!!
  24. I looked but couldnt find a string file. Could you point me the way?
  25. Is it editable? This string file you speak of???
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